If Jewwood has released anything funny the past 3-4 years, I must have missed it

If Jewwood has released anything funny the past 3-4 years, I must have missed it.

The Nice Guys

bad moms was OK only because qts running around everywhere when you get tired of it

Popstar is kino you faggot

Popstar was actually really fucking great

hell no

Maybe you just have shit taste user? Why don't you post some examples of films you like so we can suggest some to you?

Not saying OP sin't a pretentious faggot, but the movie industry is dying. All the talent has moved to TV, in nearly all genres

Inherent Vice

I think the last funny movie I saw was The Campaign.

Anyway . . . Tropic Thunder, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, Ace Ventura 2, Badder Santa, Lebowski, Bad Words, Fear of a Black Hat . . . just to name some I've seen at least 5 times each . . . because they're funny.


The Lonely Island guys have been responsible for the 3 greatest comedies of last decade.

Hot Rod

The world will recognize this one day.

Crass overgenrelization. What you meant is paint by numbers, american piffle, film industry is dying. I hardly think such actors as Jenjira Pongpas or Felícián Keresztes will be venturing to pleb-tv anytime soon.

>The Lonely Island guys have been responsible for the 3 greatest comedies of last decade

Are you really this much of a fag?

I wanted to like the nice guys but it was shit. Popstar has like 3 really funny scenes but the rest of the movie is terrible

The Nice Guys is the funniest movie this decade prove me wrong right now

Wow you're right. I can't think of any

The golden age of the frat pack is over, a dark age of comedy has descended

Only Hot Rod is funny though user and even then it's in a family guy way.

That's pretty sad if true (it is)

It's enjoyable but not funny

This has been a shit decade for comedies in general

Central Intelligence is legit the best comedy since half baked

I thought Spy was pretty funny

>still overrating The Nice Guys in 2017

Why is the frog suicidal before he's in hysterics

What a dumb frog

>he's never survived a fail suicide attempt

kys, then report back when it doesn't work

Don't make me post it op. You know the image I'm talking about. Don't do it!

Damn that sucked

Best comedy of the latest years for me.

look at this faggot

look at him and laugh

nailed it

Not a very funny movie.

>New Zealand
That ain't Hollywood

hot rod is terrible

the Jump Street movies are the best of the decade

i prepared the report, which explains that Emoji Movie plot and characters are borrowed from our series at all. I am not troll, it is serious. I think It will be interest for you. Emoji Movie borrowed the main storyline from The Mojicons, which is briefly described as follows: the messenger is the place where emoticons live and work (pictograms depicting emotions). Due to a malfunction in the messenger, its user decides to reinstall the messenger, which threatens the emoticons with death. To prevent destruction, emoticons go outside the instant messenger, along the way get into adventures and overcome various dangers.

What's it like having shit taste

Bad moms is funny in a way that it made the yuropoors butthurt.