Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude...

>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.”
>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.


>what was in this for her

She got to fuck Da Caprio. What more did she need?


>what was in this for her

Leo's dick. Wtf else.


I'm sorry, but that's what a man does, fucking feminism.

this, do these cunts not realize how post-ironic it is that he's vaping and listening to fucking MGMT while getting laid

nobody with a minutia of brain cells functioning actually enjoys those things, he was playing the actor playing himself, enjoying the fruits of said actor's labors to get his rocks off

truly one of the greatest pieces of private performance art to have ever graced us

>>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change.
um...that's not how it works

>I don't like what is going on but I have full control of my body and the choice to stop and change the situation
>I'll just keep going and hope it changes

I'm a doctor and I like MGMT

I bet Leo doesn't even take his clothes off for anything less than an 8

Fucking based Leo showing those sloots what for!

>nobody with a minutia of brain cells

He should have asked her if she liked blue cheese.

>says a source whose BFF
Asking for a friend btw.

Dirty whores.

If some famous actress laid there on the bed, put on some headphones and started smoking, I'd still smash that vagina til my dick was raw.
Fucking women... What's wrong with them?

>I was the blonde with the nice rack, tight jeans, and oh so tan body
if a woman who describes herself like this actually exists, she deserved it.



Some virgin loser wrote that revenge fantasy

Last week in Singapore I paid a Taiwanese "masseuse" 150 bucks for the whole shebang, and she wouldn't even get on top for more than like 30 seconds at a time. It was late in the day, and I was already exhausted from traveling, and I felt my legs were gonna give out at any moment. I completely empathize with Leo here.

>during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping
>he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out

Alpha as fuck

Bet she was sopping wet while gargling his glans

janitors are allergic to actress threads, no matter how you spin them; get used to it or get out

How much of a pussy you have to be to negotiate about who's going to be on top with the prostitute you just paid for

>Leo has probably gotten laid nearly every day for the last 20 years
>she expects she's going to be special to him
Honestly, at a point he kinda just probably decided that he was done putting effort into sex since he was still getting laid consistently based entirely off of his name.

hahaha. fucking cold, i love it.

It wasn't really a negotiation so much as her not really cooperating or doing what I wanted. There was a substantial language barrier, I suppose.

Doctors are idiots, they're just good at memorizing shit.

According to OP, Leo just signaled her what do without any words.

>you will never fuck a young Leo

Did she expect him to go down or something

Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Why aren't we as good looking as him bros :(

He's won life already and all that matters to him now is putting in those oscar-snatching performances. All the rest is just downtime before that next jaguar life. Bitch just don't understand that the exceptional man she got to fuck outgrew her little normie world back when she still wore a pink lunchbox to school.

his money?

I am though

really makes you think

>while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.

I thought girls wanted to suck off famous guys since they were teens?

>doesn't put out
>expects the man of her life after gettin drunk at a bar and hooking up with a dude she just met
bitch deserved it.

girls are exponentially more likely to be dumb whores with no substance than boys

and whores just want more and more and more


Nah that's just your mom.

t. roastie

Jesus Christ,some people are really delusional.

Fucking Leo DiCaprio is to a skank like meeting Bill Gates is to a nerd. Now what nerd would be mad if Gates was late for the appointment? You got what you wanted,you don't get to negotiate the terms.

>being this bitter and in denial

Source on this? It sounds true but something other than greentext would be great.

>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on,

>women in charge of having self-respect
*breathes in*
*exhales slowly through nose*
*takes in a second more deeper breath*
*exhales again*

Lmao he is even vaping on that pic

Sounds like someone who's lost any love for sex or companionship. He's got everything, now he doesn't really know what to do with it on a personal level.

He focuses on big picture shit like global warming and environmentalism because it gives him meaning.

Weird place to be. At least he's filthy rich, so he can be comfortable while he has this weird thing going on.

Yet Rihanna has said Leo was the best lay shes ever had. Dumb random whores BTFO.

>all for revenge
>revenge of the nerds


Was that supposed to save her face?

>My parents taught me to never give up! So I continued sucking his dick and he still didn't acknowledge me. Some people!

