Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 13

Final Crisis - Rogue's Revenge

There are no Flashes here. Only Reverse Flashes and Rogues.

Continuing the storytime of all major Reverse Flash appearances.

Previous Threads
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This is the only good part about final crisis.

fite me nerds




It's a real shame we never got more of the Reverse Flash Family



















I loved this part





This whole sequence is gold, really captures why people love the Rogues









I wonder why Iris abandoned Josh. Fred Chyre must have been furious.
















Is Eobard Thawne the only Zoom who hasn't killed babies? Clearly, he is the least evil Reverse Flash.






I dunno, he made it so his own baby brother as never born and killed Barry's childhood friend, so he's not exactly innocent of that kind of thing.



How does zoom talk? Like a real world equivalent, does it just sound like someone talking with no pauses whatsoever and very fast?




I've always read it as normal words combined with strings of words, in a [helicopter noises] sort of tone




That's all for now.

Next time: Rebirth

>Rebirth next

Rip Wally

barry gonna give it to ya

Rip all of the Flash Family