ITT: Anons post 10-15 personal favorites, others recommend films based on list

Beasts of No Nation (2015)
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly(1966)
Goodfellas (1990)
Dances With Wolves (1990)
It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
The Master (2012)
Once Upon A Time In The West(1968)
Raging Bull (1980)
The Shining (1980)
There Will Be Blood (2007)
Werkmeister Harmonies(2000)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Hunt (2012)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Spartacus (1960)



Holy shit mu really is the best place here

Blow-Up, The Leopard, Ugetsu, The Passion of the Christ, Citizen Kane, 2001, Pulp Fiction, Andrei Rublev, Jules and Jim, Vertigo, Ivan the Terrible, 8 1/2, M, Empire of the Sun, and Excalibur, I guess -- but "favorites" are for children.

List threads are always shit due to their nature, btw.

Sup Forums is the worst board along with Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Aviator > Departed > Ragging Bull > Temptation of the Christ > Staten Island > Casino > Godfater Part II > Taxi > Ambulance Movie > Kings of Comedy > Main Streets

I'm not posting ten movies but I'll recommend Come and See (1985) because of Apocalypse Now and Wreckmeister Harmonies.

The Apartment
Apocalypse Now
La Dolce Vita
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Pierrot le Fou
The Third Man
Le Samouraï
Il Sorpasso

Tristram Shandy: A Cock & Bull Story

After Hours

Vertigo, Touch Of Evil, Rashomon, Citizen Kane, Raising Bull, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jaws, The Wild Bunch, The Pig & The Battleship, Last Seduction, 400 blows, Bicycle Thieves,

Bicycle Thieves
Out 1
Winter Light
The Exterminating Angel
The Master
Spirit of the Beehive
The Human Condition trilogy
Fantastic Planet

You'd like Krull, fantastic visuals.

A scanner darkly
Inside llewyn davis
Imaginary heroes
Run Lola run
Last of the mohicans
Seven samurai
Noroi: the curse
Synedoche new York
Lord of the rings trilogy
Sex galaxy
Jackie brown
Eternal sunshine
The royal tenenbaums

Something tells me you'd love Goddard's Breathless

none of these movies are good

dumb post

Nice, I'll check it out

Legend (Tom Hardy)

Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind
A Serious Man
Slow West


I haven't seen that many movies

Sommaren med Monika (1953, Bergman)
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, 楊)
চারুলতা (1964, রায়)
Ordet (1955, Dreyer)
Les Moissons du Ciell (1978, Malick)
Oктябpь «Дecять днeй, кoтopыe пoтp яcли миp (1927, Эйзeнштeйн)
Le Fite Club (1999, Fincher)
红高粱 (1987, 张艺谋)
Fear and Desire (1953, Kubrick)
Зepкaлo (1975, Tapкóвcкий)
Un Chien Andalou (1928, Luis Buñuel)
浪華悲歌 (1936, 溝口)
Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)

a river runs through it
the long goodbye


seven samurai
the good the bad and the ugly
lord of the rings trilogy
blade runner
apocalypse now
duck you sucker
once upon a time in the west
godfather 2
shawshank redemption
star wars ot

Good list, never been that impressed with Spielberg tho. Granted I wasn't alive to see his 'best work's in theatre

Fuck you

Mu has actual discussion occasionally plus high quality memes.
First day leaving mu and tv is just redpill insecurity, "actress" worship(which is fine), and blockbuster comic book circle jerks.
Have no reason to visit pol.

Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Thing
American Psycho
Empire Strikes Back
Blade Runner
Life of Brian
Road Warrior
Last Crusade
Usual Suspects
Live and Let Die

Crimson Gold.
What term

Every film on that list is genre shit. Here's a recommendation: decent taste.

The Straight Story
Putney Swope
Vanishing Point
Jackie Brown
American Psycho
Rear Window
Things To Come
Batman Begins

if you find Sup Forums memes funnier than Sup Forums memes you might as well visit reddit

Honestly if you find either funny you should visit Reddit.

Reddit is a pretty swell place if you ask me, you should visit it no matter what.

>t. Morbidly obese, prediabetic contrarian shitposter

It rages from horrible to mediocre.

At least Sup Forums reeks of pre-facebook internet

What are Sup Forums memes anyways? le Anthwan Fantwan? le Thom Yorke and Varg Vikernes making le funni faces? le Death Grips and le Grimes? What a piece of shit board.

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)
The Wind (1928)
The Phantom Carriage (1921)
Faust (1926)
The General (1926)
Ordet (1955)
Three Colours: Blue (1993)
Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)
Evil Dead 2 (1987)
Mommy (2014)
Elle (2016)
The White Ribbon (2009)
Amour (2012)

Starship Troopers
Total Recall
Short Circut
Glengarry glen ross
The Fly
The Evil Dead Trilogy