GotG 2

It was like watching the naked gun, but in space.

The rumors were true btw, 5 after credits scenes.

We've been saying that for 2 weeks seppo

Thats considered a good thing, right?
Cause Naked Gun 1 and 2 are the greatest comedy movies of all time.

i think he means to say that it has its goofy sense of humor
now, obviously it was great in THOSE films however that could be either a good thing or a bad thing in this case

It's not even the same type of humor you autistic faggot

compare to the first one. is it better or worse?

Not as good, but still fun. If you like seeing more Rocket then it's definitely worth it just for that.

Mouse Shills pls go

Rocket a cute.

I wanna make out with his cute lil snout, unf!


About the same.

Go in expecting mindless entertainment and you won't be disappointed cause the film doesn't deliver much outside of that. It's the usual Disney formula at this point.

My biggest gripes were all the pop culture references, and all the quips at every turn, even during emotional scenes, like the film was afraid of getting serious and showing character depth, it certainly hurt many of the scenes that were meant to have impact, the first suffered from this too, but this one is even worse on that regard. On the plus side, the film is VERY pretty to look at, and man does it have style. Visually it's one of the most impacting films I've seen in a while, and it's not afraid to be creative in that department. Soundtrack was also great.

Basically, it's a kids film with cheap thrills and a big budget behind it. Treat it as such, and turn your brain off.

the first film had some "adult" humor. Not to say high brow but jokes that non-children would enjoy

this one just seems to be aimed solely at toddlers and Chinese slave labor

This one had some adult jokes too.

I feel the first one was massively overrated too. I liked it, but at the same time, the whole film fell apart for me in the 3rd act. I mean, it's WAYYY better than other capeshit, and nuStar Wars, but that isn't saying much. Imo, I feel I'd enjoy GotG a lot more if the industry wasn't oversaturated with formulaic Disney Capeshit. It's certainly the most unique of the bunch, but I also feel it's afraid to take risks cause it's riding on the coattails of this entire cinematic universe and master plan Disney has built.

If GotG were made in a different era, like the 80s, it'd be much more creative in terns of script.

Some of the humor fell flat but I liked the character stuff. Better villain than the first movie by far.

Can tell the animators had fun with the scene where they're jumping through space and everyone's deforming.

The biggest problem with GotG is its afraid that if it doesn't feed the audience plot and development in tiny bite-sized pieces the adult children it's being marketed to will switch off, so we get a quarter of the story and characterisation we want and le David Hasselhoff during a fucking funeral.

>Better villain than the first movie by far.
Idk, Donald Trump the space dad didn't do it for me. His entire motivations made little sense due to how forced the metaphor had to be.

>le David Hasselhoff during a fucking funeral.
That legit killed the movie for me. Ehat were they thinking?

I wish directors weren't so afraid of putting grey politics in their movies with grounded, realistic stakes and complex problems. Instead we get "YOU HAVE TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE" and fucking cartoon evil.

Why can't the Guardians of the Galaxy just be contracted to escort Nova Corps aid shipments and end up having to root out the warlords who keep intercepting them or something like that. I know why: because when you take out the gaudy stakes and the peril of the universe you're left with an extremely uninteresting movie because the characters and the writing isn't good enough to carry it without the cosmic bullshit.

>because the characters and the writing isn't good enough to carry it without the cosmic bullshit.

I'm just waiting for the Rocket spinoff movie to prove you wrong with desu

>Ehat were they thinking?
They weren't.

Imagine you are making a movie.

You realise about two months into the process that this movie will be brainless schlock for mass consumption. All concern about intelligent scripting or good writing just drains out of you. You read the scripts and see that they're shit but decide eh, good enough. You were never going to be able to compete with awards for good writing anyway and the fucking morons who watch this shit will watch it regardless.

Instead you decide to focus on special effects, because all you need to do to get those right is throw money at them. That's how you get movies that have HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS sunk into them and yet still couldn't find the time or budget to hire a single competent writer.

