Worst animated movie sequels?

worst animated movie sequels?

Imo The Resucuers Down Under and both Aladdin sequels

>Rescuers Down Under
But then we wouldn't have that sexy kangaroo

Pretty much any Disney movie that isn't Toy Story.

>Not the Cinerella movies
>not the beauty and the beast movies
>not the hunchback of notre dame 2
Watch some more movies

>both Aladdin sequels
Those aren't too bad if you think of them as the pilot and finale of the TV series.

but then we wouldn't have sexy Reba Macenterrier.

Those sound like poop

Delete your image

The Land before time sequels gets credit quantity over shit-quality. One mediocre film would be ignorable, except they just keep coming

This is literally just 3 short cartoons condensed into a movie. All Vinnie does in this movie is saying stuff about explosives, and all Moleman does is saying stuff about rocks and dirt.

I thought Rescuers Down Under was pretty good, the Australian Outback was pretty cool, and the villain poacher was a good villain.

Return of Jafar was kind of meh, but it was really awesome watching it as a kid, seeing Jafar come back to life and Iago coming back. Return of Jafar was really just an intro into the cartoon series- and the Aladdin cartoon series was my favorite of all the Disney after school cartoons.

Aladdin and the King of Thieves was pretty good, it served as the ending to the cartoon series. Saluk was a good villain, and it wrapped up the cartoon series nicely.

Stuff like Lady & The Tramp 2 are why I refuse to watch sequels to movies that came out 20+ years ago

Cinderella 2 was surprisingly watchable. Not great, in no way necessary, but it wasn't garbage.

> Atlantis

Well, it's not much of an excuse, but Milo's Return was released like this because, initially, Disney had ordered an Atlantis series, but for whatever reason, funding got cut after the first three episodes were finished. So they sent them straight to video and called it a movie.

rose please

You seem to be missing the entire point of the rescuers

They rescue people

It was pretty gud

They show both.

I think you mean Cinderella 3.

Cinderella 3 is fine, Cinderella 2 is boring

Mulan 2 was pretty bad. The voice acting was way weaker than the original. It's like they didn't care

this was the only animated sequel I ever watched. So I have nothing to compare it to


I would have watched that series.

Also, this one is the exact same thing. Three episodes stitched together and released as a movie.

Lucky bastard.....
That right there is the best animated sequel that Disney has ever produced.....damn its giving me memories again.

They aren't that bad, though. Most of them, anyway. There are one or two that are legitimately horrendous.

Except Tarzan had been a series for the better part of two years before Disney released Tarzan and Jane. The tv show wasn't half bad. Tarzan 2 (The interquel or whatever you wanna call it) was pretty good.

And how do we feel about prequels? I thought pic related was surprisingly good.

It was released in America as Little Mermaid 3

all the disney ones

>Evil as plain as the scar on his face

Deception... An outrage!

Ariel's Beginning was a missed opportunity. Ursula should be the villain.

>I want to fuck that lion

To this day I blame Lion King 2 for my racoon eyes fetish.

Vitani was pure sex.

>All Vinnie does in this movie is saying stuff about explosives, and all Moleman does is saying stuff about rocks and dirt.

so just like the first Atlantis, then.

This Turd.

Mulan 2 has a major problem: Mushu as the antagonist. The way he acts in that movie is just awful.

But that was better than The Lion King.

This was an abortion

Came here to post this
>Made without Bluth
>added musical numbers
>Timmy is an insufferable little shit and he knows it
>all that stupid fuckery with NIMH
>animation and backgrounds arnt even in the same ball park as Secret of NIMH
>a couple bandages fix years of self inflicted crazy electroshock therapy
>the cats
>the musical numbers
>in general an almost offensively mediocre kids movie, but an abysmal bastard child sequel to one of Don Bluth's best movies


Did she fit the tsundere/childhood bully role?


Surely it would be easier to list the ones that are good

So, like
>Lion King 2
>Alladin 3
And that's kinda it

It was a bad sequel wtf. The whole romance plot was terrible

>Made without Bluth
Fivel Goes West was made without Bluth but, was made without being complete and utter trash.
Then these came along

An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island
An American Tail: The Mystery of the Night Monster

>but for whatever reason, funding got cut after the first three episodes were finished
The movie bombing may have something to do with it

I'm noticing a strong Disney trend in this thread

This steaming sack of shit. The other sequel, The Brave Little Toaster tk the Rescue, was actually really good, but this one sucked ass.

I think that, up to the 7th film(The Stone of Cold Fire), they're good. After that, the quality begins to drop. After film 10, it drops HARD.

But that was pretty good? Had great music too


As a kid I remember liking a lot of the Disney sequels I saw. Mulan 2, Little Mermaid 2, Forty Thieves etc. Maybe it's time I rewatch them to see how bad they really are.

