You now remember that he was never caught and is still out there

you now remember that he was never caught and is still out there

Other urls found in this thread:

Unless he died.

He could have been walked past the chief of police one day and NO ONE would know except him




What did he mean by this?

what is this?

daily reminder that he's probably only in his early 50s right now

Someone posted a story about how they were 99% sure they met the person. He was an literal autist

Ted Cruz.

I just made a giant masterpiece for all the worlds greatest newspaper nerds!

>interrupts Doctor Who

pls someone post
some guy hacked a tv program once and somehow never got caught

>he could now be a skeleton

Pls gib context
Non-mass-murderer-land here

It was an AMA on Reddit and the guy gave an update like a year later saying it was probably not the same people he knew after all.

>On a late-November evening in 1987, two Chicago television stations were victims of a broadcast signal intrusion

>Frick'n Liberal

Is he /ourguy/?

A team of at least 2 people did that. And autists don't make team

Read the tread europoor


At the end of the night, my friend and I ended up getting a ride home from J. He drove a small beat up car with alot of army instructional manuals inside of it... The sort of plain black-text-on-off-yellow-cardstock given to soldiers that cover all sorts of topics you learn in the military. I thought it was kind of awkward that the two of us sitting in the back seat said nothing to J during the ride home, so I tried to strike up some conversation with him. He never answered any of my questions. He had his own topics he wanted to talk about. Paraphrasing:

Me: "Hey J****? How old are you, anyway?"

J: "Oh. Do you know why I told you not to sit in the front seat?"

Me: Uh... Why?

J: "Oooh, In case you said something stupid!"

Me: "What do you mean?"

J: "There's a surprise under the seat for people who say something stupid! Oooh, or if YOU say something stupid!"

Me: "Huh?"

J: "What TV shows do you watch?"

Me: "I don't really watch TV."

J: "Hey, I'm hungry. Ooooh, I hope you don't say something stuuupid."

>>known pbs employee who never got another job on tv again

>autists don't make teams

never got why people found this to be creepy when it was clearly someone just trolling tv viewers

>probably in his 30s
More likely to be dead now desu

I mean it's very strange, and he does well at making the video very uncomfortable and disturbing, especially if you're a normie and don't know what the fuck he's saying. All creepiness goes away when he gets his ass swatted.

Literally rddit: the TV hijacking

wasn't it rumoured to be Jim Carrey?

Check the video. You can see a girl

The truth is never as glamorous as the myth

It's pretty creepy that someone could just hack the TV like that
What if someone were to hack a children's TV show and display something obscene

I actually heard the theory that it was donald trump


there's no evidence this ever actually happened

Daily reminder he had no purpose, he just wanted to be whacky reddit tier

so it wasn't a mask?



if he had a purpose you would say he was a wacky reddit antifa protester

It was a publicity stunt for the max headroom tv show that nobody seems to remember

He never will be caught.

He could've BEEN the chief of police.

Sorry all it was me

why did you do it user

Why is this considered so scary/weird? It's just a pair of autists who figured out how to hack a TV station having some fun.

thats actually where i thing a lot of tv creepypastas come from i think

i watched a hijacked simpsons episode when i was a kid that was prrfect creepypasta fodder

Ah, the 80s back when you could hack things without the threat of a lifetime of jail under some sort of terrorism law.

what a wasted opportunity

He's a reminder of the freedom we lost.
>we will never go back to not being monitored 24/7 so these kinds of things would happen
>we will never go back to a pre-social media era of the internet where people weren't encouraged to put every single bit of information online
>we will never have another incident like this unless the guy wants to get caught

yeah i remember when you could walk the streets of london and not get run over by a bus

why does he wear the mask, etc.

the Area 51 caller is more kino

It's probably a guy in a dress.

Thousands of people saw it. There are recordings. You can literally go watch it right now.

hands are qt and girly

this desu senpai

Because then Watchmojo couldn't put this in their list of top 10 scary shit nobody cares about.

actually I've been here for years, thank you for the words though everyone

A mix of the surreality of the footage and the fact that people think of TV as something kind of pure and invulnerable so seeing something "unauthorized" feels very strange.