I mean there is no fucking excuse for blockbuster movies not to have intelligent plots and witty dialogue. Good writers are out there BEGGING for work. The people making them simply don't fucking care, because the people watching them don't care, and why would I care about taking pride in my product if it's all pointless in the end?

>I'm just waiting for the Rocket spinoff movie to prove you wrong with desu
You will be sorely disappointed.

Rocket is a great /character/ but think of how he is written in the actual movies. For every good scene he gets about three terrible ones. Rocket in the hands of competent writers with a director not afraid to make a movie that's actually grey and dare I say it edgy would be fucking fantastic. But that's not what we'll get.

My only gripe is it couldn't decide if it was a kid's movie or a nostalgia jackoff session for 35+ year old dudes. The humor was all over the places, I guess you gotta cover all your bases...

I just want to know what the explanation is for why Earth is cut off from the rest of the galaxy in the movies, and comics if its ever been explained there too

I enjoyed it more

fights were better

rocket was better

mantis x drax was cute

ego was good

final fight was great

but baby groot vomiting after the space jumps was legit funny

I'm guessing some kind of prime directive from the galactic UN or regional hegemon.

define a 'terrible Rocket scene'

protip you can't

muh turds


should I watch the first one? I have it open on shitflix right now should I just click it?

That was fucking great, there were enough highs to pad out the lows for sure.

yes. do it for him

I just wish he had more to do besides shooting from the ship, although maybe I'm being greedy, his tactical takedown of the ravagers and team up with yondu was awesome

Was there any signifigance to the last stinger? Those guys with stan lee look familiar.

>although maybe I'm being greedy
I feel the same.

Rocket was literally the co-protagonist, sharing with Peter and to a lesser extent Yondu, but I still wanted more of him. He needs his own movie tbqh.

>The rumors were true btw, 5 after credits scenes.

James Gunn confirmed it weeks before

>1 and 2
You mean 1 and 22.

Mantis a cute.

So Moondragon in vol. 3 maybe?

Anyone have a pic of Ego as a planet with a face?

5 what?



>post yfw silent flashbacks followed by "AND IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME NOW, YOU WILL NEVER LOVE ME AGAIN"

Never been so hyped before in capeshit, goddamn.


That scene was also very bad.

Who's Adam again? He's supposed to be a good guy in the comics right? And is sly basically forming east coast guardians?

Marvel movies show scenes after and during the credits, didn't you know that?

Adam Warlock.

The song is called Chain btw... by Fleetwood Mac.

Just so you can say the song name properly next time you make this post, you shill. Jesus, what do they even pay you for when I'm doing your job better than you.

Adam is space Jesus who fights himself from the future.

The Quill vs. Ego scenes made want to go for a galaxy wide Dick-ride.


I watched the gold lady credits scene, and stayed till the very end, till the screen went black.

No Nova, not ever.

does it have a 20 min section of quippy cgi things bumping into other cgi things, for reasons?

I already forgot that Stallone was in this.

Hate to be that guy, but that looks interesting:

Go watch Wonder Woman

1# i s kadgar practising with undondus arrow, it hits drax
2# guardians 3001 get together and you see phantomex in the background practising dr strang magic
3# the golden egg lady is hatching a big one full of a slut called adam
4# groot in puberty you see his pubes all over the room he a bit cranky
5$ stan lee is uatu the watcher


Despite being the archetypal attitude/bad boy character he never hit on anyone in both movies, even showing disgust when Quill does it. His sexuality or even sexual orientation was never explored in any way for some reason.

What did the film makers mean by this?

I really liked the first one but all the ads for this one make it look like more of a PG comedy than a super hero action flick. The first film struck a great balance between the two.

This and Winter Soldier are the only "good" direct MCU sequels so far.

It's either "Terrible Terrible Terrible," "Habits," or "Trash Animals."

They started out as comics on tumblr then ended up as a weekly on Vice and now they're dead.

