WTF... Why is this allowed?

WTF... Why is this allowed?

technically aquaman isn't white, he's not even human, so..
wait a tic, is this a crossover?

Nigga Aquaman is half human and white as fuck.

He is white, white is a phenotype, not a race. obnoxious millennial talks obnoxious Fox News we got a real ess jay dubya on our hands

Good job with your terrible crop my dude

holy god, falcon and cap have some ugly-as-sin costumes

Yeah Steve's new outfit has too much blue and New Falcon's has too much green

Why did Captain America allow some racist guy who hates America to be the new Falcon?

Because hating white people and America is heroic according to Marvel.

Why can't they just use normal falcon colors? White and brown and yellow could work well.

Way to crop out the next line from him where he's all 'omg its an honor'.

He's a whiny kid who is not as hardcore as he thinks he is and isn't fighting the fight he thinks he is

That Cap costume is hideous.

>someone acting obnoxious is obnoxious

God damn it, why do they keep getting rid of his secret avengers costume, I love that thing.
Because marvel thinks it sells comics, when in reality its just people hoping on the movie bandwagon, not the progressive one.

Because they needed a token wetback on team America?

I just want to Cap to go back to being Cap and put all these SJWs in their fucking place and show what hypocrites and unAmerican assholes their being.

>An illegal alien complains about a country that took him in.

At this point, it would be cheaper if we just deported all the liberals to Mexico.

>Holding America to a high standard of moral behaviour equates to hating the country.

Oh, fuck, here we go again. I just now realized that if Trump wins it's going to be EXACTLY like it was under Bush's presidency and we're going to have these same fucking arguments for another entire presidential term. I'm already exhausted just thinking about it.

Yeah not being white sure is a high standard.

>God damn it, why do they keep getting rid of his secret avengers costume, I love that thing.
Yeah man, that with the Opena Now outfit helmet is perfect.

Given how Spencer shat all over Diamondback as badly as he did, I kind of dread what he's going to be doing with Americop, another character from Mark Gruenwalds' run that doesn't really deserve to be shitted on.

I mean, if he's going to attack modern day vigilante crap, he should fucking do a CapFalcon vs Punisher story and be done with it. Aim for the fucking King of Killing Didn't Do Nuttin's, if you are going to be pissy about it.

Captain America should have knocked him out and left him in the ghetto to cure him of that pretentious hipster attitude.

I feel like for Cap's new costume they should've filled in the outer edges in the middle with white.

>Marvel LITERALLY CANNOT go one Wednesday without bringing race up

The fucking autism I can't stand it

The man was literally homeless for years, user.

Why do people love saying Goku is white then? He was off the monkey kings stories who is Asian.

He's All Alien but really I just assumed he was Japanese but it's not like you can tell in that style.

Actually it's some shitty little Illegal Immigrant who's talking.
So either way him or D-Man could probably last in the ghetto.

Spenser's got garbage tastes with regards to the raping and not raping of the Gruenwald run.

Fucker is trying to push D-Man, a god-damn joke character even Gruenwald kicked in the head every chance he could, as a legit sidekick for fuck's sake and recycling God-damn Cap-Wolf!

That said, he's always half-assed the burial shit. The illegal immigrant storyline had the twist at the end where Spencer had the cartels working in league with the SoS sending people over the border simply so Viper and his men could turn them into monsters.And while he turned Diamondback evil, he reversed it at the end of the storyline and left it ambiguous towards whether or not she's still a wanted fugitive.

At this rate, I would not be shocked if they go the route that the new Americop group are multiverse refuges from the alternate universe seen in Captain America Corps (where the Americops were Evil Mirror Universe Steve Roger's henchmen) and the original Americop turns up to help Falcon bust the bad ones.

LOL That ain't Aquaman that fucking Green Arrow you thunder taint

>I-It's an honor, sir!

I fucking laughed out loud.

If he wanted to do something with Americop, I'd prefer if Spensor just gave the identity to USAgent.

It would fit with what Ordway tried to do by way of making him the Marvel version of Judge Dredd after Maximum Security and they could get some mileage out of the idea that Agent is assuming the identity of a Punisher rip-off so that the government could FINALLY shut down the Punisher and his ilk via the notion that there is a national network of vigilante killers and Walker going undercover to catch them.

>I just want to Cap to go back to being Cap and put all these SJWs

He's a fictional character. He'll be whatever the dudes writing him wants to be. That means if the writer is SJW, bet your ass he is.

Are you guys really that triggered by this? Yeah Pablo or whatever his name is is being uppity, rebelliois, and jealous but he melts when he meets Steve, the point was that Steve has a positive effect on people so much that they can't help ending up liking him once they meet him.

And the narrative doesn’t even support NuFalcon this is not a case of Benett, fuck off you guys are as bad as comblr.

Punisher has the ultimate in white privilege in that he can kill as many minorities as he wants and get away with it.

>fuck off you guys are as bad as comblr.
You know what they're gonna post next right?

Walker, like Julia Carpenter and Monica Rambaue are sort of persona non-grata and the only reason Monica still gets screen time is because the fact that she's black and one of the few black characters Marvel has who they have not salted the earth with regards to making her a SJW cliche.

Fuck that, deport them to Canada.

I fucking laffed

Then they wouldn't learn anything...until y'know it becomes Canadallahstan...the parts that aren't on fire that is.

What if they have completely Japanese names?

I've seen people non-ironically say that Arima from tokyo ghoul is white...

Never saw the show, but Japanese name, in Japan, assuming he's human or at least was born as such. No reason to believe he's anything else.

In 5 years the MCU Captain will have fish-net chest plates, mark my words.

Marvel is just baiting at this point

> obnoxious millennial talks obnoxious Fox News we got a real ess jay dubya on our hands
Isn't Mexican Falcon an illegal alien?


Yeah, he's been Captain Falcon's sidekick.

i'm glad i stopped giving a shit about comics
>putting that much emphasis on "smart woman"
>caring that much about skin color
i think all people who get art degrees should be shot and ground up into hamburger for 3rd world countries

they would probably provide more use than what they are currently doing

>what's up Captain Tokenism, you're looking awfully beaner this afternoon, sir"

I love D-Man...I had no idea he was back though. Last time I saw him he was an edgy Winter Soldier version of himself.

Who's the writer for this shit?

Nick Spenser.