Have any of you guys ever seen The Great Satan At Large? Dude aired child porn live on TV. There are recordings of his show online, but even on the internet they have to be cut for content.

way to cuck those cucks

This guy is probably selling insurance in Wisconsin or something just as boring and pointless.

thanks buddy

There was a guy claiming to know who did it with a fuck ton of proof on Reddit.

Florist actually.

piles not files

Yeah and then he fagged out by saying "sorry, the guys I alluded to in my reddit blog weren't the hackers afterall" which reeks of someone close to the reddit poster AND the autism brother hackers must've spooked him.

But fucking Chicago must hate snitches cause some people know who's behind MH Incident but in 30 years won't come forward.

>Catch the wave

The better theory's that the Shaye St. John guy was behind it.


it was a gift from my oldest

Ramake coming

i learned about clutch cargo and a lot of info about an entire era in american animation from this

>and is still out there

You say that like he's a serial killer. All he did was hack a tv station and pranked a bunch of Dr. Who fans with his rambling. He probably laughed his ass off for a few days, then went on with his life like it never happened, occasionally having a chuckle about it now and then.

Tell me about him, why does he wear the mask?

Literally to hide his identity

The goal wasnt to prank Whovians,he specifically targeted the WGN-TV ("i just made a giant masterpice for all the World Greatest Newspaper nerds" [Chuck] Swirsky (a WGN pundit)[is a] freaking liberal").We can see there is an obvious cut between the part where he's rambling and the one where he's getting spanked,so it was obviously pre-recorded material.They tried to "hack" WGN but the enginners switched the signal then later that night WTTW got "hacked"

why do you want him to get caught, it was just a prank bro

He is moonman.

It's the poor quality, nonsensical dialogue, and the fact that you're not supposed to be seeing it (in the context of airing in real time on a television station). It's like a David Lynch short.

The guy(s) who hacked all the Netflix shows is still free.

That shit is legitimately terrifying, especially when he calls back. I don't care if it's fake or staged or what, it's fucking spooky as all shit.


I honestly hate all of you ignorant, phone posting, aspie, millenial shit bags.

Here's the red pill.

This was nothing more than a viral promotion, the first of it's kind, for the short lived Max Headroom TV series that followed soon after

A few years earlier there was actually a TV movie based on the character as well.

So yeah, no big mystery. Just advertising.

Never understood the big thing behind it.
He didn't really say or do anything terrible. I think the worst he did was call somebody a nerd and have some chick in a peasant outfit spank his ass with a belt.

Because back in the 80s the idea of some random asshole being able to take over television for a brief period was not something people were used to. The viewers didn't know it would happen, had no idea what to make of it and comprehended that sort of thing less.

It would be legitimately creepy, some guy just taking your TV.

It's not part of his master plan


The link to what you're looking for is on the link you gave in the description lmao oops I mean kek.
Its from Coast 2 Coast AM

Could have talked about the jews but instead acted like a fucking spass. What a fucking waste1

Too spooky for me

Fake. Acting.

Jesus you're fucking stupid aren't you?

No, you're clearly the dumb fuck. Everyone knew the truth at the time you laughable millenial cunt bag.

>guy calls in screaming about area 51
>satellite gets knocked out of lock

>Guy calls from pay phone at local 7-11
>Hangs up

I hate conspiritards. I genuinely do.

>clip has swearing and some guys bare ass in it
>played over the top of 2 tv programs
>just viraling bro!
fuck outta here mongoloid

The creepiest hijacking I've ever heard desu

Even for the 80s the behavior was tame

>omg he said a dirty word!

That's what it's viral you fucking aspie moron.

satllite carried other programs and they all got knocked off too dingus

Some fucktard screwed around with the Chicago TV broadcasts and now it spawned thousands of conspiracy theories.

More retarded fake shit.

>Muh satellites!
Uh huh.