Best episode of The Leftovers S3 is the Nora episode

>best episode of The Leftovers S3 is the Nora episode
>best episode of Fargo S3 is the Gloria episode
This woman is kino

>those teeth
d r o p p e d

would she mommy me?

>not appreciating flaws in women as unique characteristics

>Leftovers episode
Good, not better than 1 or 3 though

>Fargo episode

That was the worst episode of Fargo so far. It was pure filler.

Fargo s3e3 is a pleb filter, of which you have both failed.

She looks like the older version of a classmate of mine

Her episode was also the best in S1 of Leftovers, I'm not sure why writers even bother with characters outside Nora and Kevin
>inb4 some faggot claims the preacher is fun

Carry Coon

>he doesn't like Matt episodes
Absolute pleb

IMO the best episode of season 1 was the matt episode, but noras was great too

Yes, yes, YES!

I love Carrie Coon.

She's beautiful and the best actress probably ever!

Also very fit! I want to meet her and make her fall in love with me.

Am I the only one who thinks that?

lol these plebs

Back to redshit kinotard

>those knee high boots and jeans

Kino episode for sure.

>Also very fit!
what u think of her pusy?


ultrapleb detected

friendly reminder

Kev Snr. episode was better

I haven't seen it. I bet it's cute.

>muh Bible allusions

>it's a pleb opinion episode

I bet you all think you are clever for spotting obvious homages and love pointless cameo's

>mfw i remember the killer fridge episode and the bagel rapture episode
man, s1 had low low points

That episode really dragged, clearly not enough material to fit 60 minutes

Margo == Best Coon.

>swn be your mommy
>swn stay home from work to take care of you when you're sick
>swn give you a warm bath

>something that reaks of being hated by the masses
>tv loves it

Every fucking time.

What's messed up is Carrie Coon is 7 months older than me (She's 36yo) yet I have an Oedipus complex with her.

>tfw just finished first season

how did this show get such low ratings for the first season, it was fucking top kino

>think the daughter is pretty hot
>nora practically makes my pants explode anytime she smiles after being hugged by wayne

>its a garvey watches nyan cat for 50 minutes episode

were there even threads for this show before, I do not remember it having any presence on Sup Forums before this season.

no one gives a shit about cameos, we're not watching Better call saul. It's a legit good episode.

I have just discovered that they are both younger than I thought.

I feel like Tracy Letts consistently plays characters who are supposed to be 60-something authority figures.

Based pusy poster!

I haven't watched the show, but if you care about metacritic s1 has 65, s2 has 80 and s3 has 98. So that's why I'm suddenly hearing about it all the time now I guess.

I don't even know what it's about or if it's actually good or not. I thought Damon Lindelof was incapable of making anything good, but he might've pulled a Dan Gilroy.
