
Bravo Romeo India Tango

Foxtrot Oscar Romeo [space] Tango Hotel Echo [space] Delta India Sierra Charlie Uniform Sierra Sierra India Oscar November [space] Oscar Foxtrot [space] Bravo Romeo India Tango India Sierra Hotel [space] Charlie Uniform Lima Tango Uniform Romeo Echo

Other urls found in this thread:


wish only experts were allowed to vote

creasing at the thought of kicking off the troubles again
should be a laugh xx


Charlie Romeo Echo Alpha Sierra India November Golf Alpha Tango Tango Hotel Echo Tango Hotel Oscar Uniform Golf Hotel Tango Oscar Foxtrot Kilo India Charlie Kilo India November Golf Oscar Foxtrot Foxtrot Tango Hotel Echo Tango Romeo Oscar Uniform Bravo Lima Echo Sierra Alpha Golf Alpha India November Sierra Hotel Oscar Uniform Lima Delta Bravo Echo Alpha Lima Alpha Uniform Golf Hotel Xray Xray Xray

if you were pro brexit but anti indie referendum then you are a hypocrite

Do you want IRA to join forces with ISIS?

*heems you*

£3000/month up north is a sickening wage, could live such a comfy life

muh dindins

The Irish phenotype.

Alpha Papa Oscar Sierra Tango Romeo Oscar Papa Hotel Echo Lima India Echo

Tango Hotel Echo India Romeo India Sierra Hotel Papa Hotel Echo November Oscar Tango Yankee Papa Echo

sat in a prominent position on campus and it makes everyone who walks by look at me

feeling good, few cute girls with fine arses now and then

>wants to emulate chavez
>plus unlimited immigration
I literally could not formulate worse policies if I tried.

and yet in London you still can't afford a decent house, almost as if perspective is releavent or something

gimmick idea: phonetic pig latin

imalay oscaryay ictorvay echoyay apapay indiayay ovembernay angotay ierrasay, ikemay echoyay

yeah would be funny as fuck

bitcoin has lost touch with reality

i did two kisses not three

gimmick idea: PHONETIC phonetic pig latin

India Mike Alpha Lima Alpha Yankee [space] Oscar Sierra Charlie Alpha Romeo Yankee Alpha Yankee [space] India Charlie Tango Oscar Romeo Victor Alpha Yankee [space] Echo Charlie Hotel Oscar Yankee Alpha Yankee [space] Alpha Papa Alpha Papa Alpha Yankee [space] India November Delta India Alpha Yankee Alpha Yankee [space] Oscar Victor Echo Mike Bravo Echo Romeo November Alpha Yankee [space] Alpha November Golf Oscar Tango Alpha Yankee [space] India Echo Romeo Romeo Alpha Sierra Alpha Yankee [space] India Kilo Echo Mike Alpha Yankee [space] Echo Charlie Hotel Oscar Yankee Alpha Yankee


I refuse to work this hard just to read your post

why doesn't the uk build houses

recognise my sovereignty

then don't live in the great caliphate then you mong

I guess your acid rotten face isn't welcome anywhere else though

can any corbyn supporter answer me why for a man of "principles" he flip flops so much. Even if we argue thta he flip flops less than most (which is a fair comment) why do you rate him over who flip flop/protest vote even less than him such as vince cable. I want someone to convince me to be happy when corbyn wins next general election instead of thinking we have gone from one bad to another bad.

More than 8-% of the UKs trade is with EU. It makes absolutely zero sense to leave the EU. It would just make both parties significantly more weak and irrelevant. There is literally no logical reason for the UK to leave the EU, it all boils down to retarded little englander rhetoric from UKIP about the EU being oppressive. And english eat that shit up, because they're (you're) stupid. I believe around 48% of the uk also voted to stay in the EU. But fuck them right?

Love Old Uruguayans Danes And Norwegians Don't Care Loads Enough About Romanians

Quite hard ngl

Incredibly dismal day at the Toilhouse

If you put a gun to my head I wouldn't even react

your loss, mate

can't be arsed with this shite gimmick, have fun with it you autistic retards. I'll be off watching benidorm on netflix

this better be good

If you stream music, you're a pleb, simple as.

my favourite gimmicks of 2017:
-Royal Mail posting
-Copypaste posting

and you?

dangerous and downright stupid

Can you speak humans? Perhaps you are a fucking poo in the loo, if so, I apologise.

only women can be virgins

don't recognise a single one of these

steady on rahman

Multiculturalism is a genocidal scam

yeah sure lad
*picks up my pint and walks away*

lads, i don't understand why the UK gubbamint would allow "foreign investors" to buy all the available housing in the UK. it makes no sense. what did they think would happen? these "foreign investors" would sell the houses at a loss? why sell these houses to them in the first place? greed and naivety desu

Love it when a girl talks near me because little does she know that the sound of her voice is vibrating my genitals if only very slightly so she is therefore technically massaging my genitals with her voice.