Delete your "life"

And to top it all off, the movies passed off Fievel Goes West as a dream! What about the series? I suppose those were just "recurring dreams" then.

fuck you this was a good movie

I've seen maybe ten Disney sequels and I didn't really dislike any of them. Most of them are just mediocre or okay.

What's wrong with this one?

The Jungle Book II is terrible, but it's worth watching just for the abundance of feet.

>And to top it all off, the movies passed off Fievel Goes West as a dream!

FUCK YOU I didn't even know they'd done that. Christ, who the fuck greenlights this shit?

Lilo and Stitch sequels are surprisingly good

Don Bluth didn't even like Fievel Goes West, either.

>The Brave Little Toaster tk the Rescue, was actually really good
it was pretty shitty senpai

Not as good as the first but ok

The quality drop in animation didn't do it any favors

The Mars one actually based on a book.

I'm not saying it was as good as the first, but it was still a decent sequel.

The film wasn't good. Never read the book tho.


Those are truly bad.


I need to sabotage Mulan and Shang's relationship or else I might lose my job!

Rescuers Down Under was pretty good for a sequel.

>fucking based villain, McLeach with his sick Mad Max half-track and shotgun
>the lizard, Joanna, and that whole sequence of her stealing the eggs out of McLeach's lunch box
>the crazy salvation army mice

>groct boct moct

I thought the things related to the spin-off series was pretty forgettable. But Stitch has a Glitch was surprisingly decent.

Probably because it has a totally different tone to the first film. But fuck him, it's still a good movie regardless in my opinion.

don't forget that this movie has the stupidest plot twist ever

this was the first movie that made me realise that if there was a sequal with an animation quality drop its most likely shit

I really liked Rescuers Down Under as a kid, the sequence with the pea from the human's table blew my mind when I was younger.

It kind of betrays the idea of the first film that the animals are all emotionless and unfeeling animals just like real ones by giving them emotions and feelings.

For some reason as a kid I remember liking a lot of direct to video Disney sequels more than the originals. Maybe the simplicity of the plots appealed to me? I have no fucking idea.

Most pretentious film I've ever seen.

All I know is many girls ended up having a crush on Kovu because of it...

>all these replies
>still none for pic related

I though the first film had to be good to count


Just because you aren't smart enough to understand it, that doesn't make it pretentious.

"Pretentious" has become a meme word, it seems.


Agreed, this is awful

>see trailer
>literally fall out of chair laughing
>see film
>realize all the jokes were in trailer-- rest of film is shit

Because Spielberg was still involved. Had he, or Lucas been involved with the Land before time sequels, those probably wouldn't have such an infamous history.

It's literally been a meme for ages.

That and the fourth film were complete shit.

>Entire plot is just Shrek not being fit for royal duties, oh and he's about to become a daddy!
>Arthur and the medieval school just feel very uninspired compared to the other jokes of the series.
>Villain is literally a leftover from the previous film, only now somehow as devious as his dead mother.

Then the fourth film, entire thing is just a "Character has a 'It's a wonderful Life!' kind of experience" with Shrek seeing a world where he didn't exist. Nothing about matters beyond him not being a cunt to his wife and children.

It makes me wonder why they even said they were going to do a five-part series if they clearly didn't have any forethought put into any of the films.

Are you kidding Sup Forums? Balto 2 was better than the original. It's a flawed film yes, but the original Balto? Very boring. And no having good animation does not mean squat. Balto himself is a very passive dull character who gets shat on and wants to save a town that HATES him. Terrible film, it's basically Zootopia's prototype story where Nick wants to save a city who HATES him making him look like a tool.

Aleu is a better character than Balto as she has some bloody dignity to fight back when harassed. Plus she gets the best deal ever, she lives freely in the wild without answering to a human master who would likely discriminate against her for being a wolf-dog. Especially since Balto himself said in Balto 2 that dogs in town still insulted him for being a wolf-dog. Why would Aleu want to live there then?

>Implying Balto didn't do it so he can bury the bone inside Jenna

I loved all the Shrek films.
Maybe I'm just easily amused.

Pretty sure this movie 30% responsible for me being a furry
this and the first one are the other 80%
Rewatched Simbas pride a couple years ago and it was still pretty good desu

>Pretty sure this movie 30% responsible for me being a furry

How? Aleu, Balto, Jenna, etc are just Talking Animals.

Do you think it will stop people?

You realize furfags want to fuck animals right?

>Fox and the Hound 2

You don't say.......

I thought that FatH was the best Disney movie as a kid and thought like that until I rewatched it few years ago and realised it was pretty shit. The pacing is just way too fast for the friendship to develop into something meaningful.

So in comparison, 2 is not that bad.

oh god, not the only one.

>The whole romance plot was terrible
So was Romeo and Julietts
Still one of Disneys better sequels.