How do you say "steamed hams" in your language?

"μπιφτέkια στον ατμό"

Prosciutti al vapore ?

It sounds funny

jambons cuits à la vapeur

presuntos cozidos a vapor?

Gedämpfte Huscheln. Which, like most wordplays, is butchered in the German translation because Huscheln isn't a word.

you call hamburgers "steamed hams?"

simpsons isn't funny

Rökt Skinka/Fläsk

Yes it's a regional dialect

зaдyшeни шyнки?

Jamones al vapor

Seasons 2-10 are the greatest television that has ever aired, prove me wrong

nothing can compare with rick and morty

uh huh, what region?

Uh, upstate New York?

you're subjectively wrong
i don't have to prove anything

really? well i'm from albany and i've never heard the phrase "steamed hams"

Omelette Du Fromage

Oh. Not in Albany no, it is more of a Youtica expression

Hamburguesas al vapor

you totally ruined my immersion by misspelling utica, but i will spare your life this time because you are a foreigner

You ruined the fun by saying Albany in the place of Utica you know

i thought i was being a bit of a crazy cunt, you know mate? shake it up a bit cunt? you know "aww fuckin good one mate didn't see that coming" and you crack open a cold one on some leb's skull

Que no decía "hamburguejas" al vapor? O tienen otro doblaje en chile?

Gerookte hamburgers

Ah yes, good old Australian fun! Go Dundee!

Es el mismo, pero el pregunto por "steamed hams", el hamburguejas lo dice después cuando le preguntan por las almejas
