Are you ready, Sup Forums?

Look at those muscles, he could crush her now and the nightmare would end.

Save us Aquaman

Mother of Drama


Is that Mera?


Mera's going to die and give her blessing to Aquaman and Felicity.

I hope he choked her as they fucked

Oliver cucked

my sis has a pic with both of them. and she got her booty touched by john barrowman.

Is that her?

Why is Felicity so popular? Is her succ game that strong?

>Zoey Quinn hair
Oh come on now, that can't possibly be real. She can't be this perfectly infuriating.

>yfw Felicity is the center of the DCEU Multiverse.

Who is that?

>Merlyn PLS

>Zoe Quinn hair
>I have not seen many mid-20s females

>being somewhere where this hair is standard for mid-20's females

Shit user I am sorry to hear that. At least you can get some strange when you leave that terrible place.

>Even if I were straight I'd gain no satisfaction from this
Poor barrowman the writers should have cut him loose a while ago. I like him but he should move on.

He's obviously her half brother to be introduced in season 7. A consequence of Mama Smoak's carefree nights.

Is Aquaman always drunk? Whenever he's at one of these functions he's pretty lit. Probably thinks he can talk to fish.

>Why is Felicity so popular?
Because Felicity Smoak is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most independent woman.

Unlike you I don't actually get mad because someone is sporting the same hair as literally who whom no one around have ever heard about lol

Momoa seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang with.

>ywn see Captain Jack Harkness back in Doctor Who
>ywn see Torchwood back on the air

I still don't understand why hair dye upsets people.

no i said booty. she was cosplaying as arsenal, maybe that will help your search

tho nice to know he's been harrassing more females. guess gays can do anything.