3 episodes in

3 episodes in.

>tfw you can't help

Minnesotan accents are the worse.

I meant worst.

carrie coon sounds nice enough with it though

You talking about season 2 or 3? 3 is unbelievably mediocre so far.

Also stop using the word kino, makes you sound like a fanook

you betcha

Leftovers > Fargo

By a mile.

>Not liking long and over-exaggerated vowels
>implying Southern Accents aren't WOAT

Leftovers = Fargo

>S H I L L S E V E R Y W H E R E

Third episode was garbage tho

>carrie coon is married to someone nearly 20 years older than her
what does she see in him?

stop shilling, damon

watched the 3 episodes of both shows side by side
it's incredible how absolute SHIT Fargo looks next to Leftovers. Leftovers is absolutely beautiful, every shot is kinography.

Kill yourself, Leftovers is shit.

I want to kill myself


.t sub80 IQ nigger


>there are people that actually try and argue that women aren't money-grabbing whores

>Redditor starts a kinotard thread
>Immediate shit posting
>Thread automatically turns to shit

What did the kinotard mean by this?


>Fargocucks THIS assravaged their show is shit

Carrie Coon



they didn't even try to explain where the people got missing, right? of yours not, years passed since season 1 right?
but i bet there is still tons of weird surprising EEEEPPPPIIIC shenaningans

>caring about the plot
Yeah, go back to game of thrones and the walking dead, kiddo.

It's 3 episodes in. Hardly a fair assessment. Name one show that cemented "kino" this early into a season

Why are ayylmaos so qt

You are now aware that Carrie Coon played Ben Affleck's sister in "Gone Girl"

True Detective season 1, would you like more?



This isn't most overrated show thread, go away.


>True Detective

Contrarian faggot.

This season has definitely been better than Fargo S3 so far.

great pleb filter episode

Does anyone else get the feeling Sy wants to bone Emmett?

how can one woman be so badass?

MEW sure is the sigourney weaver of our time.

after watching season 1 i skipped season 2 to watch the third one because i know she was in it

it is, mostly by plebs like you. now gtfo, make your own thread for that

They're both shit.

Also last episode of leftovers was utterly retarded and embarrassing.

Inspector Morse is leaps and bounds better than this schlock

They're gay lover on the dl

Don Hertzfeldt?


It's really telling about this show that the best part of the season hands down was the least Fargo-esque parts. I think they've mined almost all the material they can from the themes and structure of the original film

>filler episode
>best episode of the entire series

How is this possible?

mind expanding on that?

She was way hotter in this movie.

3 was the best episode by a mile, and so far the only one of the season not doing the "dopey guy does a bad thing that spirals out of control, innocent small town meets evil for the first time, charismatic outside force escalates violence in said town" thing that the previous three iterations of the story did. I still enjoy the rest of 3's plot, but I think the "Fargo" parts of Fargo have been played out

s-she's so beautiful...

Really? I think she's way hotter in this show

Especially those shirts/jeans last night, holy shit

>moved to minnesota
>everyone calls roots 'ruts'

>least Fargo-esque parts

You mean the episode that is literally the same thing as the Mike Yanagita scene?

I think you've outted yourself as a pleb. Episode 3 is about trying to figure what happened based on limited information. That's the overarching Fargo theme.

I'd say she has a rather good ass

It's not the same at all. The point of the Yanagita scene is to show Marge that people lie and to take a second look at things. This is Gloria trying to create leads with nothing because she realizes she has no idea who her step-dad was. Then she goes home and has a lead handed to her.

The way I see episode 3 is the story of a typical Fargo character told long after his "Fargo" event. He's the rube that gets conned and falls down a dark path, but instead of death he gets a sad life in the freezing cold taking on the name of a toilet seat. Having the cop protagonist realize this long before the end of her case is a pretty novel take of the story, and opens up a lot for how this can unravel differently. I think it's all a lot more compelling than the more literal Fargo plot points recreated in the twin McGregor plotlines.

>Brutal states and such

I don't think that's it. It's about the disconnect between what we as the omniscient audience know about what happened with the author and the female cops extremely limited knowledge of the situation.

Found the pleb

>This is Gloria trying to create leads with nothing because she realizes she has no idea who her step-dad was.

