Riverdale - Live Thread

New episode starts soon.

Jason's killer revealed tonight - let's hope its not dumb.

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>let's hope its not dumb.

pls be Salem


Call me a faggot all you want but I seriously can't wait for this


>Jughead's killer revealed tonight


This show is my jam.

literally every trailer for tonights ep

Dunno if you can link to streams. So search for it. You'll find one.

The ones I found were shit, I'll just wait for the rip to come out



Lmfao this is some Game of Thrones shit. Who tf talks about their lineage?

is this show actually good or are you all just watching it for the waifus?

It's actually really, really good. Watch it.

>let's hope its not dumb.
Its a CW show...

Its a piece of shit, brah.
Just watch it for the waifus and mute the sound.

Fuck off, cuck.

>Defending literal just like my terrible written japanese harem animu: The Shit-Tier CW show.
Seriously, end yourself

that was a fantastic episode

Yes, it was.

It's CW so of course there's some lazy writing here and there, but it's actually surprisingly good.

>Dove Cameron may be up for a new television role.

>The 21-year-old actress/singer’s name is being thrown around on social media to possibly fill the role of Sabrina the Teenage Witch on Riverdale.

>Dove caught wind of all the fan support and tweeted, “hmmm.” Then the official Archie Comics account tweeted out the thinking emoji.

Might be a stretch on this casting but I hope Sabrina shows up in the finale.

Can "it" act?

I have no idea

She's cute as hell. I'll say that.

>let's hope it's not dumb
pick one you retarded faggot

that jiggly arm fat. she's young but needs to start working out.

Holy shit so no one talked about it while it aired wtf.

that's all she needs in life tbqh

I wish there could be some incest between these two.

aww shit daddy did a bad thing!

fuck torrent cut off to soon missed after Jughead says why his father confessed. Anything important happen?

police come to blossom residence and find Clifford Blossom hanging from the ceiling of the maple syrup storage building. the barrels of syrup are actually filled with drugs.

yes it was it really made my night it felt like a good season finale but i'm even happier it's not

oh I thought it was season finale. awesome.

thanks. well damn

Sup Forums, how did this shitty show become the show I'm most hyped for week to week?

Do you have the webm of Ronnie in her nightie?

I need more thighmeat

Give me a few minutes senpai

this and izombie but this is quickly surpassing izombie.

So...the maple was realy the key to all this...pottery.

Also of Cheryl in her short leather skirt

I need all these for....science

because it went from a fun guilty pleasure show to a damn good mystery show


Yeah, I don't know if it's says more about my taste or the current state of network TV in general when my two most hyped weekly shows are Riverdale and iZombie

Cut out the part with Archie plz

same building a folder now. share all your webm people

>Also of Cheryl in her short leather skirt

Yes please


She really is a cute.

Veronica's acting was fucking horrible in that scene.

Poor incestuous Polly



But her children are pure Blossom



my fucking dick

hahaahahahahaha...the CW just unlocked a new level.

>says Beronica is fanfiction
>gets fat shamed in twitter
>tells haters to fuck off

Based Lili

that Flash twist/reveal was so fucking dumb

>being such a faggot that you actually follow the ongoing parade of retardation that is the fanbase/actors of a CW show.
Waste of checkables tbqh famuliar

This bit?

Or this bit

Calm down. There's nothing wrong with following them.

thanks user. got any of when the coopers confront the blossoms over the incest


The whole bit?

sure or some of mama blossom



gracias. have one of mrs.blossom in this scene?

Why should she get fatshamed? She's the thin one? Veronica the tubs


Her outfits are so on point, I love her and Veronica's stylists for just existing.

Did...did she ran to her sister to tell her she was incested? In front of everyone?
top kek

This was a damn good episode. I just really wish Archie was more involved in this show. The first two episodes were probably the best just because it actually felt like things were revolving around him.


It's called Riverdale, not Archie.

>Archie gets cucked out of his own show
Preemptive cucking for cucking Jughead?

I'll mongle your cock!


in 42:21 lift her leg in cafeteria of the school and show her black panty, can someone make a slow motion webm?

This bit?


Very surprised the show was this consistent all season.

Hope explodes on popularity with Netflix

yes, can you do a slow motion please the upskirt part?

How much slower?

What's wrong with incest?

only if they can get Nick Bakay to do it.

>Sabrina and Salem are played exactly the same as the sitcom
Who's dick do I have to suck for this?

ok thanks




her face looks painted on

Any good feet pics?

>mute it

and miss out on Betty's voice? No way

anyone have a clip of the last 2 minutes?

Did you download the broken scene rip?

I wonder how the tone's gonna be for the Sabrina spinoff
Comedy like the old show?
Or Charmed-ish?
Oh wait, CW's already rebooting that

I think so.. I keep hearing the Blossom dad hanged himself but I'm not sure if they're serious or if it's a meme