Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

>Who was in the wrong here?

Your father for not pulling out

Keitel, Jodl, Krebs, and Burgdorf

i am actually surprised how likeable they made hitler in this movie

the west for going against nazis instead of commies


>turns away because he can't bear to watch his dig die


>making a likable person irl seem likable is now suprising

>A man who was so likeable he went from being a failed art student world war 1 soldier to the leader of the German empire and convinced the entire country to go to war with the entirety of Europe based on his own personal beliefs
>being surprised he was likeable


Steiner, he says so in the scene

>convinced the entire country to go to war with the entirety of Europe based on his own personal beliefs
oh pleasse

>stating facts is Sup Forums worthy


He wanted to conquer a lot of Europe to use as farm lands and populate with German people so Germany could become and isolated state that would be able to sustain itself with little to none outside contact and in doing so he started a with in the entirety of Europe and convinced the German people to continue to fight this war for 6 years. Not really sure what bit you didn't get.

that sub title thing works even if you speak german because

its impossible to read english subtitles and listen to german speech simultaneously

The fact none of those ideas are original in the slightest? The Ostsiedlung idea had been going since the days of Charlemagne

>He wanted to conquer a lot of Europe to use as farm lands and populate with German people so Germany could become and isolated state that would be able to sustain itself with little to none outside contact and in doing so he started a with in the entirety of Europe and convinced the German people to continue to fight this war for 6 years. Not really sure what bit you didn't get.
so like the EU?

Only because UK and France conquered his colonies and the jews lead a world boycott agaisnt german products and the USSR was preparing to invade half europe wich did happen thanks to USA
all of that before the war

poo pol shoo shoo

Is this really a question that needs asking?

Why is Mosley the representative of the Eternal Anglo? He was a literal fucking fascist

because BEADY

Because he has beady eyes, it's part of the meme

In the 1920's there were many different small right-wing parties in Germany. So in order to increase their chances, the leaders of the party Adolf Hitler was in decided to merge with other right-wing parties and to make concessions in their party manifesto to make it work. Hitler was furious when he heard of this and immediately left the party as he didn't want to make concessions to anyone and didn't want to dillute his ideology. When they asked him to come back, he demanded to stop the merger, give him all the power and to make him dictator of the party forever.
And they actually did that. They gave in, just to get him back. Hitler was so charismatic and so good at holding speeches that the party would literally fall apart without him.
I think this movie shows his suggestive powers really well and explains how so many people believed in him until the very end.

This doesn't answer the question of the thread

It's related to this very scene, because people in that bunker are actually shocked when they see that their leader doesn't have a solution to this situation and instead breaks down screaming and crying. The war is obviously lost but they still believe in Hitler. You need to know why Hitler was so charismatic and had that much authority to understand this scene.

To them Hitler was above the level of human. In the Third Reich he was on par with being a deity. Some have theorized he was an avatar of Vishnu

Nothing about that was Sup Forums related, just mentioning Hitler dose not mean Sup Forums

>Who was in the wrong here?
>Is he /ourguy/?
>What did he mean by this?
Who created this shitposting meta?

What was your endgame?

>commies who like black are better than commies who like red

But black's an anarchist colour

grey then
or brown
whatever the fuck

This is the man who would have saved the white race..
Say something nice about him

>le both sides are the same
Good afternoon kike.

>To save the world I have to kill it
Was Hitler the first JRPG villain?


If you take a shit on a jewesses chest, does that make you a racemixer?

>killing the capitalist class and redistributing their wealth is different from killing the capitalist class and redistributing their wealth
mystics are mystics, they all worship death

But Hitler didn't believe in wealth redistribution you gigantic hebrew. In fact, Hitler believed in private property, which makes him a fake socialist.

Nah, if he was he'd have transformed into a dragon or something when his bunker was encircled.

>In fact, Hitler believed in private property,
unless Jews, Austrians, Slavs or Balts owned it

he wasn't a socialist in the marxist sense
you should read up on what national socialism means before you show your ignorance

And your point is? I thought both sides were the same.

And what does it mean? Enlighten me.

>I thought both sides were the same.
I'm pretty sure Lenin allowed owning private property during the NEP

then they stole it all again when it started working

"A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. ... Our adopted term "Socialist" has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, or efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false."

And that's the same as Hitler, because?

How is that any different from what I said?
>In fact, Hitler believed in private property, which makes him a fake socialist.


>What do you mean you can't find him? Look!
The scene where he asks Gunsche where he is was top comedy

I already explained to you the distinction you dense fuck


6 million weren't enough.



I just finished watching Aguirre Wrath of God, what in the fuck are you talking about?


I literally said the same thing you retard. I don't know if marxist socialism was the first type of socialism in history, but it certainly came about before Hitler's.

You use socialism either as a leftard, in which case, you use it in the sense of marxist socialism, or you use it in the sense of an American, i.e. no free market. Hitler's socialism didn't fit in neither of those categories.

>it didn't take the concerted effort of the entire world to take down germany

>ignores his generals advice all through the war
>responsible for blunder after blunder
>blames all his failures on others

he took probably the greatest armed force on earth at the time and ran it into the ground, had hitler allowed his generals to prosecute the war the way they wanted to, the soviets would have been beaten and the allies held in check, forcing them to the negotiation table.

