Talking with old black guy

>talking with old black guy
>he says that the US is enlarged on maps because propaganda
>says that the contiguous US is about the same size as egypt
>google it
>egypt is ~400k square miles
>contiguous US is about 3.1 m square miles

What movie or tv show is this?

He's probably a wewuzian who has misunderstood map projections and how much of africa is egypt.

i dont know user

>talking with filthy yankee
>tells me America is more than just texas
>google is
Fucking pussy willow

everthing is bigger in texas

including texas

I meant to post this in Sup Forums and it's not letting me delete it.

haven't been able to delete your own threads for years now

Damn straight. Best state home of Jesus Christ himself.

It's not propaganda, it's just the way that the Mercator projection represents a spherical surface on a flat plane. Different projections have different outcomes.

Crazy conspiracy theorists will believe just about anything.

Still got flat-earthers, moon landing deniers, and 9/11 truthers.

What did North America mean by this?

its cause its difficult to accurately show a sphere as a flat plane. for that reason maps are projected in different ways, some ways are better than others but they all distort the globe in some way. so the old guy is right, the countries we see on a flat 2d map are distorted. depending on the type of projection your country may be enlarged. no, its not "propaganda". I'm not american either btw.

you can find the true size of a country here and compare it with others

>so the old guy is right
>says that the contiguous US is about the same size as egypt

he's a dumb nigger, not a surprise.

Reddit humor

>he says that the US is enlarged on maps because propaganda
he's right when he says the country is enlarged on maps. jesus christ learn to fucking context.

>spherical surface

good goy

t. reddit

I don't like irony at all but ironic flat earth-posting it's really funny

Africa is huge, much bigger than it appears on the map

however its not about the sheer amount of land, its about what you can do with it.

The top half of africa is pure, lifeless, waterless desert.

Russia is massive but most of it is covered in bogs and ice.

Brazil is huge but full of brazilians

the U.S, minus parts of the southwest, is 100% fertile forest and plains, perfect for agriculture and industry. Suck it

Not the guy you replied to, but the black guy said

>US is enlarged on maps because propaganda
>the contiguous US is about the same size as egypt
wrong again

Everyone knows some countries are enlarged on a map you faggot

>but ironic flat earth-posting it's really funny
I honestly don't find it amusing.
I am too afraid of letting flat earthers think they're in good company to pretend their wacky believes are real.

I'm okay with "correcting" people by adding "Alleged*" when they talk about the moon landing, but for flat earth it's just a bit too much for me.

>Still got flat-earthers, moon landing deniers, and 9/11 truthers.
But those are real you disfo fucker

Goddamn Algeria is fucking HUGE

no, you replies to MY post. the exact phrase was
>so the old guy is right the countries we see on a flat 2d map are distorted

i'm saying he's right within that context. period. i didn't mention egypt. what you're doing is border-line strawman logical fallicy and you fucking know it. if you don't understand the context of the exact phrase i used then thats your problem, dipshit.

>US is enlarged on maps because propaganda

actually I specifically said that it was not propaganda
>no, its not "propaganda".

so you're fucking retarded. im not gonna sit here and argue semantics because you're bored.

>Brazil is huge but full of brazilians

>the U.S, minus parts of the southwest, is 100% fertile forest and plains, perfect for agriculture and industry.
>don't use it because too stupid and is still behind European countries

>"it's a USA includes territorial waters in its own land area calculations, but not other nation's" episode

>>don't use it because too stupid and is still behind European countries

You're right, the US could use all that land for refugee living space

Only the last one has any potential for credibility.

>has a million homeless people
>has """senators""" who believe in spooky ghosts in the sky
>has literal (((companies))) who pay politicians to vote off things that could harm said company so that the population can keep getting fucked over
damn you win man

Europe is bigger than America and Americans HATE admitting this

>>has a million homeless people

>what are refugees
>has """politicians""" who keep letting them in so that the population can keep getting fucked over
