Gen. Kill AMA

My father was an officer and named character in pic related, AMA

(No, I'm not going to tell you which one he is)

The only reason you'd be embarrassed if if your father was either encino man or captain america.

which one was he

admit it, your dad was Trombley

Is this show worth watching?


I'm only keeping it under wraps for anonymity reasons, but he's not any of those guys. He wasn't a major character, but he was named multiple times.

So either general maddis (i'd sing it from the rooftops if that magnificent fuck was my dad) or the guy he fired.

so which one was he

I've never actually watched it. I started to read the book, but I stopped partway through because I wasn't sure I could handle some of the stuff it told me about my father. He never talked much about his time in Iraq, so learning it from a book was a little unsettling.



You should be banned for replying to bait threads. You're just as bad if not worse than trolls and shitposters because you enable their faggotry in the first place. Kill yourselves. That's not even the fucking OP that you're replying to.

Ah, so you stopped once maddis fired the idiot who had his foot in his dick.

You can keep reading/watching, hes not mentioned again, because he was out of the war at that point.

And scratch that, not your dick, my dick.

OP here, they are replying to me

Um. You're not the OP. I am.

Any questions for me guys? I'm happy to answer.

oh i know it was the guy with bull horns on his humvee

all me :^)

Alright, where's your proof then?

You're both bullshitters, get off my thread

all me :^|

what part did he like the most in terms of realistically portraying the experience?
what didn't he?

oh fuck

the reservists

goddamn OP we understand.

>bryan patterson gets out of a humvee and starts running at least twice as fast as all the vehicles screaming "CEASE FUCKING FIRE"
