Final issue of this surprisingly good solo that gave Sinestro fans everything they wanted.







>That smirk

Bunn has been great on this book. It's a shame twitter idiots ran him away from DC.




>sinestro is going from this to Venditti



So Bunn can only write good Anti-Hero/Villain






That's not a bad thing
Well written anti-heros/villains are always welcome; not many can write them well.


The end.
Rebirth will start with Hal and the GLs challenging Sinestro's might. Let's hope that Venditti won't just destroy everything good this book has done

>Rebirth will start with Hal and the GLs challenging Sinestro's might. Let's hope that Venditti won't just destroy everything good this book has done
HoboHal or HalParralax

who would win parra hal who still exists or sinestrolax?

I still don't like Soranik as a yellow

Nah i never say itsn't a bad thing
It just explain why some of his comic book are boring

parrahal would be a bottom to sinestrolax

hold the fucking phone, since when is gay mask a red?

is Atrocitus on rage mode?

Truly the greatest Lantern

Daddy Hal

If I remember correctly you can save someone on the verge of death by making him a Red Lantern. So they just beat him and then added him to their ranks

Parallax Hal vs Parallax Sinestro is my wish, but I know it won't happen

This has been one of the most consistently good books of the past 2 years.
RIP Sinestro, hope Vindetti doesn't ruin you too badly.

They attacked him at the end of the last issue, guess it pissed him off

That GL issue with Hal and Sinestro chatting is Venditti's best GL issue so he CAN write Sinestro but I'm still worried that he'll fuck things up and just turn Sinestro back into a literal mustache twirling villain

I like yellow Soranik. I hope she's completely unrepentant when the greens come back.

Why? When the GLC comes back she should be trying to rejoin them or at least cooperate with them

Cooperation would be good but abandoning the yellows now that she's in the driver's seat would be stupid.


Thanks OP

>everything Sinestro fans wanted
Did he and hal kiss?

No way, more living planets? Awesome!

>conniving trickster
>space hitler
God if it's one thing this book sucked at, it was Soranik and Sinestro's relationship.

How is this even a fair fight with that psychic-doctor Grey on the Yellows team? She can fuck them all up.

No ;_;

Yeah Soranik in this book was pretty disappointing overall

Bekka too since she was badass when she first showed up and then got lame

Than I guess it didn't have everything ;_;

On One hand Soranik looks amazing in her yellow uniform but in the other hand her whole character used to be about NOT wanting to be associated with Space hitler and his yellow nazis. now she's head yellow nazi in charge.

we didn't deserve this run to be so good to us.

Also she's welcoming comparisons to him and proudly calling him dad

I just don't think enough development went into her change of outlook

We will never be that lucky, user. Nothing that good is allowed to happen to Hal.

SO when the GL return from that old universe could the Sinestro corps finnaly rename itself to Yellow Lantern? Maybe both sides could stop being total asshats to each other and start helping civilians like they are supposed to.

That would be nice. Just Lanterns fighting cosmic evils and helping the galaxis

>yellow lantern
That's clunky

Nope, the entire first arc of Hal Jordan and the GLC is going to be the GLC fighting the Sinestro Corps to take back their turf

The guy who won and destroyed the universe and remade it.

Papa Bear Jordan probably isn't going to like what Sinestro has done with the place when he gets home.

Hal never went anywhere though, although now that I think about it it seems a little weird that he didn't really notice the Sinestro Corps taking over. Was he just hanging out at the ass end of space or what?

I came to ask this as well. Because that is what I wanted and I sure as hell do not remember this book delivering that.


Will they finally kiss in Venditti's GL? I've been waiting years already

>that smirk

they know

That would complicate my feelings towards Venditti's run so much. On one hand, it has been extremely underwhelming and uninspired. On the other hand, Sinestro and Hal making out. Hmm.

This was the best Lantern book post Johns for me. I really hope it doesn't get fucked up once Rebirth starts.

I will say I'm still depressed over the state of the Red Lanterns.


Bunn really did justice to Sinestro, props to him, hell i'm getting the omnibook if it ever gets one (it should).

Great, solid run.

yeah that's sort of my whole bag here. She HATED Sinestro and the yellows and was pretty devoted to not being like him



>That smirk!


Hallalax also ate the Central power Battery so him by far

It was good while it lasted ;_;