The Imperium has invaded the last show you watched

>The Imperium has invaded the last show you watched.
How does it go down?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game of Thrones
Pretty terribly
>Last cartoon Steven Universe
Oh god...


We talking Imperial Truth era Imperium, or Post-Age of Apostasy Imperium?

>Yellow Diamond's forces against the power of The Imperium
Oh yes

First for Bruva Alfabusa

>The Flash
Ohhhh, this outta be good

I got two guys and gourd full of magic potion.

>Game of Thrones
They don't stand a chance

>Sup Forums related
>Star Wars TCW
The Republic would be able to push them back since the Imperium would be attacking an entirely new galaxy.
>What about the CIS?
It would be inconvenient for Sheev, Dooku would declare a truce and then aid the Republic in fighting back.

First Robotech Arc? Hmmm.....

Assuming that it is the last episode i watched when the Zentradi and RDF first start talking it goes surprisingly well at first.

The Zentradi fleet may be made out of cardboard but there are a million ships. They need to avoid ground combat though, Zentradi have huge guts and Spacemarines love to rend and tear.

Also Battle Pods are so fragile i am reasonably sure they are vulnerable to bolter fire or even massed lasguns.

AdMech would probably recreate the original premise of the show by declaring that as a priceless artifact of the Dark Ages of Technology the SDF ! must not be harmed no matter the cost.

Max Sterling somehow beats up a Space Wolf and becomes friends with him.

The Republic would shit their pants, but they have the numbers, resources, and territory to win every time. If they get their shit together.

>The Republic would be able to push them back

user pls. I love WH40k and even I have to admit it is so ungodly overpowered that the Star Wars universe wouldnt last a month.

I'm sure Palpatine will do everything to keep the Republic from falling apart, considering that he needs a galaxy to rule. Clone production will skyrocket and the droid army from Dooku will be a huge asset in fighting the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard.

Addendum: Amberly Vail and Cain infiltrate the SDF1: Amberly disguises herself as a celebrity and ends up singing a duo with Minme. Cain and Admiral Gloval get drunk at a bar.

You do have to consider that the Imperium still has "domestic" issues back in their own galaxy.

I want this so much.


I don't know a whole lot of 40k lore, but aren't there whole planets that are basically as broken and corrupt as Gotham?

Goes down like a boat made of stone

>The Wire
Shit, they're fucked. Lester might make a cool Inquisitor though.

True that.

Silly question, I'm a mad fluff obsessive, but always curious, as the Imperium is just being ground down on so many fronts, why wont they just willingly give ground and reduce what they need to defend rather than try to hold everything against everything and be spread so thin? Or is that just heresy to cede such ground?

The Imperium has a Million plus worlds. The Republic has 14 million plus. While the Imperium has an ungodly sized military the Republic could (in theory) hold them at bay til a proper war economy got going. The Republic would be facing a war beyond any they can think of that would last generations, but they have good odds if they can get their shit together.

Any 40k vs Star Wars argument ultimately boils down to home turf advantage.

Whoever is on their own turf wins. The republic has their ez hyperspace in their own galaxy. But lack any sort of ability to use it in the 40k galaxy because they need those maps for it to work.

>King of the Hill
I don't know jack shit about Warhammer 40k but I bet you that Hank Hill will try to sell Propane to them

It is more or less the upscale part of Nostromo.

>yfw Hank provides the necessary fuel for the Astronomican

I don't know much about 40k lore either. What would the Imperium do on a world that has no Xenos to purge?

Assuming Gotham doesn't have aliens like most DC universes do

Really? Shit. I freely admit I was wrong, I had no idea the republic was so large.

It's that last bit.

Games of Thrones. Someone smart describe how it would go down pls.

Even if the Republic gets their shit together, what the fuck are they gonna do? The Imperium doesn't even need to break out the Space Marines to deal with Clones; Imperial Guard will do just fine against them.

What is the population of those worlds? How many Hive planets like Corasant are there?

Also i don't think (besides a possible force effect) SW has anyway to block 40K Teleportation or a real way to counter it.

They march into the cities, they seize control and somewhere around there mass raping occurs.

I know right? I use to think they had a few thousand tops. Also that 14 million only counts Republic worlds. There are hundreds of smaller coalitions, cartels, gangs, kingdoms, ect that hold anywhere from a single city state to hundreds of planets.

>This Child is Half Xeno! And a powerful psyker! Virus bomb this planet.

Then the inquisitors get in a big fight over whether to exploit the gem technology or destroy it as heretical.

