Tfw half r*Ssian half fr*Nch

>tfw half r*Ssian half fr*Nch

Enjoy your Fields Medal.

Wine or Vodka?

>tfw 1/8 forest finn and 1/8 pole, yet look like a generic swarthy mutt
is this how being american feels like?

This. Don't spoil your opportunity.

Unironically kill your racemixing piece of shit of a Russian parent, then kill yourself. Disgusting.

>tfw half brit, half german
it's alright i suppose, sometimes feel like an amerimutt though

Where did you get the swarthy part from? Here in America, it's Spic/Black derived.

Are you sure? If you're Canadian it possibly could be that you're in fact Ukrainian.

Wine mixed with Vodka

come home yellow man

Napoleon Bonaparte rapebaby?

my grandma claims that her ancestors wuz walloonz n shiet, but that's the number one claim for swarthy heritagefags in sweden. in reality, the amount of walloons that immigrated here has been vastly exaggerated, and most people who claim to be walloons are something else.

the same grandma also claims to be part jewish, but can't say for sure who her jewish ancestor is, so that's also very uncertain.

Probably 100 times more Finnish descendants in Sweden than Walloons but nobody wants to admit it. Racism alive and well in Sweden.

>tfw 1/4 b*lgian

get dna test

i am the same as you, what is the problem ? great mix of the 2 greatest ppl on earth, based

>tfw half Lithuanian 1/4 Irish 1/4 French

This OP, go solve Navier-Stokes or Riemann and give me a job with the money

>tfw half r*Ssian
are you sure? check it again I bet you are half ukrainian than russian

It is not your fault