Why was he always chasing the animaniacs?

why was he always chasing the animaniacs?

he was trying to find a way to get back to his hometown of springfield

Because it was his FUCKING JOB.


Trying to provide for his wife and son out of love. He's the most sympathetic, down-to-earth character on the show.

well who else is going to lock them in the water tower?

Why didn't they hire Cosgrove? He got the Warners to cut it out once.

What do you mean "no"?

Why did you pose a picture of Chief Wiggum?

which one's the wife?

which one's the wife?

Because he's the security guard at the Warner movie lot. They're causing trouble.

It's not difficult.

He wanted to fuck them

He wanted to fuck them

Because they lock them in the tower,
whenever they get caught.
But they get loose
to fuck anus
and now you know the plot

They're nymphomaniacs
Wakko fucks and Yakko faps
They're a menace to the max
Dot wanks off all the writing staff
They have sex like bunnies
And it's kind of funny
Giving Freud a run for money
Whip out your sack!

Weren't they living in the Warner Water Tower, where they were not supposed to be?

You need to be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums, kiddo.

the warners were supposed to be locked away in the water tower to avoid wreaking havoc
he was extraordinarily bad at his job, but at least he kept chasing them, trying to get them back in

No, they were locked in the water tower to keep them from wrecking everything.
"They lock us in the tower
whenever we get caught.
But we break loose
and then vamoose
and now you know the plot."

I chuckled


>definitely, definitely couldn't see past it
>(but was reprimanded for using landmines)
>His reasons for doing so remain a mystery
>continues to help medical students with their studies
Why is this still so fucking good?

To lose weight