Sure, this map is no longer canon but it gives you a scope of the population the Republic has.

>Kamen Rider Drive
The imperium would purge the dopants, and the riders, and then glass the planet.

"I want that planet to die
>"You won't step foot on Holy Terra, Xeno-Chunk"

The advantage SW has is speed. Their hyperspace drive is way way way faster than warp travel, and they can outproduce the Imperium industrially. Yes, they have shittier armor and their weapons are maybe on-par with the Imperium, and in an even fight the Imperial Navy will win against the Republic Navy, but they're never gonna have an even fight, because hyperspace drive.

SM Librarian versus Jedi is something I'd like to see, though.

They'd basically roll in and say, "Hey! You must be a lost colony that's forgotten our technology levels and how great the God-Emperor is! Here's some churches we dropped from orbit, some Tech-Priests, and the protection of our endless armies!

Just make sure to pay whatever resources we demand of you, ship millions of your sons and daughters off to fight in the army, and give us all of the psychics that pop up so we can control or destroy them!"

>tfw no inquisitor animated series

Their hyperspace only works in their own galaxy though.


>Massive Imperium fleet invading the shit out of the homeworls

The Republic is more likely to adapt over time while the Imperials will keep the same doctrine. But I never said it would be easy.

Varies. No idea but I can think of two others that I can't remember their names right now.

All i can hear are Gray knights slaughtering gems left and right.

The ability to get around would definitely work in the Republic's favor. There is a problem though. Sure they can get to the battle pretty damn fast, but what the fuck are the gonna do when they get there? Plink at Battle-Barges?
Granted, I could see Jedi being damn good at boarding actions, but boarding an Imperial ship is easier said than done.

>propane turns out to be an even better fuel than prometheum
>Dale's paranoia gets him a job as an Inquisitor

>Ed Edd n Eddy

Eddy tries to bargain with a Commissar, while Double D is being tutored by a Techpriest to construct more intricate devices.

Ed is now a servant of Nurgle.

Jimmy is now a Custodes in the Imperial Palace.

Sarah and Nazz join the Sisters of Battle.

Kevin joins the Ultramarines.

Johnny 2x4 is taken prisoner by Space Orks who use Plank as a torture device.

Rolf leaves for the Old Country - which is now located in the Warp.

The Kankers are now dæmonettes of Slaanesh.

>Samurai Jack

I don't know man. This may be the first enemy Jack is unable to defeat

>SM Librarian versus Jedi is something I'd like to see, though.
I'm pretty sure that would go in the Librarian's favor. Jedi would do well against normal Astartes, though.

A single Space Marine could probably rape all the combined armies in Game of Thrones by himself.

I would personally say that it depends on the Jedi. A decent Jedi would likely have a well... decent odds if they knew what they were facing.

Well, seeing as how vast the Imperium is and how unreliable their FTL capabilities are, there are some worlds that have gone without contact for generations. Assuming some Xenos or the taint of Chaos doesn't fuck shit up, those worlds can develop entirely new social systems.

Couldn't the Republic use hit and run tactics in enemy territory?

Their fleet could send scouts to locate targets and then have the fleet hit them and jump out before the Imperial fleet can do jack shit.

>Imperials see if Others can withstand orbital bombardment. No strategic locations of note beyond the wall anyway.
>The faith of the Seven and Old Gods are heresy. The Lord of Light is really the Emperor. Worship him or die.
>Planet like made into an agri world.

>Being beaten
Not to mention SJverse is overpowered as fuck, and Aku isn't letting anyone taking his world away

Well, yeah, but the same goes for the Librarian.

"So he's a telekine psyker with a plasma blade, and can move even faster than I? Thank you, mortal."

>Jack wandering across some field
>a flaming droppod comes screaming out of the atmosphere and explodes in front of him
>an armoured figure emerges, optics blazing with menace
>he brandishes a massive crackling powerfist
>he and Jack square off
>cue amazing fight sequence
>both step back, clearly feeling the pressure
>then the marine stands up
>and extends the fist to jack as an invitation
>points up to the sky, clearly indicating a lifetime of traversing the stars and fighting untold horrors in space
>Jack shakes his head sorrowfully, and instead points towards to the horizon where Aku's castle currently resides
>they nod in understanding
>marine leaves
>episode ends without a single word of dialogue

Except how do they even get to the 40k galaxy?

>The Imperium invades Bikini Bottom

No Librarian wins against any jedi hands down. Maybe a team of jedis could win but never one on one.

