Ebin benis Suomi Finlan :D 100v

Ebin benis Suomi Finlan :D 100v

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en ees huomannu :DDDDDDDDD


japanin ja suomen suuri ja mahtava animeliitto


Good thread

Palju õnne, Soome

100V is for amerinigger real White men use 240V

cant tell if serious

Is this threda not about power supply?

>power supply

Post > just hand :D

Can I apply for finn's nationality?

Finland turned 100 years old today and Estland turns 100 in February




Estonia greatest ally

It's not really the same thing. Estonian government in exile wasn't really Estonia




Maybe, but the same original republic was restored so it still its 100th birthday

Still will congratulate estonia then

Long libe Binland! :DDDDDDD


Bullshit but I believe it
Happy birthday eesti!





fixed map

t. indo-european scum

holy whiskers you go sisters!

t. Russian

Real Latvians cherish their Livonian heritage

Friendly reminder:
If there are no congratulations from your cunt here areena.yle.fi/1-4299456 then it's pretty much a non-country.