Hey Sup Forums, is there a character you can even TOUCH Clark Kent let alone defeat him...

Hey Sup Forums, is there a character you can even TOUCH Clark Kent let alone defeat him? And I'm not even talking about New 52 Superman. I'm not even talking about sun-dipped post-crisis Superman.

What I'm talking about is pre-crisis Superman with with the Sword of Superman, a Mother Box, and a phantom zone projector who gained a massive power boost from resting in a blue sun for 832 centuries. Not only does he have access to the entire power of the Superman dynasty but also the speedforce, a White Lantern ring with all seven entities (giving him full access to the emotional spectrum), and Doomsday cells injected in him allowing him to quickly adapt to any injury done to him.

Batman with enough prep time

The Spectre.

First of all, yes, the answer to your question is The Flash. Or anyone else the writer cares to write in, I suppose.
Second of all, kudos; you've actually succeeded at being a remarkably more clever troll then most of Sup Forums sees these days by taking that one Naruto copypasta with all the Wapanese gibberish and phrasing it with actual shit from actual comics.
I'd like to give you a No-Prize, but they don't make those anymore.

>First of all, yes, the answer to your question is The Flash

>but also the speedforce

Superman prime.

Kryptonite-Fuck, the Man with the Kryptonite Cock


Sweet Christmas, Luke Cage can't do any of that

Mate. Luke Cage can do anything.

Hehehe I laughed, but nice bait user :)


>the answer to your question is The Flash
>against someone that can use the speedforce as well

Flashpoint rebooted the Spectre

Silver surfer. He uses power cosmic to turn supes asshole into a singularity then mopes for a while

>"Why? Why do the sentient beings of the universe force to me to turn their assholes into singularities!? All I crave is companionship, not compressing all intelligent life I meet into their own assholes! Once again.....THE SILVER SURFER FLIES ALONE!!"


Nah, not even Dragon Ball Super has gotten this crazy

John Constantine... Zatanna... anyone even half decent with magic...

Magic really just fucks Superman's shit up

>Thinking Magic can stop pre-crisis Superman
You'll only make him stronger


Dan Jurgens

Healing coma


Which crippled superman sales for decades

>no Nth metal powersuit to combat magic

Even you must meet your Fate, Kal-El


>Superman Prime
This Superman did the same thing in a blue sun instead

There was nothing in the No-Prize so technically they never made them.

inertron is better than nth metal though

The Flash has dominon over the speedforce and can take it from superman


Amazing how both halves are so similar

anyone could since clark kent as average human male with no discerning characteristics at all.

Can some kind user story time Batman #52

Bat-Mite or Mxzyptlk