Superman: American Alien #7 Storytime

Fly around like an angel and it's only a matter of time before the devil looks up.

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Strap in folks, this is gonna be a long one...



Oh shit. Hey, important question, does this comic take place right after Supes comes back to earth after flying into outher space and meeting two Lanterns?

Thread theme.


>American Alien

But he's a planetary/planet wide alien.


Guess who?



that's like such a sad Superface




Last warning:

This is the violent issue.


Come on, Lobo. Guy just learned he's last of his kind, give him a break.



This dialogue isn't your best, Landis. This is almost Bendis tier of bad.

Oh shit, did Superman curse!? Holy shit, I am loving this.







jesus this dialogue is terrible.



lmao fucking BYE


>I'm from Kansas
Oh god, I hope there isn't a microphone or recorder near him.

Woe, this is hilarious.

Ok, this is actually a pretty cool scene.


I'm digging the Luthor panels this issue


To be continued in Superman: Agent of Batman

Jonathan just said it and Clark heard it, right?


Yeah. I guess Clark's parents know he can hear literally everything.

Now, we go back to the start...


This was a little rushed. It could have been done better.


The hell happened to Louis' face on the last panel? Looks like a whole different person.


Should've kept this page silent.

>Superman: Agent of Batman
Is that an actual thing or a joke?

Oh yeah, Lois is half-Japanese in the Landisverse.
Wally is Korean-American, and both Jimmy Olsen and Wonder Woman are black.

And by Wally, I mean The Flash.

Series will go back to sageing faster. Do this in another thread. Let this one be for discussion.

>Wonder Woman is black

That's kinda hot.

>Superman: Agent of Batman
Is that actually happening or a reference to all those Batman ads in it?

Oh boy, a Superman that violently mangled people. How heroic. I always wanted more violence and gore in Superman. So inspirational. *rolls eyes*

Move over Ms Marvel and Squirrel Girl, we got a even more "Fun" "Hero".



This. Why do you always feel the need to storytime the whole series with a new issue. Just do it in another thread


In Superman: AoB, Pete Ross fights Aquaman at one point.
And there's an issue about Dick Grayson moving in with Clark alongside a Nightwing origin

So, I am not a big fan of this particular art in this issue. Superman looks pretty skinny compared to the last issue.

Listen to this and this cuck op. Make another fucking thread.

Fuck, my knees hurt all of the sudden.

Cause I'm bored. Also, seems kinda redundant to make two threads, especially after being halfway through an issue.

OP is a fag.
>not fan of Jock
K pleb desu.


>Lois is half-Japanese in the Landisverse.

That's pretty hot

Landis has talked about how he has a WW origin called "Yonic" on the Game Over Greggy show, alongside other sequel ideas.


So you don't want people to discuss this issue because of your convenience and need to shill out this series evey time a new issue comes out? You're the worst kind of person.


But by Landis' standards Winder Woman is Mary Sue.

Yes, you caught me. I am a lawyer paid by Max Landis to blog about how Mark Waid is a hack.

Tune in next month when I storytime issue ei-oh.


Don't worry, she'll be a generic love intrest that only exists as a prize to win.

Like when he had his Gary Stu turn a lesbian in Me Him Her.


Just make another thread you dumb Landis' dickrider.


The IP count isn't increasing, y'know.
If you want this to die, don't bump it.


kill yourself






Eeessshhh, the cape was a little too much





So you're doing the full series?

Mostly out of bogus obligation. Did it for the last couple months, had to do it last time




He'll probably come back from the dead to gobble Landis cock. OP is the kind of guy that thinks Me Him and Her and Victor Frankenstein is a piece of art. He's probably one of the 3 guys that went to watch it on the opening day.
