Is he coming back, Sup Forums?

Is he coming back, Sup Forums?


IIRC Hugo hated the role, but that may have changed given the money train Marvel is on

I hope not, Red Skull a shit.

He should of came back in Winter Soldier or at least after the Avengers since HYDRA got the tesseract again technically.

Replace him then. They do it with everyone else. I'm sure there are other actors who wouldn't mind it.

Eat shit shield loving hydra traitor!

Actually I want him back to maybe make use of this Axis/Onslaught look/armor. That would be great.

Red skull is shit, zemo's the villian we need to return.

Didn't the Tesseract disintegrate him at the end of Capt America? How would he come back?

Supposing the Tesseract teleported his ass to a different place in the universe, it's been 70+ years since the end of WWII. He'd be literally too old to do anything supposing he's still alive. He'd be like around 90+ years of age at the minimum.

Well, unless the Tesseract ported him forward in time as well.

Comic Movie plotlines are confusing.

>all villains brought back at cliff hanger ending of IW
>dead ones, including Ultron ressurected

>blasted with magic alien super gem
>not an excuse to do whatever you want

He took Dr. Erskine's formula.

I thought he was a pretty cool villain

>space gem
nigga he's out there

>space gem
>doorway to across universe
>red skulls teleported to other side of universe

He's not dead

as starlords dad

There are so many characters that already exist in the comics, why even bother bringing back this one? Move on, tell new stories with new characters.

>Didn't the Tesseract disintegrate him at the end of Capt America?
Yes, but most people purposefully blind themselves to that fact. Every sign points to him dying, from the nordic guy who prophetically said that he would burn, to the actual literal disintegration which burned the flesh from his body. Plus in later movies it showed pretty clearly that teleportation with the tesseract is completely different from what happened to Red Skull.

If they run out of other villains they want to use. Markus and McFeely still want to gt us to MODOK, but that might be a pipe dream.

>Every sign points to him dying
The writers of the movie specifically said the Red Skull was "could come back at any time" when talking about previous villains that aren't dead and they could bring back.

While we're on the subject of the questionable dead, both Ultron and Zola could return easily if Marvel wanted to

Possibly. His "death" in TFA definitely looked a LOT like the effect for the Bifrost in the Thor movies.
Apparently Weaving didn't like having to go full-on two-dimensional evil and said something along the lines of he wasn't looking forward to it or he'd rather not, but i think he's contracted for more than one movie anyway but Marvel just hasn't called him back for another one yet.
If that's true, and considering the money the Marvel movies have to throw at him, he may very well show up again.
As far as story goes, literally anyone could show up again since we've got the Infinity Gauntlet coming into play. Even the dead villains aren't off-limits and we could easily see anyone get summoned by Thanos to fight the Avengers.

They should just go part Mo-cap for red skull if Weaving hates the make-up so much.

I really hope he survived in the explosion and picked up secretly by the military (Ross) because they wanted Tony's tech
then shows up in future firm where he becomes Crimson Dynamo (also becomes a member of Masters of Evil or Thunderbolts)

Ultron could technically still be alive.
The last drone was killed off-screen, IIRC. You could easily say Vision didn't want to kill a uniqe form of life like Ultron, like he said earlier.

Mickey isnt getting a callback because he openly badmouthed Marvel after doing the role. Might as well get another Russian with a power suit

I just want a scene like pic related. I like the idea of this sort of cynical, jaded voice against America in the form of one of our old defeated enemies. It works well.

It gives Steve a moment where he needs to be intellectual instead of just punching things.

>I really hope he survived in the explosion
He was the source of the explosion. There was a self destruct in his suit for in case he lost.
He's dead, man.

Hilarious because both of these actors left Marvel in bad taste.

Hugo hated the hours of makeup as Lawrence does. Mickey hates Marvel because he wanted to bring more depth to the character but Marvel said he has to be 1 dimensional generic baddie.

It can be done, plus if being two-dimensional was a turn off for Hugo, look how this Red Skull is NOT like that? He makes you think. I think he's ultimately wrong but it's a tough mental battle to explain why too.

>Comes from a country that genocides its own people
>Acts like Walmart and obesity is what's wrong with a country.

I don't care if I'm arrogant or missing the point, no nazi is going to tell me his shit was better.

Actually rereading this, thinking about what I said about Axis Red Skull... THATS how you bring him back. As the super pyschic powered version with a clearer and deeper mission and goal.

HYDRA has been proven to just be a front for an evil Inhuman anyways. I'd love to see Red Skull come back and be like "Uh no bitch, HYDRA is mine" or abandon Hydra or something.

He didn't hate it. He said he was glad to do that type of movie but wasn't interested in doing more.

You're not arrogant or missing the point. What you said also made you feel patriotism and gets you siding with Cap once you think it through, do you see what I'm saying? I'm just saying that's how you bring back and use Red Skull as a general voice of anti-American sentiment.

>HYDRA has been proven to just be a front for an evil Inhuman anyways
Stop watching AoS.

Yeah I thought it was that he just didn't want to be the bad guy anymore. Which I understand and don't understand too. The bad guy isn't the star but he's essential to the movie/story and a super villain is a different breed of bad guy. It's not like we don't know Weaving as Elrond too, he's shown he can do both and he's a great actor.

There is no shame in being the villain on-screen, in fact as a bit of an actor myself, I think it's actually kind of noble.

>It gives Steve a moment where he needs to be intellectual instead of just punching things

"Shut up, faggot. You're a nazi." followed by slugging Red Skull.

Im dying to know

What was the next panel

I don't have it, hopefully some other user knows. There is always that user.

an easy way is to replace the actor with new one
especially the character who wears mask or face's burned

>HYDRA got the tesseract again technically.
No they didn't.
Thor took it back to Asgard with Loki at the end of Avengers.