>the soviets would have been beaten
Very debatable, I don't think taking Moscow would magically end the war, what really fucked it for them was a total inability to even pretend to support nationalist organisations in Ukraine and the Caucasus

nazis weren't commies

What docs are recommended to learn about the Nazis and Hitler and shit? I know very little but he seems like a pretty cool guy

No memes, Hitler. Even the dumbest of generals would not risk a two front war.

That's a really long way to say "Hey, moderate KPD voters come join our party instead"

>And that's the same as Hitler, because?
because it was the ultimate fate of Germany assuming they managed to peacefully exit war with Russia. Germany's social spending and military required a constantly expanding source of income and resources from foreign nations. In the later half of the war, up to 25% of the German budget was tribute from the Vichy French regime

The Greatest Story Never Told

Take your pick, there's about a thousand with ominous music inserted and footage of jews being deported

MEFO bills were a mistake

Himmler for being a traitorous faggot.

>I don't think taking Moscow would magically end the war
The Soviet Union was pretty war weary by this time IIRC and taking out Stalin and the rest of the government would've helped tremendously, especially considering all the people that hated communism.

>what really fucked it for them was a total inability to even pretend to support nationalist organisations in Ukraine and the Caucasus
This. It was just more fighting for useless land that's better to have as allies. How much fucking living space did they need? They were already going to triple in size if they just took European Russia.

>taking property from foreign nations after winning the war is the same as taking property from your own people as a matter of policy
>taking property from conquered lands would be a first (and a last) in human history

Yeah but I want a good accurate one not one that will be some twisted propaganda shit

all documentaries about Hitler are propaganda. is just in the opposite direction compared to the mainstream ones

>I want an apolitical film about the most important person in the 20th century
Yeah, not happening

considering how hard stalin was on his people, killing the soviet leadership would have neutralized the bulk of their forces, especially considering how he liquidated personnel left & right, they were very much motivated by fear rather than loyal. Also, Hitler pressed ahead with Kursk even after being told the Russians had prepared for them, avoiding the losses there and Stalingrad, and going straight for the oilfields would have created a very different scenario in the east.

Just read Mein Kampf.

>they were very much motivated by fear rather than loyal
Not after he brought the church back and they ordained it as a holy defence of the nation, that completely changed the attitude
>Also, Hitler pressed ahead with Kursk even after being told the Russians had prepared for them, avoiding the losses there and Stalingrad, and going straight for the oilfields would have created a very different scenario in the east.
Kursk was after Stalingrad though, like 6 months later

I mean any sane leader would have avoided both, he was told a million times but wouldnt listen, it's still strange to think someone didnt put a bullet in his head and try to salvage things

> it's still strange to think someone didnt put a bullet in his head and try to salvage things
They did, several times, it didn't end well

>implying this wasn't all a part of his plan
They expected Germany in the wreckage brother.

I only know about the bomb plot that was very late in the war, how many other assassination attempts did he survive?

i think speer was planning to chuck some gas in his bunker in 45 or that might've been something he made up idk my memory on this shit isn't great

Fegelein obviously. He won't stop with his antics.

More than 10 from what I remember, there was one about a bomb in a plane, one of he went to war with the Czechs that had some involvement of the Pope, the Beer Hall Bomb which he dodged because he left early, someone shot at him in a car. It ended up being a big part of why everyone bought into his shit, the man was blessed to not die until his appointed time

I remember hearing about a lot of Hitler impersonators that got killed by assassins thinking they were really him.

>what is WW1

Russia was the only front left, since France had been conquered. And realistically speaking, it would have been geographically impossible for the allies to push from Italy to Germany. Once the war on two fronts began, it was pretty obvious who would win. But the Nazis still nearly won the Battle of the Bulge, which would have set the stage for another Eastern Offensive, to push the Soviets back.

Hitler's biggest mistake was being too nice. He shouldn't have wasted so much time helping Mussolini. He should have turned Franco into his bitch. He should have just invaded England, instead of sending Hess to negotiate with the people that have plotted to kill you for the past decade. If Hitler had been as ruthless as people like to believe, we would be speaking German right now.

>Everyone who is a Giants fan leave this room... now

>But the Nazis still nearly won the Battle of the Bulge, which would have set the stage for another Eastern Offensive, to push the Soviets back.
Fucking delusional


>entire world
But when you feel so superior to almost everyone you decide to attack them or go after their interests instead of playing it cautions or content with your impressive early gains, what do you expect? The rest of the world to roll over? Hitler deserved everything that came to him, because his world view and dementia didn't make room for the advice of the much smarter and more competent advisers that he had on staff. He should have known to quit when he was ahead, or at least fall back and re-plan his efforts.

Where's mighty nation of Croatia and Manchukuo?

Where indeed.

Leon Degrelle flat out said that the only reason they lost that fight was because they didn't see oil the Americans had abandoned while retreating. I know you like to see your side as invulnerable and could never do wrong, but they were ready to get their asses handed to them. The allies only won because they had more resources. In terms of strategy and troop quality, the Germans were blatantly superior.

>Leon Degrelle
No one then gave a shit about Belgian Mosely and no one should now. You do realize the Germans squandered any chance they had on a mythical re-enactment of the exact same plan they used in 1939 right? And that it only did as well as it did because there was a blizzard, even if, by some miracle, they captured Bastogne even more of Germany would be occupied by the Soviets because Bagration had annihilated the best Germany had to offer

I'm downloading this right now, even though I have a copy on DVD. I feel lazy right now.

Anyway, nobody was in the wrong, they were all victims of circumstance.

>greatest armed forced on earth at the time
>being this historically inept