Uncommon elegance

>Uncommon elegance


Why is her neck so long? Why is her head so square?

Genetic inheritance?

she's 19 wtf is your problem

anything below 30 is pedophilia

Anything still alive is pedophilia



Dakota > Elle

What the fuck is wrong with her face?

nice, then I'm in the clear

fuck warmies

She's really buying into the long neck meme of herself. Look at her just pushing her head up. Stretch that neck, monkey!

i wish there was a feature legth film of just Elle and Rooney playing with Legos for three and a half hours

i'd see it twice!

Pedophiles are my problem

underage gtfo


If she has smooth skin don't stick it in.

abbey lee>elle desu

Christ, she's actually been doing stretching exercises to become a giraffe.

>tfw same posture as elle

two chicks, zero tits

people with recessed jaws have to move their head forward to not crush their air way, it is funny when physical therapist try to fix posture of people with no jaws lmao

sexual neck

>tits guy

you know you need to be 18 or over to post here, right?

dfc best c u disgusting philistine

giv jenny gf

oh ok, who should I show id to? just post it here maybe?

steve beat ya to it

Too bad she's ugly AF

>you will never have beautiful mulatto children with Elle

>posting it again
you have no proof


Nah just stay put, we'll send someone over

fetal alcohol syndrome the pic

no pls ;_;

I really do love her.

Elle is a whore.


From themselves

top 10 necks of all time trust me on this

t. neckspert (neck expert)


>social retard thinks that a woman being in close proximity to a man means they're going to fuck them

>being this much in denial



/120 minute runtime lezdom flick when/

Ninth Post Best Post

no, she's pure

lewdest webbum award goes to:this post

She peaked nearly a decade ago.

what is wrong with your faaaaaace

She looks like a complete subhuman compared to the girl on the right

what do you mean?



so fucking pale

Why don't people find dresses that drag on the ground disgusting? I mean imagine walking through the streets of New York in that dress.

Is Elle /our girl/?

because shes only going to wear it once and red carpet =|= streets

I'd really really love to see Elle get BLACKED™. I'd love to see that pale white cunny get pounded by a huge BBC and see ucm ooze from it. I'd gladly pay for that

I hope you die an excruciating painful death, but not before your dick falls off and it is literally fed to you covered in your mother's feces and father's cum.

>no ass
>no tits
>Shit posture

0/10, shit waifu

What an ugly

that's what implants are for user

is Kiki common elegance?

and people still >pure

Finally a man of taste.

what the heck guys

you cant just bully someones waifu

It's already happened, but we'll never see it.

Why can't women see how hideous niggers are.

>A team of hairdressers, makeup artists, tailors, fashion designers, personal trainers, dieticians, and dentists all working to make one person look "good"