Why do the new female Ghostbusters threaten your masculinity, Sup Forums...

Why do the new female Ghostbusters threaten your masculinity, Sup Forums? Are you afraid that their specific brand of "bustin'" will make you feel just as good as all-male bustin'? It's okay, Sup Forums, just admit you're a toxic, misogynist manlet.

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Can't I just think that Melissa McCarthy isn't funny and that I think her "humor" is crude and gross?

I'm a toxic, misogynist manlet.

That movie still looks like hot trash.

I would watch a spin off movie with those three done well as the main characters. That is not what they are giving us and you are a baiting faggot

Only one of the four comedians is actually funny (hint: it's not the quirky white women) and all the lines she has seem painfully forced.


It makes me realize the age of men is over and being a man is pretty much the only quality I have

You know I have never seen this term used elsewhere as an insult.

Actually, why didn't they make one of the new Ghostbusters Kylie? Hell, why not just make a fuckin' Extreme Ghostbusters movie?

You're entitled to that opinion, but I find it quite ironic that you say this on Sup Forums of all places.

>Only one of four comedians is actually funny

you don't visit Sup Forums much, right?

I like the mental image of feminists reluctantly lining up for the opening night release of the Ghostbusters rehash, sitting through the whole thing pan faced. Looking back years from now at watching it as the toughest they fought for women everywhere

>you're entitled to that opinion

Apparently not. As anyone who holds that opinion is branded a sexist manbaby

I was excited going into the trailer. A new ghostbusters! With female leads! It's about time we get more of those! And they're gonna try extra hard because they want it to succeed and not be mocked for stupid sexist bullshit. I bet this movie will be great!

... and then the dialogue happened.

Fuck. So we were expected to like this because women, and not supposed to criticize it because women. If women in general are this easily pandered to and don't give a shit about quality then misogyny is rational.

Be better than this movie ladies. Please.

>dat projecting
I mean, if it helps, I just think you're a filthy hypocrite.

That what is baffiling, they had it all doen for then, they could have taken established characters from the long running comic and tv series and taken arcs from them. There is like 3 movies right there without having to retread the start of GB1 and have Bill and the guys in as their roles and not cameos. But instead they decide to do a reboot with nobodies and all new characters while basically copying the plot of the original movie. Why? For SJW points? Because a lot of them are unhappy the film has 4 sterotypes as the leads, including the "sassy black nigger lady who is funny because she is loud and black" And the quirky retard pixie girl

Ghostbusters aren't Sup Forums

>Apparently not. As anyone who holds that opinion is branded a sexist manbaby

On the bright side, it might finally end this faggot's reign of terror.

He's currently being DESTROYED by feminists and losing viewers hand over fist because he said the movie looked bad and he wasn't going to see it or review it.

It is like they missed the point of everything. Winston wasn't the token black funny man, hell he barley told any jokes. He was non-scientist everyman that just wanted a job. He just happened to also be black. You see that guys? That's how you can do representation without it feeling forced and out of place.

>I find it quite ironic that you say this on Sup Forums of all places.

Last time I checked, Sup Forums wasn't fingered to make the reboot of a beloved franchise.

Feminists will bitch about anything just for the sake of making noise.

Nah they just hate women and want to see women suffer.

Oh, I don't hate it because it's women.

I hate it because it's a cash grab.
I hate it because it's soulless and driven by marketing.
I hate it because the production has been a cluster duck.
I hate it because Leslie Jones is not funny and one 'Oh lawdy lawdy!' away from being a 1920s caricature.

>Several cartoons
>Long running comic book
>Not Sup Forums

What exactly am I projecting?

The media and defenders of the movie are claiming the ONLY possible reason you can dislike this movie is because you are sexist

And next he's gonna say something like
>W-Well it started as a movie so it doesnt count!

>destroyed by feminists

How? How does them being angry in any way impact him? Most have literally never heard of him

>losing viewers

Nice made up claim.


to be fair, that actress is the only slightly intriguing aspect in this desert of comedy called ghostbusters (2016)

Ghostbusters has always been shit

God I miss Egon

>The media and defenders of the movie are claiming the ONLY possible reason you can dislike this movie is because you are sexist

It's the same sort of defense the media used when the All Black Honeymooners film bombed financially and critically

>It would have succeeded if everyone wasn't racist; the world just wasn't ready for it

Sup Forums tier bait OP

You really think they factored in the cartoons and comic book when making this?

Well it's not like they're entirely wrong. This shit happens every time anything even vaguely having to do with women comes up, a bunch of whiny man-babies indeed start getting uppity. This in turn gets the opposing radical elements riled up to start making noise, and there's a fight.

Does nobody here know how the Internet works?

It does however, spew crude idiot humor at a constant rate.

That's an awful cover.
Doesn't tell you shit about the movie other than there's a cop and a dog.

It's funny because most of the flak this has been getting now is from butthurt SJWs because of that black lady.

>Doesn't tell you shit about the movie other than there's a cop and a dog.

He's actually a bus driver. So it doesn't even make his occupation clear, apparently.

You can tell she doesn't give a shit and is just hamming it up.

Help I'm having Cop Dog flashbacks

Licking phalluses is empowering shitlord.

I'm gong to buy a ticket for this because I hate all of you

It's the honeymooners, you dumb fuck. He's a bus driver.

and yourself

But how can my masculinity be threatened by something I know nothing about? Forming an opinion on something before I've experienced it firsthand would just be silly, user.

I only saw trailer 1 once (heard they...fixed it?) but yeah she's the only one who looks like she had any fun.

Imagine that. Having fun in a comedy.

>Bernie Mac's Honeymooners
>People didn't like it because racism

Wait, isn't that the adaptation of Honeymooners that excluded the "Pow, Zoom, right to the moon!" catchphrase because it was "violent toward women"?

