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If rob schneider started doing let's plays I think I would watch it

he was on game grumps recently

and his wife just walks all over the two guys who play video games for a living on MK2


Dan doesn't play games and Arin is a literal retard, so I'm not surprised.

How long before Obama on guest grumps

If it's not obvious that you are a waste of oxygen if you watch LPs, I think it should be obvious now with this

Still waiting to see if they can get based Peter Dinklage on their show.

As the despot of the Morea, Constantine Palaiologos had it all: a loyal friend, the love and support of his people, and a great wall protecting his kingdom from the Turk.

But his entire life turned upside-down when

>Sphrantzes: You brother is dead, sire! You must go to Constantinople and claim the crown immediately!

Now Constantine is about to learn that being emperor isn't what it used to be, and defending his city isn't gonna be as easy as a lap around the hippodrome!

*Constantine and Sphrantzes overlooking the massive Turkish army from the Theodosian Walls*

>Constantine: Houstonopolis, we have a problem.

This Summer, Rob Schneider is:


Rob Schneider as Constantine
Paul Giamatti as Constantine's buddy Sphrantzes
Lindsay Lohan as Giovanna Giustiniana Longo, Constantine's love interest
Aziz Ansari as Mehmet II
Dave Chapelle as Candarli Pasha, Mehmet's grand vizier

Do they talk about Surf Ninjas?

I watch cut scene movies

Get rid of Lohan and I'll watch it.

would they insistently refer to him as Dinkles?
it was significantly less funny than i expected, BUT i had a nice time hearing rob and his hot sounding third wife talk so genuinely about how they worked hard on their little tv show just for themselves, and tried making it funny. really genuinely nice folk.

>he was on game grumps recently

He and his wife were on Game Grumps, released today.

If I got you some ice would you chill?

what the fuck is this

Wonder how much money he's mooching off his daughter these days.

> Dinkles
Arin might, and I'm sure Peter would laugh along with it, but Danny would nerd out about Game of Thrones for a few minutes, then Space Pants, then become best buds for life with him.

Danny is just loveable as hell, I could see that happening easy

his infant daughter?

It's a Game Grumps episode, where Rob Sncheider and his wife play Mortal Kombat.

What the fuck do you want from me man it is what it fucking is.

>Aziz Ansari as Mehmet II
>Dave Chapelle as Candarli Pasha

Why did this make me laugh so much?

I give Schneider some credit for at least opting out of the cultural black hole that is "Grown Ups 2".

At least Arin isn't DSP.

No, Elle King. Ya know, the girl who sings that "Xs and Os" song?

Thats his kid.

i just wanna know how GG got to this point. when i stopped watching it was still just two friends playing games.

But he's gonna learn. That of you wanna get paid play. You gotta play...

Rated PG-13.

How old is his current wife?
I can't find ANY info on the internet about her birthdate, and that seems rather suspicious.

Celebrities hear about Game Grumps from their fans and those celebrities then ask to be on the show.

That's what being a successful YouTube channel looks like.

Celebrities can be fans of Let's Plays, too, user. I know they've stated Weird Al is fan of Ninja Sex Party and the Grumps. To name one guy, anyway.

>I know they've stated Weird Al is fan of Ninja Sex Party and the Grumps
that doesn't mean it's true

I'd say it was began after Jon left, not directly because of his departure but it began afterwards. Game Grumps as a YouTube channel started to grow in size and profits, and I'd bet that game devs/publishers took notice, along with the growth of other LP channels like PDP, Markiplier, and even 2BFP. Eventually LP channels will lose their luster, but until then they're essentially at peak profitability. And they'll likely still be profitable years down the line.

Plus, it doesn't help that YT's payment model isn't feasible for animation channels.

Funny, I'm listening to it right now. They're talking about his show Real Rob and the grumps didn't like it, about producing movies and lets plays and that sort of shit. Dropping jokes here and there, it's kind of funny, but it's more like a casual podcast.

Beats me. Wiki says Elle is his daughter with "former model London King". Doesn't look like they were ever married.

Meanwhile Pat and co. can only get even shittier e-celebrities.

At the very least, I can believe Al is a fan of NSP. GG is a whole other matter.

