How did he escape?

How did he escape?

fucking ghosts

Psychic powers


They weren't just figments of his imagination. That's the moment in the film that confirms that.

Danny opened it

did you even watch the movie?


If you look closely at this scene you can figure out what products Jack used to melt the lock off.
Kubrick set it up this way because he figured the audience would know how he did it but years later people still think it was ghost
(Though to be fair he left it vague on purpose)
I think mythbusters did an episode where they used the same products and said the lock would have melted

shining is hereditary, where you think the boy got it?

The mailman?

The point of the book is that the hotel itself is alive and is out to kill people. In the book Jack bludgeons himself to death so that the hotel can assume direct control so the humanity within him can no longer resist the urge to kill. Therefore in the book it made a lot more sense because it is established that the hotel itself was supernatural, and not that it was driving people crazy (as the film suggests).

For the record the film is a lot better than the book so I'm not being "that guy", but this is one of few plot holes in the film that comes as a direct result of a misinterpretation of the book.


Definitely not a misinterpretation. Kubrick just disliked the book and wanted to improve on what King had established as a general outline.

maybe not misinterpretation but through removing almost all other instance of the hotel's supernatural occurrences Kubrick effectively made the escaping scene a plot hole as it is not justifiable by anything else set up in the movie.

>charles grady
>delbert grady

the nigger?


Kubrick did it all intentioanlly

he was using the book itself as a metaphor.

why the crashed VW bug was shown early in the filim


>removing almost all other instance of the hotel's supernatural occurrences
lol wut. you're talking about a movie famous for spooky dead twin girls and blood coming out of an elevator. don't be such a dorkbutt.

Danny had supernatural abilities, Jack was insane and he drove his wife insane. Everything in the film can be explained rationally as manifestations of the minds of crazy people besides Jack's escape which is a clear supernatural occurrence.

The dead twins can be one of two things, Danny's supernatural powers or Danny going insane, it was not a supernatural occurrence brought on by the hotel itself, as the book suggests.

The only exception to the "manifestations of the minds of crazy people" theory is the black dude coming back, but that could be chalked up to coincidence or him having a bad feeling or some shit.

>Danny had supernatural abilities
>Everything in the film can be explained rationally

Sorry I missed a sentence, I meant to say that there are two interpretation for Danny, either he actually has the powers or he's crazy. I hinted at that in:
>The dead twins can be one of two things, Danny's supernatural powers or Danny going insane

I realised there's another hole in the realist interpretation as Danny was chocked by the old woman, though most people reading the film in a realist sense either assume Jack was going back to being abusive (as he states he was in earlier in the film) or he was drunk (as he was an alcoholic before this job and relapsed during the film)

They explained it in a deleted scene where it's implied he used the ketchup and relish cans to make some kind of explosive to open the door. Saying it's a le spooky ghost is a pleb filter.

they say its ghosts cause in the book its the god damn ghosts opening the door

The Mummy, the Wolfman, Dracula, and the Swamp Thing all opened the door for him.

nigga did he use baked fucking beans to melt a door lock?