>Jedi vs Space marines
Dear God, why isn't this a thing?

They don't. They're in the defensive.

>all those holy weapons of the imperium being used against Aku

Oh god.
And they'd have to capture all of the worlds already conquered by him.
All that war. That religious zeal.

Well then they win. Simple as that.

It really depends on the defensive capabilities of eadh fleet. Like, how much of the Republic fleets weaponry could void shields nullify and how would deflector shields hold up against krak missiles or other Imperial Naval weaponry.

Well, things are about to get a little hairy for Kornheiser and Wilbon on PTI.

>tfw no Rogue Trader animated series
>tfw no Dark Heresy animated series
>tfw no Deathwatch animated series
>tfw no Black Crusade animated series

>Church of Faceless God revealed as Assassinanorum front, faceless man returns to Terra with new trainee Arya Stark.

Give the nigga some wards and I'll say he's dismantled the seven kingdoms by hand in about a week, with Essos and the far North by the end of the month

>Wander Over Yonder

Wander frienderizes them. All of them.

I came.

>all these people assuming the Gems would get curb stomped
>forgetting gems could pull off technological miracles 5 thousand years ago and have gotten exponentially more advanced in that time
>forgetting their 40k Warpless travel
>forgetting the Authority has an entire galaxy under their control
It would be a hell of a fight, but I give the edge to the to the gems.

I don't know much about the Imperium or even what their from, can someone give me a short overview or who they are and what they've accomplished?

Just so I can make a fair analysis.

You forgot one thing
>The warriors of the Imperum's undying love for their cause, chapters, and emperors preventing them from risking their lives in the most IMPOSSIBLE missions.

Watch the first 5 episodes

They're humanity from the year 40,000 A.D.

They conquered most of the galaxy by slapping the shit out of aliens thousands of years ago, but they've regressed socially and technologically since then.

Their normal army, the Imperial Guard, numbers in the trillions, with enough starships to transport all those men. And their tech destroys planets fairly regularly.

Socially, they're Catholic Nazis in space.

They're an extremely xenophobic human empire that controls a large portion of the galaxy. They have near limitless resources and are not unfamiliar to throwing literal billions of bodies at a problem until it drowns in Imperial blood.

It's main weaknesses are the simultaneous corruption and fanaticism towards their God-Emperor, which has led to stagnation and the loss of large swathes of technological knowledge.

The Walking Dead.

Uh. Yeah.

>loss of large swathes of technological knowledge.

don't forget, absolute fear of innovation for fear of chaos-corrupted technology and rampant artificial intelligence.

Listen to this.

Not all of the quotes are from Imperial units, but the whole of it gives you a good idea of who the Imperum is.

Mate, the Ultramarines would wipe the floor with them thanks to a certain someone raping their lore.

We don't talk about the Snyder of 40k.

I haven't been keeping up with my 40k lore, what happened to the smurfs?

Two words: Matt Ward


I'd pay to see this.

>Wander Over Yonder
I don't think even Wander could look past Flayed Ones or Nurglite Chaos Marines, but damn would he try his best to make everyone friendly.

In fact, he'd probably unite the Eldar, Imperium and Tau, and his friendship would be so great it would bring back the Immortal Emperor to his former glory.

Sylvia falls to Khorne for a tiny bit, but is brought back.

Hater ends up replacing all the High Lords of Terra for reasons

The gems are xenos scum twofold: eldar spulgem technology appropriated and enhanced by the Tau empire. These new devices, implanted with AI and given the ability to project hard-light bodies, blend the society of their creators with the forms of the originators

Naturally Steven is enemy number one

>Snyder of 40k

They've shat on technologically superior foes before, through sheer force of bullshit.

>what's been happening to the smurfs
>matt ward
>matt ward

Ward has been gone for fucking ages.

Antiques Roadshow

True, but that's the only thing that could be talking about.

The Imperium wins through force of numbers. The Diamond Authority presumably controls an entire galaxy and then some. They have hive cities literally the size of planets.

The Imperium would be both outmatched and outnumbered.

And done.

Either that or the sheer numbers of the Imperial Guard will do him in.

>Imperium of Man
>Not fighting Aku with Jack

Do you even inquisit?

Mutants gonna get purged.

>Rick & Morty
Uh. Um. This could get interesting.

Probably a fringe world and too preoccupied by other fights.

Hell the Tau empire literally exists because the Imperium can't spare the manpower to fully commit to wiping them out.


Rick would be so pissed.

>the Imperium gets rekt through love and understanding

Oh I am laffin