/DOAG/ Dumbing of Age General

Mary's gonna die, isn't she?

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If only. She deserves to be free from this comic.

Can't they just shut up and fuck already

Damn it, Mary, just pull the trigger and get that asshole fired already. There's no reason for you not to.

You know I always fucking hated the "character planning revenge" and then "THE REVENGE WAS THE PLANNING OF THE REVENGE" trope.

Always makes me want the person planning revenge to just get run over by a bus.

Jesus H. Fuck.

Yeah, it's like she (and by she I guess I actually mean Willis) doesn't know how blackmail works. If they don't comply, you follow through with your threat. Pretty simple stuff.

Mary is going to die all because Willis didn't masturbate till he was 19

Now "misplaced freak" is a real insult! Too bad she didn't direct it at Carla. Note that Ruth is too much of a fuck up to even get mad about it.

This storyline will end with Mary discovering that Carla wasn't really planning anything and she will look like a total moron by everyone

fuck you willis

Mary will go to the university to report on the shenanigans.

Carla will reveal she wasn't really doing anything and Mary will look like a moron.

Mary will then deliver on her blackmail promise and accuse Ruth of being a drunk, abusive, violent, power-hungry cunt.

Ruth will be miraculously sober.

University will, for some inexplicable reason, expel Mary or move her to another dorm.

Becky gets Mary's room.

There... I just saved you two months.

This goes beyond my worst expectations

Just kill me now.

it only works if the blackmailer is alive to go through with the threat.

She can't go through with it, if Carla is wearing a Mary skinsuit, to be a real girl finally.

No.... Nooo.... NOOOOO!!!

I hope she does, but Willis does it because he relapses to Christianity and he makes Mary the Christ figure in his strip

I had similar theory, but we did see Carla actualy building something (poorly). I think she is going to use some retarded rube goldberg machine on Mary and everyone will cover for Carla. This will end with either her leaving the school, or becoming even more of a social outcast.

Maybe she's making her own Trans clubhouse room in the corner.
So she doesn't get kicked to boys dorm.

I don't really like Mary but everyone else is also unlikeable and I at least sympathize with her. I feel like I'd like these characters way more if i didn't know Willis was definitely pushing a "This character's bad and these characters are good" and re-framed the comic to admit that they're all equal assholes with different beliefs.

In theory the resident manager's office would probably put a stop to Carla or hire someone who would.

>So she doesn't get kicked to boys dorm.
Her getting kicked out isn't a possibility in reality so it wouldn't be a possibility in this comic.
rps.indiana.edu/howtoapply.cfml ctrl+f transgender

Willis did sort of go there around the time that Joyce was angrily swearing a lot as a coping mechanism; people were concerned for her, which led Mike to point out that they'd been trying to change Joyce and they'd gotten their wish, and even Sal was actually depicted as a douchebag, who was glad that Joyce was emotionally scarred, because it made her "real" to Sal.

Alright y'all. How many of you guys have actually fapped to a Willis porn comic.
And which is the best one?
Billie and Ruth's was actually enjoyable, I'm not gonna lie.

>promoting this shitheel
you're scum

Where's Becky, OP?


>I don't really like Mary but everyone else is also unlikeable and I at least sympathize with her.
That's basically everyone here.
Everyone's shit, but Mary's the one being bullied.

I fapped to the Robin X Leslie one. Good porn is overrated - bad porn gets you to the exact same place.

Man, I actually had a nightmare about that dude with the scar face who assaulted Joyce. It was fucked up.

I have.
It was the one with Sal and the TA

Sal's pretty damn hot in that one but oh fuck that awful penis.

I just drew a better on on top of it and it was fine. I should just edit the dicks in all of em. I ain't a dick expert but at least I can draw them to look less like bland flesh spears.

Nah, she's a fundie so she'd probably be a #CruzMissle.

>two months
Come on now. It'll be the end of the year MAYBE before we get to that point.


Mary is literally trying to deport Carla to the boys dorm.

Oh snap, it must have been a whole three days since Ruth had a drink. Will she survive??

All this plot bouncing explains why we've been seeing preview pics of Becky and Joyce still gone for "the weekend" off in July strips.