This is the only Kubrick film I enjoyed, what's wrong with me?

This is the only Kubrick film I enjoyed, what's wrong with me?

Other urls found in this thread:

watched it

didn't laugh once


try watching this
might help you appreciate him a bit more.

Strangelove - military industrial complex
Clockwork orange - MKUltra & social engineering
2001 - secret space program
eyes wide shut - cults, deep state control, pedo rings
AI - pedo rings

this is actual pleb taste.

What do the seven diamonds mean?

I don't have a clue, tell me please.

seven of diamonds is the most common card in a deck of cards

I just use it as bait to get anons interested in Kubricks work. Maybe then they can come up with their own theory.

you didn't like The Shining?

I find it hard to believe you didn't enjoy at least the first forty minutes of FMJ

How can you not like A Clockwork Orange?

So, you didn't like Lolita? What's wrong with you, man?

try this:

Superkino, imo.

when you get a chance...give this a look
it's comprehensive , complete, and easy to understand

no full frontal nude scenes

me too pham

Have you watched Paths of Glory?

Bitch, bitch, bitch...


>no Barry Lyndon or Full Metal Jacket

confirmed for schizo pleb now back to >>/x/

How's that?

Makes for an aesthetically pleasing shot

Is this gonna be moon landing conspiracy shit or is it actually related to the plot?

Strangelove is very much "of its time".

You have to remember it was made when American TV comedy was extremely tame. In America Shows like "I love Lucy" were considered the height of comedy and even in the cinemas, where they weren't beholden to advertisers the height of comic satire was the latest adventures of Abbot and Costello.

Gone were the days of Keystone Studios, Chaplin and Laurel and Hardey when America could make the world laugh.

With such slim pickings it was obvious that unfunny films that looked like they might be funny but you weren't getting the joke, like Strangelove or Woody Allan films would be popular. They work on the same principle as Barnum's Great Unknown, people laugh or look impressed because they don't want other people to think they're stupid.

Nobody really likes Dr Strangelove or genuinely finds it funny, it is the emperor's new clothes of comedy.

Confirmed for pleb who knows nothing of kubrick movies.

I gave up after watching the first 15-20 minutes or so and I'm considering watching it again. The reason I turned it off was because it seemed like the characters were caricatures and I couldn't take it seriously as a war film because it was too unrealistic.

It has been a while though so I don't remember how accurate these statements are, that's just what I remember thinking at the time.

I'm not OP btw, should have made that clear.

It was also impactful because at the time they were worried about the real possibility of WW3.

AI wasn't a Kubrick flick, he gave it to Spielberg and died before production began

you should kill yourself


Show us what you got then

It's got multiple levels of humor, it's not just the general rolling over.

>brainlet opinion on Dr Strangelove
>cant even comprehend the simple statement in the op
