"Batman: Return to Arkham" comes to Xbox1/PS4 in July

It's remastered Asylum and City.


>they can work on remastering 2 games but they can't fix Arkham Knight for PC.

Then they can't sell the GotY Turbo Edition with Totally Working Game this christmas.

Nobody cares about PirateCenter, it's all about consoles

Looks the same, also no Origins

Origins isn't by Rocksteady so no one cares.

I swear this doesn't look that much better than the PS3/360 versions.

AO will probably be in a collection with AK. Maybe they'll even fix the PC version.

origins was pretty good, the firefly boss battle is easily one of the best from boss battles of all the time.

Massive fan of the Arkham games but no real interest in this. It looks like they brightened it up a bit but the original games still look good and play well, so this won't be for me.

That said, that's a damn nice trailer.

Itll just be the maxed out PC version ported down most likely, espacially aonce theees no PC version

>origins shit on because "not muh Rocksteady"
>Markham Knight happens

I kek every time.

I do, it's the only one where the characters felt like actual characters instead of references and setpieces

>No Origins with based Firefly
>Arkham Knight is still shit on PC

So they get to play the PC version now?

As someone with a ps4 but no ps3 or gaming pc, thispleases me

Depending on the price, I might pick it up. Never played any of the DLC. Too bad Origins isn't with it since I decided to skip it because IT WAS JOKER THE ENTIRE TIME!

Thank fuck, i've been wanting to replay these two for years but I dont wanna plug my ps3 back in

>That boss fight with Mr. Freeze

Gets me HNNNGG everytime

AO >>> AK

You know, I might just finally play Arkham Oranges soon
I've owned the collectors edition for a while now, mostly just bought it for the cool figure

What's supposed to be different?

It looks the exact same.

>more remasters than original games

It's got the best story and the best combat in the series.It's also seriously flawed in a lot of ways (don't download the update patch for the game, play as is to avoid lag if you have a PS3 copy)

Origins was based as fuck. Had the best finale out of the entire series

How about they properly release Arkham Knight on PC at least once? It doesn't even make sense, Asylum and City have great ports.

>slicked up the graphics
>that's it
I was at least expecting them to use the Knight engine given how much it improved the (on foot) gameplay.

>it's the only one where the characters felt like actual characters instead of references
You mean the game where Batman and Joker's personalities are nothing but massive references to TKJ and TDK.

Agreed couldn't really see a difference. Who would've thought Activision would make a better re release than Rocksteady?

>best combat
No, it was sluggish as shit and the shock gloves took all of the challenge out of an already easy combat system.

No, I wasn't talking about AK

the gloves were optional so it's really not an argument

>fixing what isn't broken
>ignoring what has been broken for almost a year now

AK wasn't bad though. In fact I think it and Origins are the best overall. They have some weak points like glitches and a weird script but overall they feel the most realized
Though I must say being trapped in Arkham was cool but the whole Titan thing was really dumb

Origins has, by far, the best Christmas atmosphere of any game since Freezeezy Peak.

Fuck off sonigger

So much this.

It's ultimate Dark Knight simulator during Christmas.

>replayed the arkham games recently
>try to do as much side stuff as I can
>realize all this exp from riddles maxed out all the useful perks long before the story nears its end
>continue with story
>massive adrenaline rush at the end of every games story mode
>post game happens
>no willpower to collect 300 riddles
>but always did the other archvillain wrap-ups
>after that, still 200+ riddler trophies to get
>always felt like The Riddler was the fart before leaving a room
Makes it even harder when YouTube is a thing. Arkham City did it the best where you only needed to find like 60% of the trophies

Yeah the 200 whatever trophies is too much. The true ending isn't even worth it either. Knight was good but they really fucked up in a lot of spots

>those timed batmobile trophy races
>trying to find the coordinates
>them hidden in bumfuck no where in a small space behind a barely visible wooden fence

What a great reason

>That entire soundtrack

>"Too stupid to solve my Riddles, hm? Need to complain about it to let out some of that hot air filling your head and hurting your brain? I guess I can't blame you. That's why they make video games for grown-ups too!"

Issat Hamill? He sounds young and not dying

Unless that's his replacement

It's a remaster, so I'm assuming it's all the same voice clips

>Didn't do Riddler in Asylum because it felt excessive and most of the shit went over my head
>Didn't do Riddler in City because it felt too excessive
>Did everything in Knight without even knowing it's necessary for the full ending because I enjoyed it so much

Not sure what happened there desu.

They have threads about this already.

You did it pal! You saved the whole board!

>just a bunch of obstacle courses and races

AA had my favorite approach where the solution to the riddle was basically seeing how much Batman trivia you knew.

That's actually kind of perfect.
Nygma has an actual chracter arc through the course of the games. You see him go from clever, witty, and justifiably cocky in Origins, to Arkham Knight, where he's a literal sewer rat trying to prove that he's smarter than Batman by making him drive fast. The riddles degrade too. Catwoman even calls him out on this at one point.

>Master Bruce, it's midnight sir
>I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas sir

>Merry Christmas, Alfred.

People can say what they want but Origin is the only Arkham game that made me feel something. I also liked how Bruce was finally a character and not just a walking doll, plus all the interactions with Alfred.

Also that part where Bruce rushes back to the cave after Bane was great too.

>that part where Bruce rushes back to the cave after Bane was great too.
>"Alfred? Alfred!"
>"... I'm in your house, Bruce."
Even knowing how it was gonna go, with all the foreshadowing of Bane losing his memory, that was still a great holy shit moment.

Smith > Conroy. Old fuck just phones it in.

When you define the role, you get some leeway. Either Baker or Smith should take over soon though.

Had some iffy gameplay like shit just didn't connect and was buggy as fuck for me but at least the boss fights were decent compared to AK