What happened to all the philosophical parts from the anime? Why did I watch this meaningless garbage?

What happened to all the philosophical parts from the anime? Why did I watch this meaningless garbage?

The philosophy was always pseudo intellectual trash.

For those brief scenes where Batou completely stole the show.


It was essentially a tween anime movie.

>anime philosophy
>Character asks "What is the meaning of being human?" over a gratuitous ass-shot with a hyper-stylized male character in the background shooting jets of blood from his nostrils

scarjo is so ridiculously ugly

They changed the discussion to be human vs. machine. Then they showed corporations devaluing people...Because Hollywood doesn't know how to do anything else. They westernized the narrative to be like the movie I. Robot or A.I.

manga and anime is for tweens, there is no deep message.

the animes "narrative" is wow, robots are just like people! we should fuck them! augments! terrorists are bad keep them out of japan! yeah I could see that not working for a movie.

does loving her make me a robo-sexual?

GitS (2017) is an underrated masterpiece

You watched it because you're from reddit.

This. there's no depth whatsoever in the anime and it is not like a crime thriller sci-fi is a great setting to discuss philosophy in.

not about it being for tweens, it is written by a poorly educated (especially in the humanities) japanese author who doesn't understand the material he references.

I rather have pseudo intellectual trash instead of cliche trash that this movie gives.

Is she crossed-eyed like that in real life?

>animeredditors believe it actually had "philosophical parts".
Yeah, as philosophical as tipping your fedora and vaping

sexy isn't it?

is the current rip any good or should i just wait for the bluray one?

She's like a jewish mouse


fucking retards

i bet you look like johansson in that cover

It was good, you sack of shit. The anime was never deep, it just wowed people with good for the time animation and music. The movie does the same, good visuals and music and essentially identical action sequences

anyone claiming to dislike the live action adaptation because it 'doesn't follow the complex philosophical narrative of the original' is a complete and utter retard who will stop at nothing to try and justify his obsession with japanese cartoons aimed at teens

why u so upset? it just movie

i'm not. people are just insufferable and when they're weebs too, sheesh

It's not. I'm usually ok with hdrips on a computer screen but the shots are too visually busy and vibrant in terms of color for the rip to do it any justice; it often looks like a blurry mess where you can't make sense of much, especially in the action scenes. Plus there's a couple of instances where the frame freezes for 3 or 4 seconds at a time.

>and music
The music was generic sci-fi shit. It might be the single most disappointing thing about the movie. Kawai's rolling in his grave already and he isn't even dead.

In fact, for as much as the movie outright stole from the first GITS, the fact that it didn't steal the OST as well was its third biggest mistake.

very nice post

>mfw no cyberpunk gf

Scarrjo is literally so incredibly fucking hot in this movie.

This, the movie got me right in the feels. I actually have to do my best to avoid this movie, it makes me depressed.

Because you are a loser and a tool. No problem.

everything white hollywood touches turns to dumbed down racist shit.

>they didn't photoshop her lazy eye for the photo

Fucking why. It makes her go from ugly to hideous. Why would you put a giant wonky eye on your poster?

They fixed JLaw's lazy eye on the Passengers' poster.

it was a great B-movie just like "the gremilns" or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" I don't see why everybody seem's to think it would have done even moderately well with everyone

it was very clearly targeted to a specific audience,you could really see the passion that went into the world though

>that chase through the allyways while the hooded guy was invisible

>that drop-off the building & breaking through the glass

>that villain being a "failed" experiment

>Jews are white

Good joke

Does watching this ruin the real GITS movie? I only saw the GITS TV show.

They are white skinned and the whole race issue starts with skin color. The problem is that many white skinned races try to use the "im not white" argument as a reason to be offended and play the victim when in reality the whole race issue starts with skin color. They are not black. It's not their real problem.

In other words: Jews wouldn't run Hollywood and the world if they were dark skinned. Part of their success is being white skinned and being able to pass for a caucasian, non jewish, white person.

if you want to get technical,their skin is tan or beige, not white. Also black people tend to have brown skin.

What I mean is that people make a difference between light and dark skin and Jews usually have lighter skin, closer to white than to african.

I think it looks really cute desu.

It's not like the anime was a philosophical masterpiece, but it had enough depth to make it interesting and evocative.

Ranting about how anime is for children and how GitS is pseudo-intellectual trash just shows what an ignorant manchild you are.

If you want to prove me wrong, tell me what the movie was about and why it's pseudo-intellectual.

If you want to prove me right, respond with a meme.

Why not just watch the original instead?

What are they ripping off here?

The original is probably really awesome. Lots of awesome movies I haven't seen yet, because I'm saving them for a shitty day where I want to kill myself and need the big joys. Thankfully rare, but I like seeing even bad movies in theaters. I just don't want to ruin the experience of legit GITS.

pls yes or no?

The movie would have been alright if they cut out that generic evil white business man villain and it was just Kuze.

But they honestly should have just come up with an original plot or taken an unadapted part of the manga or something since it's obvious they had no ambition to meet or surpass the original. The end result now is that everyone is gonna recommend the anime movie over it any time people ask about it.

>it's obvious they had no ambition to meet or surpass the original
As if they could have.

>What happened to all the philosophical parts from the anime?

"we want the american audience" happened

it's still impressive to teenagers or people with the same mental faculties which is pretty much the target audience of anime

What are you expecting, a full treatise embedded into the movie? In a story much of the meaning is in symbolism and the events.

I watched the anime movie after seeing the ScarJo movie and it was pretty much a direct, scene-for-scene adaptation. I don't understand what everyone's complaining about. The only "deep" dialogue that stood out in the anime was Major's line about over-specialization and slow death. And the line "Where does the newborn go from here?" was pretty great, but the 2017 movie is not that bad.

I saw the 2017 one and then the original and it didn't ruin it at all. It probably made me appreciate it more.


this it all came from him.

It's absolutely still there, but it's much less subtle. At one point in the original anime movie, Kusanagi asks Batou if they can even trust that their memories stored in their heavily augmented brains are even real.

The live action movie took that conversation made it the focus. I thought it was an acceptable way to make something original without simply recreating the anime.

American are literally too retarded to understand anything that even pretends to be deep.