/DChad/ General: Dawn of Kino Edition

DChemo is the cure for Quipshit cancer

Ares God of war reveal in WW tv spot

John Stewart and Hal Jordan when?

>Lethal Weapon in space

I didn't see Ares

wait.. the rock is in these movies now?

10 seconds in

I didn't see Ares


I don't get why The rock would throw away his career like this.

Apparently he would play Black Adam.

Damn...Trevante Rhodes looks good.

No homo of course.

Yes he is Black Adam. He's been trying to get a Shazam movie made for 10 years. He's going to get his own origin movie then he's going to be the villain in a Shazam movie.

Guide on how to spot a marvel pajeets

>"Both universes suck"
>"Muh billions"
>"Muh RT"

He normally samefags and posts Laughing evans.

Not all marvel fans are bas, just marvel pajeets

Is he really leaving?

No. If he tried leaving they'd sweeten the pot since recasting Batman would be disastrous.

>ares reveal

because it was not obvious that ares will be in it from trailer one
>wonder woman
>world war
i wonder who the villain will be

holy shit

Its just his arm and a his sword.

>implying he has a decent acting career

Dude should've just stopped trying to do shit after wrestling.

>Currently the biggest star in Hollywood
>should have stopped after wrestling

what are you even on?

>what are you even on?
Disney's payroll

In the past 2 years, he's been in over 7 multi-million dollar films. He is King Midas right now and you think he shouldn't make gold.

I could go for this. But with it being Gardner and Stewart. Hal needs to be the guy they both hate and/or are jealous us.

I am legitimately more hype for this movie with every little reveal.

Anyone else think that at least some of the gods took the field in the Ancient War?
