Is this show school shooter kino?

Is this show school shooter kino?

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fuck this is great

Damn Wayne is always sexy

It's the shame the rest of the show isn't like this. It becomes cliche as hell.

is that based Don Cherry??

>the girl who looks directly at the camera at 2:49

almost kino


So this is the devastation that could happen with a competent shooter.

Holy shit, that guy with the human shields and lunch trays.

Damn. I remember watching Elephant as a kid and being shook to shit. I teach now and I got the same kind of chills all over again. Does the kino continue or is the show shit like said?

Why are there so many papers littered around the floor? I get that they want it to feel like muh chaos and carnage, but the way that there's just papers evenly distributed across every surface is really distracting and immersion-breaking.

jesus christ

so where's the ending

Holy shit. I thought sort of the same thing. Don't people usually have that stuff in their bookbags while not in class? It wasn't immersion breaking but I did have the same question.

>anything canadian

That was actually really nicely choreographed, reminded me a bit of Heat.

It wasn't really immersion-breaking to be honest, but I just thought it was kind of unrealistic was all. Did all the kids just randomly take their homework out of their bags and throw it into the air as they ran out the door?

It's weird to see him with his eyes open and not talking with that accent.

Yes. They did it as a distraction technique.

>school shooting
>moving that fucking slow

triggers my /k/ autism

maybe he's just stupid and can't put the carry handle on properly

if you wanna some similar stuff, check out Flashpoint.. there were 2 or 3 episodes similar to this (perfect storm was one of them, Idk the name of the two episodes)

Not any of the anons you replied to but thanks for the recommendations.

its at least a great single take set piece

senpai its the sights

AR-15s can have detachable carry handles, no?

which is the rear sight you dummy

Fuck that was well done.

So what happened next?

And? Like I said, maybe he's just stupid and didn't put it together properly. I don't get the point you're trying to make.

that back bit with the rotating up and down drums is the rear site. Modern ones detach to mount optics. If the pic his rear sight is backwards which just will not work.

Yes, I'm not blind, I can see that. But he's just a kid, he doesn't seem to be particularly bothered with accuracy, he doesn't even seem to be using the sight most of the time.

Here is the whole episode.

>tfw there's a quiet guy who looks exactly like this in my world history class right now who wears a black hoodie with the hood up at all times
Am I dead?

The original version was better.

I do not believe I can make you understand then. The backward site will not impede the function of the weapon, but will make accurate sighting impossible. Its a silly over site by people who should know better but it is a tv show so who cares.

Be nice to him from time to time, he'll tell you to get out of there when the time comes.

>tfw I went to Dawson College

Which was?

He seemed to like my presentation on Lee Kuan Yew so hopefully I'm in the clear

He's a kid that likely has very little firearms experience that was not shown to be particularly accurate in the first place, and appeared to just be firing blind in most scenes anyway. It is entirely plausible that he just put his carry handle on backwards without noticing.

no it's people on the production team for the show that don't know anything about weapons.

Usually production teams source their guns from production gun shops who are supposed to know their stuff. Little mistakes probably happen, sure.

How sure are you that you're right?

That was surprisingly well done. Reminded me of the last episode of L&O.

I just watched trhe whole episode and I'm pretty fucking impressed. Last scene was amazingly well acted I thought.

I looked at the picture again, you're right, it's pretty bad.

My best guess (and having worked on TV sets before I'm not completely oblivious) would be that the art department fucked it up.

>tfw Law & Order ended 7 years ago
>tfw stuck with that shitshow SVU instead of the original
I miss good police dramas, glad they still play reruns though.

W-What happened to the shooter?

Damn. Based Wayne and McMurray team up when?


over produced pleb pandering trash

Always one contrarian fgt

ahahahahaha, blobs should just kill themselves.

>muh guns, muh safety
>retards can't even go to school because they'd get shot there

that explains why you fat fucks are so damn stupid lmao

damn that kid really put up a showing. very good tactics, im impressed

holy shit that kid takes out a lot of people

>that part when he shoots the girl in the head staring at him while she's under the desk

yes, normies soak up SVU and CI like crazy
granted, OG law and order was normie bait too, but atleast it had the 'law' side with jack mccoy giving those damn fine speechs

SVU feels wrong at times with the exploration of themes of rape, etc

WHat show is this?

Man even when I disagreed with his decisions, Jack McCoy could put up a damn convincing argument.
Sam Waterston is underrated as fuck.

direct link to where it cuts off

so does the show say how many he killed?

no dude, it's intentional. it's a profound metaphor. see, by having the sight on backwards, it represents how the school shooter metaphorically sees himself reflected in his victims. his justification is that he is privileged to be able to end his own life and fix his parents' mistake, so he is helping others because he projects his own suffering and angst on them. this is also why the kid with the headphones exists. they serve to represent the worldview of the shooter which would not be clear from the remaining exposition because his 10,000 word manifesto wouldn't hold anyone's attention. don't any of you appreciate the le cin-uaugh???

anyway his kd was decent. I liked the part where he shoots the theater. I guess you could say their lighting was... bulletproof. ha. ha ha.

no numbers given in this episode, maybe the next but im not gonna watch that
at least double digits and a severely wounded cop

mm i wouldn't say underrated, i think he was acclaimed for his role in it.. although his replacement as ADA when he got promoted to DA was underrated IMO

What are you talking about, he keeps the cops pinned down for over ten minutes and shoots dozens of people. He couldn't shoot like that without sights.

I liked him too, and McCoy's predecessor.
That episode with the race riots was waaaay ahead of its time.

Underage b&

no m8 stuck in community college

>The columbine kids wanted to have a movie made about them
>Get portrayed as a gay couple
I find that amusing

In real life, lunch trays and carts don't protect you from bullets.

not only is this a fictional television show, it's set in canada, so no part of your argument makes any sense

What was he thinking?