In 9th grade my teacher was showing band of brothers to the class and it got to a sex scene and the teacher tried...

in 9th grade my teacher was showing band of brothers to the class and it got to a sex scene and the teacher tried frantically to skip past it

ill never forget it

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The sex scene is literally 5 seconds long and barely shows anything.

One time my English teacher showed us that Romeo and Juliet with the girls tits in it. He forgot there was nudity and when it came on he was just like ahhh, fuck it

felt a lot longer than 5 seconds to anyone in that classroom I can guarantee

but this was the early/mid 00s when all media and society wasnt hypersexualized yet


Germans should have won

Probably the best miniseries of all time, literal kino
Looks pretty kino 2 me

>When you realize you've walked into an alt-right rally


I watched three times, it never gets old.

Watch now on Amazon Prime Video!

Doesn't do it for me as much, BoB intro has much better music imo

Go back to r/esist, ANTIFA faggot

War music thread?
Not Sup Forums but I love this one

The only thing I preferred(practically the only thing I LIKED) in The Pacific was this:


Why do Jews always right parts into ww2 movies of the ss getting rekt or executed by the allies? are they still so butt blasted over ww2?

Very good. Remember this tune when I played that game at my friend's house.
Christ, remember when there were a million ww2 shooters out there? I'm pretty sure there are literally none on the new consoles. At least until the new CoD comes out.

Dude if a teacher put on something as dope as Band of Brothers in my class in grade 9 my friends and I would have been flipping out

Because the SS were a bunch of spoilt political cadres whose experienced units got blended on the Eastern Front? They certainly didn't lose the war by slaughtering Americans until they ran out of ammunition.

>le heroic paratroopers who showed up 5 years late and slaughtered teens and tired troops discharged from the eastern front

Such an epic show OP, it was kino indeed :)

Found the ANTIFA faggot

*deletes the holocaust episode*

It did annoy me a little bit that they continued the Hollywood trope of making British servicemen seem inept.

Why are people on Sup Forums whose hardest struggle is what to shitpost next always trying to disparage the not insignificant efforts and sacrifices of others?

Generation Kill is best
screwby dawg

How many wars you went through?

Generation Kill is absolute kino

I had my high school history teacher for 2 years. He showed Band of Brothers, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, and other clips of WWII kino. I even told him about Der Untergang and he said he'd consider showing it to future classes

We saw Platoon in class.

I've watched both multiple times through and can only remember the BoB music in my head. Also, The Pacific was better.

Yes, pure kino.

What sacrifice are you talking here exactly? The US basically steam rolled the germans in the western front because the real war was being fought in the east.

The way I see it that show tries waaaay too hard to depict american troops having a hard time fighting the germans, and not strolling around Europe on the tax payer dime as it really was.