Like, the movie excludes the most famous line from the source material for the sake of political correctness and everyone said it failed because "racism"?

>Not ignoring this movie completely and buying two tickets for Angry Birds, Sup Forums's favorite red pilled propaganda vehicle of the summer.



What's the context of the original line?

>tfw over 6'

post yfw you will NEVER EVER be a shrimp-dick manlet

>One of these days, Alice! Pow! Zoom! Right to the moon!

He's threatening to hit her.

Ghostbusters 2 is controversial in its quality, and contained all the original cast and writers.

Do you honestly think this will be any better, all-female cast aside?

>wife makes him mad
>I swear one fo these days I'll bop you!

Eh Sup Forums had an edge. Sure people here have a crude sense off humor bit more often than not it's got substance too.

The movie/trailer what I heard and looks just painfully unfunny and boring.

The more important question is, which SJW group will win out? The "Watch this movie or you're sexist" group, or "Don't watch this movie or you're racist" group?

Oh. Well at least that makes the violence against women thing make some sense.

It just sounds funny to me, honestly.

Fans have been making fixed ones. Sony hasn't done squat.

When McCarthy went to the execs to voice her concern over how bad the trailer is, they point blank told her to her face "we don't care what you think".

No context, he's threatening his wife with physical violence for comedic effect. And Homer strangles Bart on a regular schedule.

>McCarthy went to the execs to voice her concern over how bad the trailer

kek did she do that? That's pretty cool

It's supposed to be funny. But you can't do that now, oh Heavens no.

>Find me one episode of Honeymooners where Ralph actually hauls off and decks Alice in the face
>The catchphrase was meant to emphasis Ralph's bluster; he talks a big game but would never go through with any of his threats and his wife knows it which is why she mouths off to him so much

I know the meme is "Boco is retarded" but jeez. You're missing the point of the catchphrase as badly as the producers of the film did.

well yeah, it's just a joke

McCarthy loves the old cartoon. She fought with the director over the script from day one.

Yeah, the trailer was misleading as to what the movie was about. Something about it being a sequell when it's not

Honestly can't believe I'm saying this, but if they had gone with Extreme Ghostbusters they would've had a more diverse cast.

>McCarthy loves the old cartoon. She fought with the director over the script from day one

If she wanted to win, she could've just sat on him.

No one would complain if we could do some bustin to the female ghostbusters.

We all miss Egon, user. :'(

If we're actually making the comparison, Sup Forums's culture of 'edge' is primarily to keep the majority of people away.

Is that this movie's stated goal too?

2/10 shitty bait, op

>just admit you're a toxic, misogynist manlet.
Sure, but how does that relate to the trailers making the movie look bland as fuck.

I think the thing that's the real problem here is that this looks like just another Paul Feig comedy with the Ghostbusters IP slapped on it to sell.



I actually wonder if this rising man vs woman sentiment is leading to artificial intelligence wives.


Can't wait to see this bomb. Too many people made this their hill to die on.

There's always that level of irony to new Feminist-friendly media that's been popping up over the years.

>old thing is problematic. New version of thing will fix that
>well actually...
>no! Problematic!

>"I don't know if it was a race thing, or a lady thing, but I'm mad as hell."
Sony is yucking this one all the way to the bank.

Reminder that this is the closest we'll ever get to proper Ghostbusters 3

It wouldn't surprise me if she did, it's an absolutely atrocious trailer. I really wish Sony would just hurry up & fold, because they're patently terrible at making and marketing movies.

On the other hand, Paul Feig is a white guy with Jewish ancestry in Hollywood, so he'll never go away. Guys like that don't get put in director's jail for long, if ever.

>artificial intelligence wives
illegal before it's even out of the prototype stage

now AI Husbands on the other hand are something I'm sure we can all get behind

I kinda chuckled at the ghost on her shoulders.

A little.

>Honestly can't believe I'm saying this
Why? It's objectively true.

And it would've been fuckin' awesome. Who here honestly wouldn't watch an Extreme Ghostbusters movie?

>tfw just bought the game

>tfw straight, white male feminists will never call your wife a gold-digging whore over the internet because you said you don't want to see a movie

I'm so excited to post my ticket on Sup Forums

I almost took the Bait, the reason why I won't be paying to see the new Ghostbusters has less to do with the fact that it's an all female cast and more to do with the fact that it's a souless nostalgia fueled cash-grab.

>tfw you will never burn someone as hard as this

>Chris Hemsworth plays a brainless, clumsy dork because "that's what women like"

Surprised the shrieking feminists haven't tried to defend that one yet.

You're in for a ride.
You can't drive Ecto-1, but I'm less butthurt over it after Arkham Knight.

>One good movie that rides entirely on Bill Murray's performance
>A shitty sequel that retells Ghostbusters 1
>A mediocre video game that retells Ghostbusters 1... again
>Bill Murray throwing Ghostbuster 3 scripts in the trash for years
>A forgettable cartoon starring Garfield the Cat
>A comic book series that keeps getting canceled

Why does this franchise have this holy grail status again?

Fucking Savage

So did Brad Jones, though he didn't name drop i specifically.

I'm waiting for Lupa to do this next and then we'll see a "parody" video from Game Grumps saying how they will go see the movie cause they thought it looked fun.

Which, you know, is fine? People should be able to fucking decide if they want to see the movie from the goddamn trailer if they want to. If the trailer wasn't enough to grab your attention, that's the marketing people's fault.

Now that's what I call a third degree burn.

I laughed a little.

Okay that was just fucking rude.
The baby thing.
Because I have to point that shit out on here.

Dear Faggot (that's you, ),

Please see and then promptly choke to death on a bag of dicks.