>They're talking about his show Real Rob and the grumps didn't like it
It was just Arin who didn't like it, really, because it wasn't clear "who the show was for". I like that Rob actually appreciated that, because it was a genuine question from someone who actually watched the thing instead of some vague judgement.

in a nutshell:
arin saw rob's show
he said it was shit
but he said it in an HONEST way. not in a bullshitty dismissive way, or an asskissing critic-y way, just like a real normal guy. a normal guy who millions of people listen to, who is STILL just being honest with his opinions.. and gave legit feedback.
so he wanted to go hang out with this guy. i mean fuck, imagine you're rob schneider. everyone you talk to is either like HAHAHA ROB SCHNEIDER DERP or OH FUCK YOURE SO FAMOUS GIMME AUTOGRAPHS and here's this not-exactly-famous-but-kinda-famous guy who's able to talk to you like a normal guy. here rob's trying to completely DIY his own tv show, and these guys are doing something kinda similar

Son, Al Yankovich blew his brains out in the late '80s after people stopped buying his records.

I doubt he's a fan in the real sense of the word.
I'd believe he crossed their page and was like "Wow, these are some cool things you're doing guys!", but do you actually think Al Yankovic is checking their youtube page even monthly to see if they've put out a new video?
Come on user, how old are you?

yeah, I'm actually liking this so far. It's always a little awkward the first few minutes they have a guest on the show, but it's flowing pretty smoothly now.

Would you really want Rob Schneider showing up to give 2 cents on whatever video game the zaibatsu is playing?
I doubt he'd give any commentary that'd be enjoyable, I mean, have you seen his movies?
I enjoy listening to people who actually know what they are doing, but I watch the super best friends anyway

i'm sure he just listened to an album, thought it was funny and good, and told them / somebody. music is simple that way

Oh, tell that to the Banana Man from Jake's Croak Dream or the Doll Maker from Batman vs Robin.

Yes, I know you're kidding.

that's not being a fan of something

I would rather listen to Rob Schneider than Matt. Rob has at least said something funny once.

He made it clear straightaway, he admitted he hadnt been into videogames since donkey kong
his WIFE however knew mortal kombat, so she was able to hold her own.
and then periodically rob would be like 'oh who's that one? oh damn, sheeva. does she have four nipples too?' or other genuinely funny observations like that.

>his WIFE however knew mortal kombat, so she was able to hold her own.
because she's younger than rob's daughter

it is in music

>Definition of fan. 1 : an enthusiastic devotee
>2 : an ardent admirer or enthusiast
>Definition of ardent.: enthusiastic or passionate
No, no it isn't

i actually wanted to look up her age. it's not listed anywhere.

good for you rob

>dictionary definitions
the only people who still thump the dictionary like its a fucking bible (despite there being multiple dictionaries, each of different merits and reputation) are prescriptivist hacks

okay then mirriam webster, give me a milder word for fan
i mean it's already an abbreviation of fanatic, so what else do you have?
hey let's not go that far. if you leave language in the hands of the common man it follows certain very ugly and bad patterns

The fuck is wrong with you user, I'm clearly just using it to point out that calling weird al a fan of the grumps is a stretch as fan implies some kind of devotion.

The biggest failure of grammarians was the failure to recognize usage as the sole arbiter in linguistic development. Language and semantics develop based almost entirely on usage. If someone uses a word in a new way, then it takes on an additional meaning

Hey user, do you want to pull your head out of your ass?

I didn't know it was babby bitch middle school insults time

Not trying to whip out insults, I just can't think of a better illustration for how needlessly convoluted, self absorbed, and pointless the argument you are presenting is.

how's "Casual fan" for you
no, the biggest failure is failing to discern the DIFFERENCE between evolving usage and 'the usual mistakes a human brain makes when it is unskilled / underexposed to a language'.. not noticing the consistencies between the way infants, foreigners, the unintelligent, the braindamaged, etc all speak a given language.

>or other genuinely funny observations like that.
>does she have four nipples too?

Haha that was a funny observation bro. And have you ever noticed how Mario eats MUSHROOMS to get bigger? What is he, a drug addict? Hahaha

fuck you, the first time that was pointed out, it was funny.