>a slut called adam
Hey! He's just really popular with the ladies, you know?

>What did the film makers mean by this?

Stop it.

poppy opossum

The total recall tier effects when they were jumping through space and when rocket was blasting his bomb were fucking 10/10

This movie was good. Ending was kinda lame and shitty, but the comedy throughout made up for it

>Trash panda
How does Peter know this phrase? I'm not sure when it was coined, but I'm sure it was after he was abducted.

Adam Warlock in the comics is a long running rival/friend of thanos, hes been key in many of thanos's big arcs.

his own issue is he has like another dark side of him that takes over called the MAGUS who fucks people up

hes very powerful and fucks gamora

its implied that sly and his team at the end were once a fun rag team like the gotg based on guadians 3000, in fact most of them were there, starhawk, martinex, charlie 3000 also we saw mainframe earlier and someone else with her

>I'm totally not a shill, also listen to The Chain by.... Fleetwood Mac
I ain't falling for that stealth marketing shit, fuck outta here you two shills.

The idea was that David Hasselhoff = Yondu = the person he's mourning.

already confirmed for p4, they didn't need to blow all their popular space heroes in one phase afterall

rich rider is apparently getting set up to be nova in ms marvel movie

Fuck it, I'll even take that perma-concussed little Kid Nova shit.

When Ego's gunk is spreading on the various planets, did we see a Nova Corps ship coming to Earth to investigate it? Or did it cut from Earth to another planet with a Nova Corps ship?

I do kinda want this tiny plastic Michael Rooker.

>already confirmed

So stan is the watcher then? I kinda got that vibe but I had to take a call before it ended

I continue to believe that Peter obtains and consumes Earth popular culture somehow.

It is the only way to explain his current year references.

The song came out ages ago senpai, feel free to pirate it, and this for all I care. I just get my kicks on name dropping bands I know.

It was a bad idea.

>naked gun in space

You mean Airplane 2

Why the hell didnt an avenger show up to stave off the goo on earth???

No, other user was exaggerating. We see Stan in a space suit talking to some Watchers. He mentions being a Fed Ex driver or something, seeming to hint that he's the same character from Civil War, and possibly that all of his cameos are the same character.

I think that was the E-goo forming on Xandar. Fun fact,when the Egoo formed on Earth and rear-ended a car, the driver is Quill's grandfather.

their watchers.

im actually playing nova in the movie but my agent is still sussing out the contract so nothing in stone yet

>father figure dies
>it ain't time to make a change starts playing

It was only spreading for a few minutes.

Whats wrong with him having a love interest for comedic purposes, hopefully in the next film? He could use the emotional support desu

Were there any scenes before 60's kurt russle running through the forest and telling starlords mom that his planet seeds will hatch one day? Came in to the movie late.

>85 posts
>31 posters

Jesus fucking Christ, Disney.

For one, there wasn't enough time to notice and get there.

For another the Avengers are officially dissolved.

from seedling to giant goo before it froze was less than a minute

it was about 15-20mins max i think when they stopped it again

im not surprised no one was on the scene yet

im positive it will be referenced in the future and AoS will probably be on cleanup dooty

They weren't officially dissolved when this movie took place.

if he told her the details of his plan it was offscreen, she just saw him planting the seed in the earth before he planted his seed in her

Eh...if Ego can assimilate a planet on his own why does he need Peter?

>"I'll do it myself"
>Two years later
>Still hasn't done shit
Thanos is the laziest villain. I keep expecting him to show up briefly and kick some ass as foreshadowing, but he's still just sitting on his ass doing nothing.

you understand nothing about his character

he cant do the whole universe, which is what he wanted to do, he needed peters power to assist

when peter refused he forced him to by making him into a battery

Ah I just remember him alluding to it and her ditzily saying she didnt understand him at all. Either way, seems I didnt miss a thing

> two years later

Gotg is set 3 months after the first one, so october 2014