Transformers 5: The last knight

Transformers 5: The last knight

Get hyped

Transformers is /co / right?

I could not be less hyped.

>>Get hyped
We'll spend the first 2/3rds of the film following a human trying to live their ordinary life, and then get fights where you can't tell any character apart in a crowded city.

I just wanna see more cold blooded executions. Like optimus blowing spockbots brains out as he pleas for mercy.



billion dollars guaranteed

>Michael Bay returns
>Marky Mark returns


Damn, beaten by two minutes.
But yeah, it got cartoons and comics, TF threads used to be busy even when there was no episode or new release. Kinda different now.

Anyway, I haven't keep up with RID/exRID, should I be spoiled much if I continued Sins?

Has Aloha Tripn appeared in the movies yet?

>purple eyes

we Unicron now

So all this Optimus killing in cold bood and being completely out of character in these movies is eventually going someplace?

no this is probably a result of him going into space and completely unrelated to "GIVE ME YOUR FACE"

>Alpha Trion
Fuck me and fuck captcha

This is pretty much all I've been waiting for. I was disappointed as fuck that Unicron wasn't the actual moon in Dark of the Moon.

If Optimus Prime returns from his galaxy trip and bring Unicron back with him herald of Galactus style, I'll be satisfied.

>Current plans call for Transformers: The Last Knight to be followed by a Bumblebee spin-off film in 2018 before Transformers 6 arrives in 2019.

welcome to the Hasbro Cinematic Universe

I'm more hyped about the prequel.

Bayformers Optimus is a PTSD-ridden psychopath. He's nothing like G1 Optimus.

He's not the hero he should be.

You oldfags need to let go of this "G1 cartoon Optimus was a well written character" meme. Bayformers Optimus is trash, too, but actually thinking the 80's toon had decent writing is embarrassing.

You mean Bay Cinematic Universe?

Beast Machines did the gritty and serious part better which is fucking sad

I'ma geewunner and can still enjoy bayformers. Anyway the only well written Optimus is IDWverse Optimus and that's because he's turning into Megatron.

OK pussyface, it's your move.

Dark Energon?

>a Bumblebee spin-off film

Here's yer stupid potassium nitrate

If you have seen a Bayformers movie you have seen them all. These movies are just made for China anyway.

>that faceplate
>yfw we have finally discovered the true identity of Scrash

Only AOE.
First movie is for kids and casuals.
Second is for Bay.
Third is for NASA recruits.

>not Bumblebee Cinematic Universe/BBCU

>not targeted for army recruits

Is there a TF comics recommendation list?

So, eventually there will be a Bay Transformers/TMNT team up?

>followed by a Bumblebee spin-off film

He will be able to talk again right... Right

Gonna be weird if that happened before IDW TF/TMNT crossover did

Only if it's something like the Mars Attack crossover.

Marvel Comics Optimus will always be definitive to me

My colored small-sized equidae live action movie when?

>Bumblebee spin-off film in 2018
I can't wait for his entire dialogue to be a jumble of sound bites as he follows people he has no emotional connection to.

seems a bit late now

Each movie has had one member of the original team die in it, so I was hoping with a fifth movie it would finally be Bee's turn. I wouldn't even mind if it didn't take like with Optimus in Revenge of the Fallen.

>that font

>Each movie has had one member of the original team die in it
Huh, I didn't notice. Interesting, though.

Arise, Vaginus Prime

Writing has nothing to do with it. Kids saw Optimus as their Dad. He's this infallible robot Jesus Dad who can do no wrong.

Wait... Who died in the second one? Oh I guess Optimus did, I dunno that movie is such a blur.

Sins is set between exRID #42/43 so probably not.

I . . .actually like Prime. It's not like his current character and personality just sprang out of no where, it was a pretty justifiable progression.

Is Bay involved with this?

If his grimy mits aren't involved in the production I *might* give it a chance

I'll get hyped when they make RC a recurring character with decent voice and animation in movie.
I will also get hyped when they make a beast wars movie

Jetfire and Optimus Died

Bay is directing.

not giving that piece of shit a penny

>Inb4 product placement in almost every scene

>inb4 an American flag in every background shot

>inb4 robot acts like a racist stereotype

>inb4 the American military defeats super advanced alien robots with high explosives and kung fu

I know I'm missing some

Seriously why do they keep giving these things to Bay?

His movies range from mediocre to completely awful with the special effects being the only thing he does right

I'd honestly let them give it to fucking J.J. Abrams or Hack Snyder at this point

They make money.


