Can someone explain to me what they're doing?

Can someone explain to me what they're doing?

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I didn't even have to watch the show or click the gif to know what they were doing.

You never did this as a kid?

No, what the fuck is it?

I've been standing here for 5 minutes with a hoodie yanking my arms up and down and nothing is happening

I haven't either?

Why're they pumping their arms? Closest thing I can think of is doing that to resemble an alien bursting from your chest

Sup Forums really is the dumbest board.

>put left arm inside shirt
>grab left sleeve with right arm
>move right arm up and down while pushing outward with your left arm
>it now looks like you're doing some weird ass shit with your body
Works best with a sweatshirt because of all the extra fabric. It's just kid shit, man

you pull one arms into your shirt/hoodie and grab your empty sleeve with your other hand. then you do what they do in the gif and use the arm inside to make it look like there's something alive in your stomach

You are literally dumber than a third grader.

>But user, that's not the name of the Jeff Foxworthy game show!

I know.

It's just one of those stupid things kids do. Don't know if it has a name but it's just something that I learned and a bunch of other kids did.

Just looks funny.


I probably did this my entire childhood and even I don't know what I was doing.

Being white trash

me and my friends use to do it as a boner joke when we were younger

I remember doing this with a bunch of my friends and being told to stop by a teacher.

You put one arm inside your shirt/jacket then hold the end of the empty sleeve witg your other arm, then pump with one arn and punch out with the other so it looks like your heart is beating out of your chest. You would regularly see kids do this when they werw bored standing in line at school or something similar.

Maybe kids have just changed over the years.

For extra lolz put your other arm inside your pants it will look like your massive donger is furiously trying to escape.

I got detention for a week for doing this in 2nd grade. The teacher must've though the pumping bulge was supposed to be a penis.

Is this like a fingerbox thing?


i had never considered that it was even meant to BE anything. at the time we just.. did shit. it was like 'can you do this?'
just like in previous generations they had stupid nursery rhymes and the entire point was 'can you say this?'

Tumblers better than pumpers.

How underage are you OP?

OP doesn't had a childhood user
>in this thread OP exposes he's never had a childhood

>Implying being underage would make you unable to comprehend what children are doing

i'll take that Clarence dollar

Just kidding, there is no Clarence dollar. Suck my balls, faggot.

Great post man

yeah, well suck my balls too.
i hope you like em salty

Good post, dead currency though

It's still not anything, nobody does it other than to see if they could do it or if they are bored
I mean, the only dumb kid thing I know if that has a name is the Superman symbol
We didn't call it that growing up because we didn't call it anything, but people on Sup Forums called it that a few times so I'm assuming that there's a name for it

Kids stop doing weird nameless stuff and start doing memes now, they are all the rage, have you planked or harlem shaked?

When I was a kid I knew a kid who did the actual Harlem Shake and...not...whatever that monstrosity of a song is.

>patrician money

Yeah whatever grandpa

Belson is Best

At least, his mom is

You are wrong, user.

Reminds me of the time my class split into groups for a game or something and the teacher let us pick team names. One kid nominated his team name be "the shagadelics" or something with the word "shag" in it, and the teacher wrote it up on the board for half the class perio before another teacher came into the room for an unrelated reason, saw it, and whispered something in our teacher's ear before our teacher erased it from the board and said they had to pick another name. It was pretty funny.

Oh wow, I didn't even notice that

Neither of those girls are Melanie tho.

>rough riders
shit taste
her, not you

I'd eat at Rough Riders. Although I don't know why she would go to a chicken place for a burger.

They're jerking off their dicks with both arms because it's so big.

He sure is.

I always thought it was "lol benis in vagina" thing

Checking their male privilege by pretending they are pregnant with Rasheed's baby that their good little house husband will pay for

I still don't get how any of you faggots can claim to hate Tim and Eric just because it's not a cartoon.

Were Clarence dollars an analogy for bitcoins?


It's a chicken burger.
Honestly I don't know why no fast food places make chicken burgers with ground chicken. It seems like a good concept.

CN think they slick

Because ground poultry in general is pretty much terrible as a texture-flavor combination.

Add in how quickly it'd dry out while cooking, making the texture even worse.

This nigga knows what's up

This. It's a healthy lean meat so grounding would drain the moisture fat and flavor also making it very difficult to cook.

Sup Forums thinks Tim & Eric helped adultswim descent from a channel dedicated to adult cartoons to a channel dedicated to adult children, I still think this isn't all that true, of course cartoons have been in less of a role on adultswim for a long time but it doesn't really affect the quality of the content the channel offers in any way.

I may be totally off base, but I remember vaguely that Tim and Eric's (the actors) negotiating tactics effectively placed a budget cap on all animated shows on [AS] and directly led to the cancellation of Big O.