
Reminder that Season 2 is excellent but Season 1 is absolute godtier kino.

S1 > S2 > Movie
So far, S3 is pretty good

Yesterday's episode was pure kino

I stopped watching twenty minutes in.

Going to rewatch later. As soon as it was out of the Minnie Soda setting I was turned off.


This guy having plot armor kinda ruins it a bit, so my vote goes to season 2. Dodd was the best.

You've got that backwards

I put to You, Sup Forums that Billy-bob Thornton is one of this generations most under appreciated actors.

He doesn't have plot armor, though. If anything, the black guy from Season 2 has way more plot armor than him.

Reminder that S3 is the best one so far

I don't understand why people love season 1 so much. It was decent, but there was so much dumb shit and pointless filler. I feel like it's been getting better every year. I liked Season 2 a lot, and Season 3 is off to a great start.

Season 2 was aiming to take Season 1 down by Episode 8 but then 9 and 10 happened. Season 1 was consistently excellent all the way through and had both a phenomenal start and a phenomenal ending.

That's just my opinion, of course.

Are you memeing or is it good? not started it yet and in bed with food poisoning

Both. We have no idea how Season 3 stands with the other two seasons that are actually finished. But so far, I'm enjoying it.

Reminder that shills are trying to keep the Emperor's New Clothes from disappearing because Hawley's hackery is currently being laid bare for those who couldn't pick up on it before so they're trying to keep the focus on the previous seasons. Even though they're just as bad.

I wish you'd turn yourself off irl

>I can help!

Agreed. Also, anyone who says the show is better than the movie is an idiot

>dumb shit and pointless filler
Elaborate. Fargo had none of this.

It has potential to be the best one, but it's still building up

Yeah it's not like they ever waste half of an episode indulging in a pretentious poorly animated elementary school sci-fi story.

>Season 1 is absolute godtier kino
Thornton made the season

The post I was quoting was talking about the first season.

Yeah it's not like the first season had stupid unoriginal shit like fish falling out of the sky or anything.