Is pic related any good? I'm interested in getting into Deathlok

is pic related any good? I'm interested in getting into Deathlok

>I'm interested in getting into Deathlok
Then Google it.

well, yeah, I can do that but first I would like to hear Sup Forums's opinion on the matter

>I would like to hear Sup Forums's opinion on the matter
I'd ask why, but I don't care to hear your tool mindset in action. Just fuck off and stop expecting handouts.

geez, I just wanted to hear opinions about a comic
thanks for the bump

>I just wanted to hear opinions about a comic
Then go elsewhere.

Look up Deathlok: The Souls of Cyber-Folk for probably the best Deathlok comics

hang on, is this the Comic & Cartoons board? please tell I didn't take the wrong turn again

Eww, I remember that, it was pretty bad.

thanks! I'll look it up
how so?

The hell is your problem? OP just wants opinion about actual comics on this increasingly TV/Film board. You are killing Sup Forums more than them.

Who peed in your coffee, user?

It is more fun if you story time the whole story it is not that long.

This story is also really great.






kek, I'm sold on this shit

Yeah, '90s Deathlok is pretty awesome. The original '70s Deathlok is very good, too.

Just read Uncanny X-Force really

Why are you being like this?

Is your pussy hurting today?

I git it at a lawn sale years ago.

If you treat it as a fun schlocky cyberpunk story right out of robocop or 2000 ad, it's pretty baller.

Wow. Pure cancer.

People, he just wants recs. You don't have to prove to user you're internet hardcore. We get it. You're hivemind assholes.
Move on

Ok, so this is wath I'm coming in clean
also, I may still buy the first Huston tpb since it's only like two bucks and it's too tempting

Get the sand out of your Pussy faggot.

Thanks for the story time, this sold the character to me

Do you have any self contained issues you could share here on Sup Forums? I love to read with fellow anons

>Do you have any self contained issues you could share here on Sup Forums? I love to read with fellow anons
first I'll check out whats in store and if I have the time, I'll storytime some tomorrow

Nice, thanks.

Any longtime fans of Deathlok opinion on the Agents of shield depiction. Pretty much my only insight on him other than X-force and also that little girl Deathlok in that Marvel - Battle Royale thing.
