Do you buy a fast pass for the crab legs buffet at your theater or do you just wait in line like a pleb?

Do you buy a fast pass for the crab legs buffet at your theater or do you just wait in line like a pleb?

tha fuk

My theater has a conveyor belt of fresh crab legs that runs by the seats so you can just grab some whenever you need more during the flick.

Is that included in the ticket price?

There are only a few rows of seats next to the conveyor belt. They cost more than the general seating.

Fucking jews

I use the app

You know if you get global entry, you can pass through the theatre security lines quickly with low prob that they will pat you down or check your bags? You can just sneak in your own.


I bought the deluxe season pass and got at-seat personal catering.

I wait in line like a pleb to remind myself how great being a patrician normally is. You need that contrast, I think.

>He pays for his kino cuisine

>trying to be ironic
>just stating shit that actually happens

best to stick to falcons and showers if you are gonna meme

I've trained my hawk to get the crab legs for me, I'm not getting Jewed by the establishment again.

do you stay after hours for the auction of unsold crab? its so cheap

I don't think they do that in the states

FUCK I'm jealous

Where the hell does that happen?

Asking for myself.

>30 minute orgy intermission
>Lean back and hope at least a 5 asks me for sexy time
>Just remembered tonight was "Bull's Night Out" at the flickoplex
>Watch some girl's lily white ass get pounded by BBC and jerk it
All in all a pretty nice night out on the town

Only once, but it's usually at 3am and the selection is subpar at best

>not sneaking in a Lobster instead

can you explain to me the advantages of having a hawk instead of a falcon? Perhaps it has something to do with the ease of which they can be trained to operate the security panel in the theater showers when you just got finished avoiding the no-gf patrols. Nothing worse than a falcon operator at the security panel, though I'm not sure if this makes up for the falcon's superior crab leg acquisitions.


might as well sneak in fucking dog meat

coat ferrets are literally better at both of those things

You fucking morons need to stay off my board

The season pass I bought includes unlimited kino-snax and 50% off their drone delivery service

What fucking cinema has seafood?

I got the Quick Crab Pass

Ironically they call it See-food at my theater since it makes seeing movies better

have you ever been to the theatre before?

What the fuck? My theater doesn't have crab legs, or showers, or people bringing anvils or falcons or any of this shit. What the fuck is going on?

It's all a shitty meme. The only real one is singles policy.


I do a lot of fitness and weight lifting in my free time so I just go to the crab arena.
It's a nice workout by itself and you get to win some cool prizes plus all the crab legs you can gather.