>be some regular bitch
>get to sleep with a handsome world-famous rich celebrity
>"ohmigod why is he not offering me marriage or something"

It was a good thread the last time too.

>cums on her face while asleep
>shits on floor

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>he didn't fuck me like i wanted him to fuck me
bitch he don't care about your ass. he just wanted some tail and you the fuck out of there as quickly as possible.

because he's leonardo fucking dicaprio.

who the fuck is you

It's not a greentext, it was an actual "gossip rumor" thing.

>who the fuck is you
b-but I let him have sex with me.. I let him use my hole.. I need something in return from him...

They were probably on his boat in the middle of nowhere, she couldn't stop because of the implications

What implications?

Literally me.


The implications.

I have to do this some day

gr8 b8 fa88ot

The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with him. Not that the things are gonna go wrong for her, but she's thinking that they will.

I have the same facial structure, my first gf said i looked like him as well. but i started balding when I was like 17.

feels bad man

yeah, the turd on the bathroom floor sounds just like you

Wait was she in danger? What are you talking about? Is Leo violent? All of this took a wrong turn somewhere.

Having a "baby" face works out in your late 20's to early 40's, and...
Oh.... shit, sorry user. That sucks.

Nah stealing the booze is literally me.

Don't worry about it.

Leo is known for beating hookers up if they don't do his bidding. Rumor has it he once slapped Tobey Mcguire around because he refused to cut this hooker in front of him.

>people born in 2008 are now 20 years old

More like you also reek of cat piss.

>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on

Nonono it's just... The implication.

Jesus Christ Denn- I mean Leo, he can't keep getting away with stuff like that.

All men are violent rapists. That this woman doesn't understand that Leo neglect-raped her is a symptom of the rape culture perpetuated by the white supremacist patriarchy.

If he stopped fucking her he would have executed her and thrown her into the ocean obviously.

Of course not. Leo would never actually do anything. But in the back of her mind she's thinking about what might happen if he were to get angry.

>i went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror
>i went into the bathroom to finish washing the filth off

nice try faggot

eh i just buzz it go to the gym now and it's not like I'm poor so I can just get transplants if i ever feel that bad.

Hey newfags this is from that gossip sight where they talk about how celebs fuck. It's not like she ran crying to some news outlet about it.

Balding's not a game breaker. Just changes it a bit.

Got a balding ,hairy as all fuck everywhere else friend who is now married (and got married after he was already balding).

>gossip sight

>its k when the cum is inside me XD

>Believes every stupid story he reads on the internet, specifically Craigslist

How retarded are you?


Wait, so he acted like most women in bed and he's "selfish, lazy, and downright rude"?

I need a fire truck sent to my fucking skull, because my neurons are fucking fired.

celebrities arent normal people. their emotions and outlook on life are completely fucked.

How small is your bathroom that you can't go in to wash cum off and then later enter the bathroom again to find a pile of shit on the floor?


>I'm a nobody, and I don't want to give her name, but my friend told me that DiCaprio...

dude is living the life

I'm saying that the whole thing is fake

>so he acted like most women in bed
user, who the hell are you sleeping with? Or are you not?

>NHL star Jaromir Jagr, 43, was photographed in bed next to model Kateřina Provazníková, 18, who tried to blackmail him with the pic she snapped above. She reportedly told the hockey player that if he didn't pay her $2,000 she was going to go public with the pic.
>Jaromir, who isn't married and doesn't have a girlfriend, told her he didn't care if she posted it online. Sticking to her word, the model attempted to humiliate the star – but it horribly backfired.
>It should be said that while Jagr is reportedly single, Kateřina is reportedly not. According to several reports, she’s the girlfriend of Czech junior player Domink Rudl, who was born in 1996, by which time Jagr had already won two Stanley Cups and a scoring title. He also reportedly calls Jagr one of his idols, just in case this entire thing wasn't awkward enough.

>meeting Bill Gates is to a nerd
Real Nerds would hate the shit out of Bill Gates, unless all they care about is the money.

>look her up
>she looks like she's 29 years old

>I fell asleep thinking I may indeed have found the man of my life


oh haha this thread again nice!