Super Mansion

Why has nobody talked about this? It's an amazing stop motion show, probably canceled, cause that shits expensive now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also a shame there's no r34.

never heard of it

I liked it, it was pretty funny. Also, I was pretty sure Black Saturn would end up dating Groaner.

>Only on Crackle

No wonder nobody ever heard of it.

The other reason might be because it looks painfully unfunny.

It ain't as bad as the trailer.

This show was so fucking good. Season two when?

I've never heard of it until now too.

the trailer manages to have all the worst jokes. The actual show is great.

I made a thread about this months ago and not a single user replied. Oh well at least someone's thread is giving the show attention. I felt like it was worth the watch, had some laughs.

looks like shit

The fuck is crackle

Jewbot was the best character.

> oh, right. The jew thing.

>3 pussy jokes in just the trailer
I'll pass, family.

how is the actual show better, all i see is the same jokes that have been done in drawn together robot chicken or family guy.

those grills are cute

Watched the whole season and I feel like the whole show was ruined by the creators being great at making bite sized gags for Robot Chicken but unable to write consistent full length episodes. This show would have worked better as shorts.

Is this the new furry waifu thread?

Has the Zootopia thread 404'ed yet?


Ah, that explains abit.

That's not Bernice
Would you, Sup Forums?

>Only on Crackle
its not even showing up for me.
Is is because im not in the States?
Why would someone create content, then make it impossible to find?
Lets make (show) only available on this one service, that no one uses, and restrict it to a limited number of viewers due to an arbitrary boundary.
Also lets not advertise.
Got some real geniuses behind this business model.
First result of a google search

Shame this and Titan Maximum are just going to be forgotten in favor of more shitty seasons of Robot Chicken.

I honestly had no idea this show exsisted

Nope. Wont let me watch it.

You could always use a proxy if needed.

>Titan Maximum
But Titan Maximum was terrible

It was better than most of the shit Adult Swim is currently rerunning.

I gotta admit, after binge watching it I was somewhat impressed. The voicework was thoroughly excellent, the jokes were mostly on point, and the story was serviceable with some mildly emotional moments. Definitely would watch season 2.

Is this some fusion of drawn toghether and robot chicken

I think I speak for everyone when I say... what the fuck is Crackle?

there aren't even any torrents where the fuck can I watch this.

> no torrents

what? I downloaded it, so there are.

it's common courtesy to share sauce when you find one.

nvm, I found one. It has 1. ONE. Seeder. FML.

Of the cat girl

It was weeks ago.

I wonder how does it compare to "Life's a Zoo".

adding nsfw in a youtube link helps bypass some filters.

Wait for Saturday.

I think the psa clips represent the show's humor better than the trailer

>I like Bernie Sanders
Alright, I'll give it a watch.

The joke works in so many levels.

> Black Saturn is a spoiled rich kid
> American Ranger is racist

Free no account Netflix with ads and a very limited selection, but some good originals.

This, the originals are where it's at for Cracked.

I watched the whole season. I liked it.

Well, I'd draw something. I liked Lex

But which Lex?

you can't just like a little lex. You've got to like the whole package.

Like Netflix or Hulu... Only free with more ads.

But we all know what Lex does with her package.

think about it like this

female version for sex and stuff. Male version for playin vidya co-op

The best of both worlds.

> wanting Black Saturn's used good.

>That episode where Cooch is in heat

oh lawdy.

What the fuck is this?

Currently marathroning it. Its actually pretty good.

>that forced humor

Watched the first episode earlier. For a first episode it's not bad. Not as bland as The Awesomes (which I mostly sort of kind of in a way enjoyed). Gadget Gal is way more amusing as a racist 50's hero than American Ranger, though. If the two shows could meet somewhere in the middle, the more developed and less one-note joke characters of The Awesomes with the less static and dull action and plot of Supermansion I'd be set.

To be fair, the characters feel a lot less one note as the series goes on. Hell, Jewbot barely brings up his jewness in the later episodes. Also, Titanium Rex gets some honest to god character growth as the story goes on that's actually surprisingly good for a comedy show.

>Gadget Gal is way more amusing as a racist 50's hero than American Ranger, though.
I dunno: he also got played strait as being Conservative (which is something that always bugged me about Captain America: nigger wakes up from the 1940's and he's totally down with the black sidekick and the woman's lib ect ect).

This bit from one of the later eps where he decided to "check out the Tea Party" was classic!

Isn't it a puffed rice chocolate bar made by Hershey?

I know the cat lady is meant to be black but I like that she genuinely sounds like a cat.

Half way through this first episode and this shit is painful. Is this what passes for comedy now?

Kinda gets better as it goes on.

Lex used Black Saturn! Don't you ever forget that!!

Well keep in mind that Captain America was chosen for his exceptional character and judgement individual. There's nothing exceptional about being a bigot.

I liked his relationship with Gloria after they decided to stay together, and with Kid Victory. Ranger is a bigot, but he genuinely cares about the people he was close with.

Lex failed in EVERYTHING related to him and at the end couldn't even get Groaner to kill him.

Lex did make him cry and of course she couldn't convince groaner to kill black Saturn. They are basically best friends at this point.

Why did Adult Swim completely ignore that this won the pilot contest they held and greenlit Mr.Pickles anyways?

Don't confuse exceptional character and judgement for writer fiat user.

An average progressive from the 1930s would be a bigot today.

>They are basically best friends at this point.

Which Lex should have noticed, considering that Groaner and Saturn admitted in the very first episode to having a "dark obsession" with each other

Negroes should be killed less!

It actually does, I'm really digging the character development here.

I'm really surprised.

guess which one looked cheaper

You're a credit to your race, user.

Really she came off as white trash to me.

Captain America is what the writers say his is and what they present him to be. No more, no less.

Well her former owner did live in a trailer park.

thanks op I remember a few years ago they had the pilot on adult swim. Never thought anything became of it gonna watch the whole thing tonight.

this shes just kind of tweakish bimbo I couldnt really relate her to one race.

Just finished watching it in on go.

Holy fucking shit, talk about a hidden gem. It gets really good towards the end.

I thought it started out good, Jewbot doing the taxes is a legitimate epic scene. Then it devolved to Robot Chicken level of grossness in the middle, but finished off pretty strong. I would have been fine with a second season.


The series was renewed for a second season, to be released in early 2017, on April 20, 2016.

Well that's surprisingly pleasant news. Oh, and Cranston's the exec now? Never noticed it before. I wonder if that's what they needed to do to get him back.

>Mfw I knew something before co/
oh shit. Whuddup. Brad was the best fucking character because while everyone else was an asshole he was the only nice guy. Even with all his fuck ups.

> Brad
> a nice guy

because of character development. Before joining the team, he was literally beating drug dealers to steal drugs.

Not everyone born before 1960 hated black people man.

Anyone got any good reaction images from it? All y'all seem to be marathoning now.

OP here, I think I tripled the viewership for the next season