How were the streets empty?

How were the streets empty?

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I always thought that they were able to evacuate the city, and that the majority of people died or were infected elsewhere.

If you mean how did they get the streets empty for the movie, they paid the city government.

Everyone was at morning prayer

I'm not movie genius. Why couldn't the director impose (is that the right word?) toy cars throughout the street?


it would have been easy to stop really


*brooding post-rock music intensifies slowly*

In the movie London was evacuated, he finds a newspaper with EVACUATION as the headline
In real life, it was just really early in the morning in the middle of summer when it was light at like 5:30/6am. I guess they probably pieced it together as and when they could get good shots with nothing going on in the background, the movie was made on far too small a budget to be shutting down whole areas of London for hours on end

>tfw Danny used a digital camera
>movie forever stuck at 240p

Because London was actually hell

>remember watching it at the time and thinking it was cutting-edge cinema and looked great
>look up clips on youtube just now
holy fuck it looks like somebody's home video, what the fuck
nostalgia does some weird shit to our brains

It's well established Zombie behavior that Zombies eventually migrate out of the cities into the country looking for food when people food runs out and cow brains because the best meal.


I saw it in theatres and it was an amazing experience lol

I agree the quality is shit but it isn't aged like some films
It's a particular style that is fitting and right

Watching it on a 4K tv with interlacing is probably trippy

You mean walkers,Rick.

The majority of the films budget was spent on closing off roads in London

I watched it a few weeks back and it was a bit weird at first but you quickly get used to the aesthetic.

Do you know how many people are in London? Do you understand how completely futile it would be to try to evacuate even the majority of the people? ESPECIALLY when there's a plague they're trying to contained.

There should be corpses everywhere.

But the "corpses" are mostly people who just get turned into ragies.

You can actually see a Royal Mail van (or milk trolly I forget) driving in one of the shots

They just filmed early in the morning

Not every corpse would've been turned into a ragie. If the human was just outright "killed" like their throat got ripped open or they had other serious body injury they'd just die. Also you can't really believe there wouldn't have been ragie bodies lying everywhere too. Surely someone would've put up some type of resistance or at least defense as they were running through london.

>yfw the church scene

>tfw you autisticly plan out what you would do in a zombie apocalypse

Well you could argue that the majority of the people in the part of London he was walking around(I'm guessing it's the "central" part?) would have been a part of the city with no use in staying at or going to.

Can someone explain to me the logic of the second movie? Why does the military go apeshit because the infection started all over again? They already know they're going to starve and die eventually, and there might still be survivors just like the mom.

It's not autistic, it's smart.

>Why does the military go apeshit because the infection started all over again?
- They were in charge of making sure it didn't happen. They failed their job
- All of the staff's family members were on the island, so it was going to be their family that was going to die too
- They were at risk of dying too
- The mom was a carrier. Chance of that happening to even one other person would be astronomically low

But weren't the only people, "all" the people, in the UK in that one containment zone which ended up getting fucked?
What about when they threw the gas and flamed shit up? They must have been able to get a lot of people out though.
I know the mom was a carrier, I meant it as in there might have been people living far off somewhere completely locked out still thinking ragies were running around.

The whole movie a single infected is able to sneak up on a dozen soldiers individually. The second move is garbage.

you're referring to forced perspective, but why would they do that?

It suits the film, not every movie has to be filmed on muh 70mm

Why is Cillian Murphy in so much kino?

They even managed to tip over a bus on it's side, film Cillian walking past it and then righted it in like 15 minutes

It's why they filmed it on DV Tapes

It was Sunday at like 4:00am. So nobody was about and they moved anybody who was out (hobos and druggies) were moved along.

Why did they not show any bodies in the streets when it was established that London was in total chaos?

How many days would you wait until you start raping people and why was 28 weeks so shit?



>the one time i ever had girls over at my house during high school
>they want to watch a scary/violent movie to get spooked
>decide to put this kino on as the DVD had just released
>literally 2 minutes into the movie the rage monkeys bite the PETA lady and then she pukes up blood all the floor
>girls go "ewwww wtf!" and get grossed out and leave
>but they wanted to watch a fucking horror movie

That's where you went wrong. When you have girls over like that, you don't put on the most bleak, depressing and visceral survivor movie imaginable, you put on schlock, you put well known shit because you wanna get into a threesome, nothing too out there, but something with enough scare factor to get the girls close.


Well I wouldn't wait that long to start shooting rapists.

They dont even eat u retard

That filename tells me it's a man baby!

In which we discover the NEETs of Sup Forums have never got up early in their lives.

lulu lulu

brits on suicide watch

Margaret Maclennan

Wouldn't the infected die in like 3-4 days from running around like crazy and not eating or drinking anything? Certainly all the children/elderly/sick people would be dead within a few days.


They started to die off 28 days later



Low budgets

>wouldn't the blah blah blah who the fuck cares its zombies you pedantic piece of shit

wait this movie took place in london? it took place in fucking london? shit make more memes about muslims holy fuck islam

*Mark Maclennan

>28 months later NEVER EVER

>28 minutes later prequel showing the initial breakdown and chaos never ever

fuckn kek

You sound like a total retard

I thought most of them DID die and that's why it's so deserted at first. Then everyone starts making noise and shit and that attracts more of them.

Sort of bullshit but there's a sort of logic to it.



The zombies eated the bodys

I haven't seen this since watching it on DVD back in the day. Is the movie this low res because of digital cameras?

the blu-ray is an upscale



It looks fine. Watch the commentary, the director talks about how someone approached him and said he was glad it was shot on film.

t. jew

kill yourself


It's funny because this is what tens of millions of briton men died fighting for in both world wars

So the setting looks convincing. Plus it's fun, no?

I giggled when I saw the blu-ray came out. It was shot on standard-def Canon XL1 cameras. You can uprez all you want, but it's still standard def. People will pay for anything. I will have my regular DVD forever. Zero point in a blu-ray. Most blu-ray players uprez standard def DVDs anyway.


Any one able to help me with another zombie film, watched it like 10 years ago and I assumed it was 28 months later, then realised it was never made.

Survivors take refuge in a warehouse or large building (not a mall)

Could be American cast, not sure

Scene where some survivors are on roof looking down.

Had lots of news coverage scenes

Zombies were runners not shufflers

Dawn of the Dead


Dawn of the dead?

You was probably watching Twilight faggot.

please kill yourself

and now uk is fucking pakistan.

How do countrys fuck?

Oh right, "ragie wagies"


Thanks user, that was it :3

It was a mall.

Nah, this has ving in it right? And the old one was Kino.

Both dawns were set in malls, whereas this was in a dark warehouse of some kind, its definitely pre 2010 , but not by decades, 2000-2010

The film wasn't too amazing but always bugged me what it was.

Also add that it was a couple survivors who go 'up top' to check around, not like dawn which had that dude on top of the nearby building who wrote on the signs, i think they set a fire in the building at the end to make a escape, but this film was 10ish year ago

The Crazies?

white people are no more. get over it

Nah that was timothy Elephant right, another film for me to watch though, thanks

I think I know what you mean, but wasn't it a science facility not a warehouse?

It is possible, I just remember it felt like a 28 days movie as it had that low budget feel, and it was set in America and the start played out with people running shit scared in town, then grouping upand taking refuge in a large building, I assumed warehouse as I remember a scene with large doors and the ragies surrounded the building and a few look over the edge at them god knows what film, going through zombie film lists and looking for it

Sounds nice


You would die.

Funny thing is that nowadays streets of london are in total chaos and full of bodies.