Anyone have that flowchart about the bonus situation?

Anyone have that flowchart about the bonus situation?

Also, Alien thread.


Suhhhhh weeeeeee t

So...let's discuss the bonus situation.

What's the big deal with the bonus situation? I'm serious why is this a topic

What bonus situation?

I'm more of a boner situation kinda guy

We need to talk about the bush situation

Why are the Alien movies so obsessed with axes?


Well I'm sure you know that Aliens are vague metaphors for rape.

An axe makes cuts "called cunts" which is slang for vagina. A vagina also has another term for it "Axe wound"

Therefor, by using an axe she's making new metaphorical vaginas.

Why was most based marine off screen'd in 3?

Who /hyped/ here?

One user last night pointed out that the alien costume has six fingers That's a total of twelve, implying that on the xenomorph homeworld math is done in the superior base twelve rather than our puny base ten. This, combined with the Xenomorph's ruthlessness and coldblooded disregard for the crew, implies that it will shut down any attempt to negotiate the bonus situation on fair terms.

This implies a deeper level of accountancy symbolism than previously thought. Why else would Scott choose to give the xeno SIX fingers when it was birthed from a host with only five?

>that muff

After Dallas died, they didn't have the key to the bonus locker and had to get in somehow
Didn't you watch the movie?
Deepest lore

do they really care that much about the bonus situation? I thought they were primary focused on the coming harvest

Prometheus was just an Alien remake.

what does the Bonus situation truly mean?

a bountiful harvest

It's so thick and (presumably) smelly

I'd hit it

But that's not Spunkmyer


Remember kids, if it ain't got vagina metaphors and rape allusions it ain't Kino

>Aliens are vague metaphors for rape

They aren't "vague metaphors." They literally rape people and impregnate them.