Hey, Sup Forums, back when the decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was announced...

Hey, Sup Forums, back when the decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was announced, I was among the crowd who was a bit... uncomfortable with the decision. Not necessarily outraged, but I was disappointed that once again my vision of a spikey blonde-haired white hotshot would not be fully realized on the screen (Evans had a buzzcut, after all).

Now, cape films are faced with a similar casting controversy because of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One. But I couldn't care less about this, even though the principle is entirely the same.

What's going on here Sup Forums? Is it reasonable for me to be upset over one and not the other? Is it a matter over what character is popular and which is not? Or is this white privilege?


It either means you're racist or you prefer women to men.

>What's going on here Sup Forums?

You've made bait thread.

>Is it reasonable for me to be upset over one and not the other?


>Is it a matter over what character is popular and which is not?


>Or is this white privilege?


because Johnny and Sue are siblings, so changing his race fundamentally changes the characters

also that movie was trash and everyone knew it would be trash when news started coming out about it

you're a racist. Not a kkk tier or anything, just an average American racist. It's okay, at least you're self aware.

They've changed the story. She clearly has a scar in her head and she will have been operated upon by a reluctant Strange.

I wish people would only get outraged AFTER they know the story or see the movie.

The fact that they are assuming that this is white-washing instead of trying to do a better story makes THEM the racists.


Are you dense?

you know initially they wanted to cast a chinese actor right? they couldn't do this because of the chinese would get mad at one of their own playing a tibetan.

i don't like swapping races at all for characters, there's source material and the people making the movies should stick to it.

Are you?

Well what about in an example where it happens in the comics? Like Ultimate Nick Fury being black as opposed to his original white counterpart?

And, gauging how you will answer, if one could defend it's because it's "an alternate universe" isn't the MCU as well?

Probably because you know Tilda Swinton CAN play the mystically otherworldly ambiguity angle - provided Marvel actually goes that route and lets her.

Michael B. Jordan, meanwhile, was an actor in a production everyone knew from the start was doomed to fail, starting with the "domashev" rumor. And in the end, fant4stic did play it safe by making Susan Storm an adopted sister, a plot point that was never ackowledged nor did it have any relevance in the story nor added anything to the characters. Had they made Susan black as well, perhaps the uproar would've been lesser.

Now, if you're talking about making the Ancient One a Celt, that is pretty much bullshit. But not over races, but because Marvel is deep-throating China's cock, even after Deadpool proved you don't need that market to make millions off your gravy train.

Funny thing was, in Fantas4tic Sue is "race-bended" one of the family. She's a Russian girl adopted into an African-American Family.

The Ancient One, unlike Thor, actually is a title that can be bestowed upon anyone so at least it kind of sort of is in the source material.

>unlike Thor
>source material
I'm sorry you're bitter, Sup Forumsmrade.

I don't care either, but mostly because the Ancient One is a nothing character that I don't care about.

Also, the only thing wrong with black Johnny Storm was that Sue wasn't also black. They wanted a token black character, but they were afraid to have two.

Nobody actually gives a shit about the ancient one though. The only difference is Johnny Storm actually has fans.

This is the correct answer.

Probably because Tilda Swinton is a really good actress no matter what the role is. If the person in the role is good, it's fair to gie them more slack when stuff is changed.

Also, Swinton is some kind of blank person/alien without race or gender so you can effectively put her in anything.

>Thor is a title
>a first name is a title
Writers being retarded doesn't mean it counts. For instance, the Titania/Creel fight versus Thorgirl is non canon by the views of any normal human being.

I wasn't mad that Johnny was black, I was mad that Sue wasn't as well.

>adopted siblings arent real family
i want this meme to die

You care about FF but not Dr Strange.
Sounds pretty clear cut to me.

I don't like Johnny Storm so I kind of don't care If I'm nit picking or accusing people or companies of racism I think it's more racist that you just wouldn't make the Storms a black family altogether. But ideally they both would have been white, I don't know what to tell you both bug me a bit. Mandarin bugs me, and lets for a moment forget the whole Killian/no magic rings or there equivalent thing. The Mandarins himself being a Brit pretending to be a Texan bugged me. But other than here(Sup Forums) I don't remember anyone saying shit about it. In the older Fantastic 4 movies Alicia's (Bens GF) race was changed and there also I don't remember anyone caring, and neither did I in that case. One because the actress whoever she was, was HOT AS FUCK. Two she wasn't a main character. And three I remember thinking 'OOOOOO, how are they going to do Puppet Master?'. And so with Mandarin and Alicia you have a villain and a side character that was rarely more than anything but a GF or circumstantial link to a villain. So there could be some social standing or character awareness that is also a factor in your and others comfort or discomfort when a characters race is changed. You don't seem to have the same kind of interest in who the Ancient One is or how he is portrayed, at least not as much as you did with Johnny. This could just be a matter of your preference for certain characters but yea you might also be a wee little bit racist. If you actually care you should probably examine how you feel about different people and cultures in general and other characters that have been race or gender swapped in movies and comics and see if your lack of interest in the character has any baring on how it affects you personally.

And it couldn't be the Thing because that doesn't count when he'll be cg most of the movie.
And they were afraid to have an inter-racial couple if Reed were black. Plus he isn't "cool" enough to warrant being black.

For me it's because I didn't know about this character before hand and I like Tilda. Also didn't care about the black dude in Thor.

Background characters don't matter desu.

So it's ok when they change the race of one character so they don't lose a consumer demographic but not another?

Uh... ok

This desu

It's okay to feel this way. It's natural, human, primal. Just recognize those biases may be there and be more sympathetic, and judge the actor by his or her performance afterward.

You don't need to be a militant adherent to any of the "isms" out there, just strive to be a less shit to everyone.

Marvel had an actually valid reason for racebending; it's not wise to piss off China.

>"no one gives a shit about the ancient one"
movie comes out

Because Johnny Storm and the FF is about over two hundred quintillion tons more relevant