Joke's on you, Dinklage is guesting on Funhaus

Yeah man, I remember being 12 years old and visiting newgrounds for the first time, too. It was pretty fun. You remember Link's Quest For Ass? That holds up super well

GG has gotten out of hand. Suzie is more of a presence than back then. Steam Train is pointless since Dan replaced Jon. Barry isn't an invisible force working behind the scenes, communicating through captions and has been replaced by an unfunny twink as editor. Ross is as worthless as always. Now Ninja Brian is an active part of the show too's just gotten to be too much.

Do you know what the name of the song is in Through the Looking Glass that the white knight sings?

When they had grant kirkhope it was pretty good but that was because it was a guy involved with Rare back in the n64 days.

>Sup Forums - people playing video games while talking about television & film

would you like it if they actually got celebrities to one-off episodes? Even if they were all off-brand Canadian celebrities like Bret Hart?

So it's like an mmo that's changed too much through patches.
Perhaps you should cancel your monthly subscription?

It's just a job for arin and his friends now.

I get sick of hearing them bitch about their first world white internet celebrity ass problems like they have a hard life.

I can't think of any celebrity that would mesh well with the Zaibatsu's style of humor. The Grumps are all pretty surface level easygoing stuff while the Zaibatsu tends to be a bit more... I guess involved is a good word? Even with shit they hate, they still attempt to explore it more than the Grumps, even if it's just to be even more dismissive of it.

Ohhhhh no, I've been baited super hard and am now so mad. Oh my goodness. Oh gracious, I'm so baited and mad.

There you go.


Also have you noticed how arin is watching the clock and hardly ever wants to let things run past 10-12 minutes even when he's not at a good stopping place?

It's not very enjoyable when it feels like they hate being there having one of the best jobs possible.

The fuck are you even talking about user?

I'm giving you the reply you are clearly fishing for.

>At least Arin isn't DSP

He's literally a skip and a hop away.

Because it's not about video games anymore, it's a podcast that has some shit going on in the background.

What? You have this pegged wrong user, I was just trying to express That it feels like arin is watching the clock lately in episodes.
Seriously chill.

Now come on, that is not fair. You can criticize the Game Grumps lack of skill all you want but they are not even close to DSP levels of incompetent. Arin can EVENTUALLY figure things out. And he hasn't jacked off on stream.

Agreed, though I don't disagree with a certain amount of policing when warranted, just to preserve the word literally.

People on Sup Forums legitimately whining about first world problems? Nobody's buying it. Please do better.

Fucking Mandela Effect

fuckin Pico
haha theyre kids with machineguns! the girl wants to kill herself because she has herpes!

it's not too much
it's just worse that's all. theyre finally getting around to certain games, everyone's waiting with bated breath for their commentary, and they're not commenting on the game, just being asinine and making dumbass commentary on their vapid LA lives.

i just wish we could hear the justin roiland one. arin was at his best doing dumb improv comedy about farts. roiland is the perfect counterpart for that

I seriously can't even tell if you're being sarcastic here user.

I'm not, I really do want you to do better. This is a poor effort on your behalf.

Are you okay? It looks like that guy is just saying why he doesn't like game grumps. How is that bait?

Not really. One easy example I can think of: Arin is married. DSP recently admitted on his forums that getting married is "a stupid idea" because he doesn't have the money for a fancy wedding.

On the gaming front, Game Grumps will play pretty much any game they come across, old or new, from the NES to the PS4. Phil limits himself to the newest games, and will only return to older games if you pay a collective $1,250 on Patreon.

There are plenty of other comparisons to make, but the general gist is that while Arin may suck at games, he at least earned his spot at the Nintendo World Championships. DSP, on the other hand, went so far as to throw his Wii U into a garbage can to illustrate a minor complaint he had about Nintendo once.


>And he hasn't jacked off on stream.

Arin shit his pants on air.

What the fuck are you talking about? He's talking about game grumps.

Nobody's lost but you.

Forget it user, I appreciate the help but this guy is clearly either trying to troll me or is just generally not interested in contributing to any discussion.
I'm just going to ignore his odd behavior.

why has this thread not been deleted yet?

>generally not interested in contributing to any discussion
There's nothing to discuss, nobody bought your bait.

It should be noted that footage of the latter incident is becoming harder to find due to DSP/Machinima going out to put copyright claims on the footage in an effort to take it offline.