What were they THINKING

What were they THINKING

Is there a trailer?

That car looks like shit btw. Should've had a motorbike or some form of Crown Vic.

It looks like a Batmobile

If he removes the collar, will he die?

What the fuck is the sequel even going to be about?
I haven't seen the first film but I've read the book and honestly I don't know what else there is to tell about androids and shit.

Well you figured it out, it's a cash grab devoid of artistic integrity. In fact, this existing pretty much ruins the mystery of the ending of the first film since Deckard cannot be a replicant if he's old now.

>we want the fast and furious audience

blade runner didn't need a sequel

Nice of Jared Leto to lend them a coat

I always wanted to see another movie set in the same universe, but not a direct sequel

I hope rutger hauer comes back

maybe he just faked his death and now he's back for revenge

What were they thinking casting a poor mans Lexi Belle?

I think the Engineers should have been the only thing about prometheus. I think it should have been an artistic piece of fiction in which we get to explore the entirety of existence through the eyes of An Engineer. it should have been Only God Forgives meets The Fountain, meets Solaris, The Clooney Version meets, the 1973 Russian version meets LightYear (Kandahar) meets Pinkfloyd's echoes meets 2001 a space odyssey meets, Star Trek the motion picture meets The Last Navigator meets the Heavy Metal Movie. But instead we got Alien Redux. Expect the same thing from Blade Runner. It's not anyone's fault but the boys on top, the bigger Jews. Who are the studios, sadly.

Go play the video game.

w2c his jacket?

This will be the biggest disaster of 2017 lmao.

>playing video games

uuuuuuuuuuuuuhm you need to be 18 (16 if you're european) to post here

Whatever happens, I want that soundtrack.

Why does Ridley like having his films ruined?

I run

>judging a film based on a few pictures of harrison ford wearing a t shirt


oy vey. it also need a prequel, goy.

he can stop making them any day.
that old, demented Alzheimer fuck ruined his legacy all by himself.

If this was the poster for a Knight Rider reboot i would be hype

This is going to be like 2010, the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's going to be a good movie, but overshadowed by the original and people will end up forgetting it existed.

2Blade 2Runner