I think the point was for Carrie Coon to learn that her current approach to police work (and with the Facebook talk, maybe her aversion to technology) is not going to help her get anywhere. Her head is stuck in the 70's, and so the only answers she finds are stuck in that time as well. She returns home to find the town doofus has cracked the case while she was off chasing leads from the 70's.

I think she's going to have some new insight to the case after having the revelation tonight that her current approach gets her nowhere, and maybe the "new chief" was a bit right about her after all, even if he was an insufferable prick about it.

It stands to reason that in the next week or two she'll pull the thread on the AC unit guy until it leads to Ray, and she's not a dummy so the Stussy connection is gonna get made real quick, probably causing things to escalate much further than they have up to now.

That all sounds very accurate. I see the Yamagita thing now in a broad sense.

I just really liked how they went for the emotional beats that usually come at the end of the season this early on. The sad recognition of a life wasted for greed and lust that ends every Fargo. It opens up a lot of possibilities for how the story can progress from here

personally A Touch Of Frost is my favourite /britcrimekino/

Touch of Frost is ultimate comfy TV

That and Morse

Yeah, I wonder how the pacing of this season is going. I always feel Fargo is the strongest when (like the movie) it focuses on the bizarre-yet-humanist side of this, like small people trying to do good. It kind of loses its way when it just focuses on the weird people (like VM Varga is great, but he should not be the focus, Gloria should be).

I do love it, even if some later episodes are a bit shite.

Don't forget Poirot.

I watched everything when I was younger with my mom, and even the newest stuff was good enough

they really shouldn't kill any main characters though

>tfw live in fargo
>tfw show is set only 7 years ago
>tfw next season it might as well modern

nah, next season is going to be fargo: 2031. So they'll be able to build the script around contemporary technology.

the only thing good about episode 3 was mac

he was the worst part of the episode

so bad it was good.

it was so completely off, awkward and jarring that it really activated my almonds.

>back off bozo this ones mine
>r we gonna have sex or not?

literally who wrote that wtf

He kind of felt like a forced caricature to reinforce the "facebook is DUUUMMBBB" angle for a bit, I didn't really like it

At least he led Gloria to Ray Wise

He was pretty bad, though, it was a little amusing to see him.
Sounds like something Mac would write.

I honestly don't think he's a very good actor, outside of the show and character he created.

i was so happy when the scene was starting i was like yay mac is gonna have a good opportunity to be a funny quirky side character and get more exposure

and then the scene kept happening and it was awful

:/ the only interesting part of this season is the stussy bros and I spent 60 minutes last night watching that fucking boring side plot

it was like better call saul levels of filler and trolling

>the Fargo theme blasting at the end of another episode

Truly there is nothing more ebin

that cop in the bar was an asshole holy shit

anyway, anyone else felt weird after this episode was over? like wtf fargo what's up with the ufo shit.
first season you have fish raining from the sky, season 2 is bit more on the ufo theme with hints in every episode but now in season 3 you literally have some scifi alien animation for an entire episode

>It's a Carrie Coon wanders aimlessly episode, wasting her time and ours

Thanks Noah. Tune in next week to watch paint dry!

but that's why i like the show

I get that vibe

Nobody gives a shit about your pseudo-spiritual, Left Behind ripoff Lindelof schlock

>3 episodes in.

3rd episode jumped the shark imo

the animation was reddit as fuck, seriously hope they don't do that again

I hope they do it every show, in increasing amounts of air time, and that you loose you're mind over it.

>i hope all shows take a nosedive in quality to piss off some user on a tibetan tape recorder forum
wow sure showed me m8

>reddit as fuck
argument discarded

I think he means it was shitty in that it was rough and quirky while failing to be charming and thoughtful. It was really bad..

They're both pretentious nonsense for children incapable of critical thinking.

explain how it wasn't

it was literally "let's try and insert it's such a beautiful day into our show to appeal to '''''''artsy'''''''''' animation audience despite it being completely unfitting to the show and obnoxious in every possible way"

here's how to do the robot dream sequences better: make it live action b-movie sci-fi scenes
better yet, don't do dream sequences at all and just gave carrie coon narrating the script over scenes of her investigating shit

there you go, all you had to do was explain why you didn't like it instead of going "it was reddit xD" like a mong who cant articulate his thoughts, well done

Would you... a Coon?

fuck off reddit

give this man some gold

Psy-ops by retarded *people*, next on comedy central.