Has all the power of hell

>has all the power of hell

>can't even kill one guy

Magic shield, bruh

>All the power of hell
>killed by a pointy piece of metal
The Devil better don't show his face in present day or he and his legions of hell will be sent in bags back home.

but OP, the power of hell is lies. go back to sunday school.

Prince Philip was given some ridiculous plot hax from those Three Fairies, who couldn't directly intervene with Maleficent's evil fuckery themselves. They pretty much just used that "one guy" as a pawn, their magic was literally the only thing that gave him a chance.

>Three Fairies, who couldn't directly intervene with Maleficent's evil fuckery themselves.

This is actually the point. Evil provides power which seems really impressive, but it's not. Courage and a pure heart can wreck evil's shit, because evil only has as much power over you as you believe it does. At least, that's what's going on in the movie.

You can't just do whatever you like. Magic has rules.

Nah. You don't beat "shitloads of evil magic" with equivalent shitloads of good magic. You defeat evil with a pure heart. So you find a pure-hearted hero and give him some help.

The fairies assisted the hero, but saying he was their pawn is misunderstanding the situation. It's more of a trainer/boxer situation. They wanted him to win, but it was his fight.

Go back to Sup Forums, Zelda.

> I'm bad at story telling
> They just can't, magic has rules

We're actually running a rather deep deficit down here.

You see, time moves differently in Hell than it does on Earth, which means that Trump is already down here. And well...he SAID that he's good with finance and he just kept calling me Lazy Lucifer...

Make Hell Great Again. Pfah.

Hell is a downgrade to Fey magic.

Thanks for the tactless poorly-executed political interjection, tumblr migrant.

>has all the power of hell
>cant even beat a guy at the fiddle

>Magic has rules
Pretty sure the point of magic is being the big rule breaker

Have YOU ever tried to play a gold fiddle?

Magic is nothing BUT rules. You have to know all the right words, use the right ingredients (and getting both involves all sorts of deals, negotiations and handshaking), and then there's the right etiquette and knowing how each realm deals with the other realms and how they deal with themselves...

You get into magic thinking that it's the ultimate shortcut, but in reality, it's far more complicated than just using the normal routes.

>has all the power of hell
>can't even kill one guy

Hell is about torture, not killing
You are already dead when you are in hell, why would the powers of hell be focused around killing you more? you can only be so dead.

Buddy, the only one who's putting limitations on magic is you

Have yous seen how hadsome he was?
Deep inside she didn't want to kill him.

One of the most powerful mages in the DC Universe only got to where he is through complex deal-making and navigating through favors of double-crosses.

Sure, any cunt could do it, but only if they have more patience than common sense.

>Magic has rules.
Fuck that!

>sorceress who can channel hell power
>killed by what is the equivalent of getting poked in the chest by the tip of a pin

No, he's correct, most magic in (good) fiction has rules, otherwise it's just plot-hax.
Contrary to what you seem to think, a magic that has rules is better writing.

So what you're saying is that if real evil dragon hellflame magic existed in our world, we would be straight up fucked, since nobody here has anything close to a pure heart like a Disney hero?

The fairies enchanted his shield dummy.

And according to pokemon, fairy type > Dragon type


I hope that's the actual reason why dragon-type is weak against fairy-type. I really, honestly do.


Snyder would save us with his pure heart. :^)

Dude, what do you think spells are? They're the magic equivalent of saying, "You can totally loan me all that power, being whose name I can't ever hope to pronounce, I'm good for it. I know a guy who can totally vouch for me. And here are three forms signed in triplicate, authorized by a notary, that says I'm good for it."

That's because hell doesn't exist!

You two are seemingly not getting where I'm coming from, I wanted to imply that there's no natural limitation to magic, only the author can set it
It's autistic to assume all magic works the same in every work of fiction

No one said that magic works the same in every story. All we're saying is that if it doesn't have rules, then it's just knocking the chess board over and saying, "I win!" Even Gandalf, one of the most powerful wizards in the Lord of the Rings can't just do whatever he wants to do. He's bound by rules and restrictions, boundaries that he cannot pass for one reason or another.

Magic has to have limitations otherwise the story that it occurs in isn't good.

I was just making a reference to how Strange's shtick is breaking those rules.

Best Disney princess

Best Disney villian

Magic =/= power

Technically anything is possible in an universe in which there are mystical forces present, yes, but the way to harness, control and direct those forces is always subjected to some form of logic and rule, there's an order that distinguishes and characterizes magic and turns it from random chaos into an applicable tool for man.

Scientific study of the arcane is wgat wizardy is about after all.

Calmer than you are.

Man what the fuck is with making it a competition then?

I think you have some sort of persecution complex

I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. That across this line YOU DO NOT CROSS.

Actually several billion people would see a dragon and simultaneously think "Oh Christ we're going to die", immediately making it a lot more powerful.
Then a tank shoots it and it dies because we can do that nowadays.

But only if the tank shell is made of iron.

Just be cause she yells about the power of hell, doesn't mean she actually has it. Character dialog shouldn't be taken as omniscient narration, especially before a fight.

That bitch made me a scaly before I even knew what an Internet was.

This right here

She's basically pulling the equivalent of "FOOLISH MORTAL I AM INVINCIBLE!" which inevitably occurs only moments before you end up thoroughly vinced.