Simply LOL when the brexiteers get btfo and also love they're gonna get their just desserts. They're the poorest of society and so will suffer for their arrogant choices and uninformed views. You can post about salt etc all you like, at the end of the day I know I tried to help you but you're going to learn the hard way and I will barely feel the effects. I'll probably even move if things get really bad, I hear Sweden is nice this time of year.

>Multiculturalism is a genocidal scam

So, you can deliver a postcard? Then you can deliver a letter.

And if you can deliver a letter you can deliver a windowed letter.


And when you can deliver all that, you'll be a Royal Mail Postman. Start your journey.

this is what chastity looks like in the year of are lord two thousand and seventeen

literally the only reason, they couldn't give a fuck about the rest of us

why are they even bothering with brexit when clearly no one's going to be happy with the way its done and it wasn't a binding vote?

>I hear Sweden is nice this time of year.

They got paid off lad

Wake up dumb yank

Alri' lads, dean of oxford here
whoever gets the most (You)s in this thread gets an uncondinitional offer to study Sports Science at Cambridge University

what happens if you get a stiffy with this on

i'm not sure what you're even getting at

wish this aussie chink would fuck off and inhale some beijing air

u see the rorkes who post here? that's why

my favourite gimmicks of 2017:
-Royal Mail posting
-Copypaste posting

and you?

happens in loads of countries not just the UK

Howling that trump is going full 6 GORILLION now. The alt right spastics are now just totally changing their viewpoints to align with the maga meme man. Sad little twats.

you don't

you'll want to get it powder coated m8, those steel ones rust easily

still remember getting all those (You)s for bantering that bloke
Paras? Is that what you call the lads at Parcel Force? haha

Business Idea: Use the pronunciation of Chinese characters to produce sentences in English.
和楼 啦地子。都 与 云大下呢的 米?地系死 哭外特 哈而的 问 爱 听 奥包的特 一特


Love it when a girl talks near me because little does she know that the sound of her voice is vibrating my genitals if only very slightly so she is therefore technically massaging my genitals with her voice.

what the fuck are you on about

sat in a prominent position on campus and it makes everyone who walks by look at me

feeling good, few cute girls with fine arses now and then

love pints me

saved you all some time.

>build the wall
>when there's already a fence that they get over no problems

More than 8-% of the UKs trade is with EU. It makes absolutely zero sense to leave the EU. It would just make both parties significantly more weak and irrelevant. There is literally no logical reason for the UK to leave the EU, it all boils down to retarded little englander rhetoric from UKIP about the EU being oppressive. And english eat that shit up, because they're (you're) stupid. I believe around 48% of the uk also voted to stay in the EU. But fuck them right?

what party does trump run for, tories? labour?


yeah but the wall is gonna be yuge

was walking behind some one with the best arse on the way to college today
was class desu

Trump has declared he supports Jerusalem being owned by Israel

> Howling that trump is going full 6 GORILLION now. The alt right spastics are now just totally changing their viewpoints to align with the maga meme man. Sad little twats.

literally who cares, everyone knew he supported israel

They don't climb the fence, they slip through gaps in it.

t. once snuck into Glastonbury festival

mexifats dont even hop the fence because its way too risky

what is actually stopping us from invading direland?
they have no nato protection

isn't this expected from a republican?

none of our main parties endorse him
t'would be career suicide

Not a fan of kikes and their slimy political agents

it would be extremely painful

generally countries don't like it when others invade neutral countries

Hello Canadian poster. I bet you have the fattest boner that i'd love to give a little licksy

elite post

Got a white hot chocolate the other day
would recommend

going for a full yank breakfast lads

a transnational union with free trade, free migration, civil liberties, political rights, due process, minimal regulation and well-developed institutions would create peace in the middle east

Fairly certain I started the oxfordposting gimmick. That was a fun thread tbqh

from whittard's?

Wouldn't it burn your mouth if it was white hot?

No but seriously, I have a tub of white Options hot choc and it's good stuff.

I enjoyed the shortlived penny farthing posting

No, literally never been acknowledged by anyone, trump is officially the most Israel friendly president in existence


ahh yes... the scottish

>"Weed isn't bad for yo-"

huh, makes an oscillation in my thinking patterns.