Whiter than you, mohammad

Whiter than you, mohammad


56%? more like 1000 percent.

I have nothing against Black Americans.
But white americans are just mongrels that need to be removed.

>dat fucking google doodle

What about mutts like me?

t. welsh father / mexican mother

We have always, and will always, be a BLACK country

This. I had no idea where this sense of anti-white anger came from, and then I looked at the voting demographics over the last 40 years, and now I value minorities like gold.


I dont even speak spanish cause nobody in my family bothered to teach me when i was but a spiclett
im the ultimate mutt

taking the black pill as we speak

I hope you do know what search personalization is

These results come up because images of white people aren't tagged as "European American man/woman" while images of black people are usually tagged "African American man/woman". When you just search "American" results with "african american" are favored over results that don't say "american" at all.

t. someone who understands how stock photos and search engines work

when you write "American man" google's algorithm probably associates it with African American. I bet if you just googled sleeping man the results will be all white.




they're stock photos tagged with "african american" which is why they're being pulled up when you search for "american"

America is a BLACK country


>Am I

Why are so many of the American People Alec Baldwin?

le 100 bercent face cocksois beesta deh deh deh

>Alec Baldwin Suits Up To Join Brother William at the Russian American Person Of The Year Awards 2014

the results seem to be different in Finland

Why the fuck does Russia have an "American Person of the Year Award"?

hey this is that stock dude that they use in the onion

I wish i lived in sweden >:{

They all look kind of gay in this one. Do you search for a lot of American gay porn? It may be influencing the results.

Adam Lambert is there because he is dating a Finnish guy

Yeah, I love Israel, got a problem with that?

Is it related to the Easter celebration? Does Google want Americans to partake in said celebration?

Results in Russian language.

Same from Yandex that doesn't use the translation from 56-speak.

holy shit that guy without a face

results in the american language


Looks like a fucking Sup Forums catalog.

Based Yandex

Totally accurate.




why dose binland hate us so


that albino in the right though

>Soyboy lift.

#This is finland

"American" pastries and football are popular in Finland

American as a masculine adjective.

American as an american man or a citizen, masculine.

those are probably just exchange students


I want to do things to Oleksandr

>their languages have gramatical genders

Amerikanka means American woman.


In Russia we have a saying: for every threaded ass there is a dick with a screw.

that sam hyde toad looks more like sam hyde than the real person does

>d'uhh preeve yet d'uhhh men yez a voot d'uhhhh Daryl eeeeee ya engineerrrr



is this true, binland?

btw Oispa kaljaa (I wish I had beer) is the best Finnish normie meme

Results in Navajo

Don't be sad, you can still screw them.

it's lovely


fun fact;google doodle was created by a south korean designer

amerikanski btfo

Look in their fearless eyes!

>brazilian man search result
BLACK BULLS coming thru

jej, literal tripfag
