What does Sup Forums think about Indian soap opera. Will American television even come close to it

What does Sup Forums think about Indian soap opera. Will American television even come close to it


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Indian women will only date Indian men. Ruins all of their cinema imo.

fucking poo in loo's

>Not liking pure Indian gfs

So can we agree that Indian media is pure shit?

There's absolutely nothing of value in Bollywood movies.

Literally who was in the wrong here?

There's novelty value. If you've never been exposed to it before it's amusing.

Yeah, it's definitely funny. But it's so goofy and ugly on the eyes it's hard to see any other value besides a bit of contemptuous laughter at its expense. Followed by a mental note to never bother with any more Indian movies.

I don't think about it

serious question, do they only let light skinned people on TV or do they use special effects to make them look lighter? No Indian I've ever seen looks this color.

it's the caste system.

it's this way everywhere. all places have a lighter upper caste and the standard of ideal beaty is lighter.

it makes sense, I mean, day and night, light and dark. light = good, dark = scary. it doesn't take a stretch to come to that logic/interpretation. the night has always been scary, uncertain, associated with death. light with spirit, knowledge, life / creation itself.


>Not acknowledging ROBO as the greatest KINO on the planet

They look ok but you can't have one cause they'll shit all over your floor.

This hot Indian chick I was friends with in high school only dated white dudes. She fucking hates Indian guys. Now she's marrying a tall goofy Steven Merchant looking mother fucker. I once asked her mom if she wanted her daughter to settle down with an Indian dude. She said that is the plan. Oh well I guess.

Is her name Anu? I realize I have a 1 in 1.2 billion chance here, but...

wow are all indian women so cutey?

Aha no. I guess this kinda thing happens now and again.

What? I've seen the opposite, Indian women will ditch their men for white dudes given the opportunity.

Indian women are actually pretty shit tier, they are as shallow as white women without the bodies of other brown women like latinas.

>girl does the exact opposite of what her parents want


With Indian girls it's like the most common stereotype on the fucking planet just by numbers alone

It's just crazy to me since Indian parents are the fucking craziest I know when it comes to their children dating other Indians only. I grew up in an area of SoCal with a good portion of Indians (and Koreans). It's kinda interesting seeing this stuff first hand. I was always that one Latino friend who looked like a white dude, so they usually liked me for some reason.

if you've never seen an indian with their skin tone then you have a very narrow experience of indians.
>it makes sense, I mean, day and night, light and dark. light = good, dark = scary. it doesn't take a stretch to come to that logic/interpretation. the night has always been scary, uncertain, associated with death. light with spirit, knowledge, life / creation itself.

that's not the reason for light skin being associated with nobility you retard hahahahah

For most of history , if you were rich you could stay indoors and have other people work in the field for you.
Field workers got dark skin from being outdoors all day while people who could live a life of leisure had lighter skin.

Nowaways you see the opposite in western societies. upper class people who go on vacation multiple times a year like to look sun-kissed while more working class people typically are pale and pasty from working indoors all year.

it's not that hard to get an indian gf, that is to find a indian girl willing to date a white guy. But even so the vast majority of indian girls date and marry indian guys.

t. white guy who has had 2 indian and 2 paki gfs

I was going to mention that reason too, but obviously light is always a symbol of the better aspects, it's all in the mix. People in the past don't interpret things in materialist terms, y'know.

>two paki gfs
How were they in bed user? Genuinely curious since Pakistanis tend to be conservative

The only Indians or Pakis I ever see are the Apu looking guys you see at convenience stores, they look almost dark enough to be mistaken as black

That's not an indian thing. That's an asian thing. All asians want their kids to marry asian.
I speak from experience. I've seen the glares of pure malice from an asian girls parents when I walk through the door.

>i have no idea what i'm talking about - the post

>believing that traditional cultures interpret things in modern anthropological or historical materialist terms

The caste system is just a cosmological explanation for the inequality that exists in every society. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

It's like I'm watching Kitchen Nightmares.

But this time they are serving Gordon actual shit

Had to watch this shit at the barbershop every time I went to get cut up in Kuwait

Indians love to fucking dance

Does Sup Forums realize that America is over 70% white while Asians are 3%?

About two hundred years ago.


How the fuck am I Sup Forums for saying latinas are superior to indians?

I mean the part about Indians dating whites, genius