It's also the same reason why they're still making Alvin and the Chipmunks movies and the Smurfs movie got a sequel.

Execs don't care aobut critical reception as long as their films don't bomb financially.

>>inb4 the American military defeats super advanced alien robots with high explosives and kung fu

should have just made them the G.I. Joe from the start

>I'd honestly let them give it to fucking J.J. Abrams or Hack Snyder at this point
He's already both, with lens flares and 'bot of murder.

>we will never get a Transformers movie made by Snyder

the symbolism is already there, at least it would be a nice change

Wanna die

The cancerous /tfg/ made everybody who cares leave for /toy/

That feeling when we will never get a prequel on Cybertron directed by Guillermo Del Toro.

People try to give reason to that stuff, but the reason Movie Prime acts out of character is the same reason Syder Superman does.

That's what Michael Bay thinks heroes are supposed to act like.

But it was. Did you even watch it? Or read the comics?

They haven't been making money though.


so what's the plot?

Presumably its about Optimus being the last Silver Knight. And, assuming they follow on from AoE, meeting the creator of the Transformers.

Optimus flew off into space to get revenge on his creators.

I don't actually know but that's what AoE ended with.

Optimus Prime heroically murders God.

Also Marky Mark and a child do some stuff nobody cares about.

Quintesson massacre?

You will get a cybertron prequel , confirmed already as one of their spinoffs

DelTaco wont direct it thou

Those two went at the same Art school at Pasadena. Explains their shitty filmmaking.

Some boring ass human has an asteroid land in his field/house. Optimus Prime says some stuff about returning from long voyage and the enemy is coming.
>Spend 1 and 1/2 hour on human's family problems
>spend 1/2 hour on human flirting with female love interest human
>spend 1/2 hour on robot fight scenes.

Or whatever the Bayverse equivalent is, yeah.

Hope we get a toy.

Wait. People actually are looking forward to Transformers movies?

I do.
But only for reviews and website drama.

They're a fun way to kill a few hours.

And when the robots actually do get attention, they do it pretty damn well.

And pigs can fly.

Kiss players adaptation :^)

AoE made less than the previous movies, and the toylines have been making less money every movie.

Jesus christ, that explains so much

dark cybertron show me the forbidden protoforms

Eh, I thought the last one was an improvement over the first three, if they keep it up they might start getting mediocre.


They keep getting younger, and thats very disturbing.

It broke the bank in China, so overall they consider it a massive success.

Which is still enough for it to be getting the CU treatment.

>out of character

have you ever actually seen any G1 cartoon stuff

sure it's out of character for the G1 comics, but the guy in the cartoons is a screaming lunatic most of the time

>build me dinobots! make them dumb! lock them in a fucking cave forever, I changed my mind! we needed reinforcements but I totally forgot about all these assholes who can turn into cars!

>Megatron, after millions of years of war, I've just decided to shoot you in the face and kill you when you're at my mercy, but first I want to give a big speech about what an asshole you are!
>fucking Hot Rod! you stole my frag!
>Ultra Magnus, carrying this bullet magnet is the one gift I can give you that really gets my feelings across - don't worry, someone who's actually worthy is going to come take it from you soon

>guys I'm back from the dead and it's totally the mind control making me evil!

>guys I died

>guys I'm back from the dead again! no reason, just lolz! also my arm is back! now I'm gonna fly this spaceship full of guys who are literally just switched off apparently into the fucking sun! YOLO

>In China the age of consent for sexual activity is 14 years, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Ah, theres the rub.

>blur died

god i really hope he gets crushed and they're walking away and he's going guys guys help i'm really badly injured and they're all like poor blur, he died as he lived, being crushed to death and he's like guys plz halp cant fell eggs sleeyp and they're like you know who i'll miss, that guy blur, he could really talk fast and he's like halp gandolf eagle and they're like he always looked so nice and shiny too and he could hover which was really cool and he's like srsly guys srsly and they just keep on walking and it never ever gets referenced again

Shut up you goddamn child.

I read it in John's voice.


Yup, that's a swell picture.

>shit that didn't happen

>that font

Guess you never saw the cartoon?

Oh, he did. That's why he knows you made shit up.

How do you know? are you his butt-buddy?

And how do you know If I was the one that even posted it, you do know what anonymous means, right?

But he just described SOS Dinobots, the movie, and Dark Awakening. And possibly as bit of the Return of Optimus Prime Part 1.

He got it a bit mixed up though. Optimus flew the ship into the sun the first time, then it was found in Return of Optimus Prime part 1 with his arm and face intact.