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Sup Forums personified

A quintessential socially inept loner mankino.

Boredom, mostly. De Niro's monologues are the best part of the film. That and Scorsese's cameo.

Many will tell you Travis is Sup Forums personified but it's actually Travis who wants to get rid of the Sup Forums users as they're the lowliest scum of society

OP here. Seems pretty autistic guy so far

Scorsese's cameo is the most kino part of the movie. The way you can tell Travis is simultaneously repulsed by and yet relating to Scorsese despite the fact he doesnt ever open his mouth is fucking brilliant

man in New Shit City sees a lot of shit, then does some shit. 10/10



An aesthetic autistic movie with a cliffhanger. It's pretty comfy but you'll learn to realize his motives are shit.

I think we can agree that Scorsese's character is the most Sup Forums character in the movie, in which case Travis identifies heavily with Sup Forums yet hes afraid and repulsed by it. So basically Travis is like a Sup Forums lurker who hasnt entirely swallowed the "red pill" yet

>TCM was playing at the cinema
>Travis didn't stop to see it


Literally Me: The Motion Picture

It's got a promising premise up until he starts behaving like some alpha stud hitting on the hottest female in NYC, and she actually buys it and agrees to go on a date with him, I swear no serial killer wannabe ever had such pull with the ladies. Destroys the immersion every single time I watch it

>I swear no serial killer wannabe ever had such pull with the ladies

I assume you're actually differentiating between serial killers and their "wannabes" as you put it.

Because this is more or less EXACTLY how Ted Bundy killed women, he'd have his arm in a fake cast or something, pretend to drop his books, get some woman to help him carry them back to his car, then blackjack her and throw her in the trunk

>Many will tell you Travis is Sup Forums personified but it's actually Travis who wants to get rid of the Sup Forums users as they're the lowliest scum of society

I didn't see Travis Bickle using no fake sympathy injury to get dates, but okay buddy thanks for the wikipedia serial killer 101 knowledge I've definitely not heard that twenty times before

Not really. Sup Forums probably wishes they could be Travis Bickle

Dostoyevsky's "Notes from the Underground"

Travis is employed and living independently
Travis has legitimate military experience

I have all 3 but less charisma

One of the best films ever made

because he is. a movie about an autist for autists. self-explanatory why Sup Forums worships it.

Just watched it and it was amazing desu,

>suck on this